Omma, Omma

Super Love; Super Famous

Three days, that's how long I've stayed with Super Junior. I wanted to call Yuhan and Hana to tell them I'm fine but Heechul told me not to use it and turn it off. Being to shy and on edge I don't ask any of the members. I'd ask Heechul but he's to busy. Poor Yuhan, he's probably worried sick about me. What if Appa did something to him? Shaking the thought away, I change into white shorts and a grey long sleeve shirt with grey boots. Just then Eunhyuk come in with his gummy smile.

"Its your lucky day." He chimes.

"How come?" I my head to the side.

"Noona you are to cute. You'll be spending the day with me."

"You'll be with all of us, including Kyumi." Kyuhyun pushes Eunhyuk out of the way. "Are you ready?" I nod my head.

"Let's go Noona~" Eunhyuk drags me out the room.

Outside the rest of the members were situating themselves inside the vans. Wah. The weather feels amazing, not too cold or too hot, just perfect with a lite breeze. Following Eunhyuk, I sit in the van with Him, Kyuhyun, Heechul, Donghae, and Sungmin. Looking over at Donghae he seemed a little stressed. I can't wait to see Hana, being around her makes me think of the good memories between us.

"Hae, what's wrong?" Eunhyuk asks Him.

"Does it start with Ru and end in Mi?" Sungmin

"Yeah," He sighs. "A couple of days ago she was with this Yuhan guy begging him to stay and not go back to who knows where."

"Isn't Yuhan your brother Noona?" Kyuhyun asks.

"Y...y..yeah." Just then Heechul spits his water out causing the car to forget about Rumi and laugh at him.

"Hyung!" They all laugh even harder.

"Yah! Who do you think you are to be laughing at me!" Letting out a little giggle, I catch his attention. "You and I need to talk later."

"About what?"



{Rumi's POV}


"Appa, it feels good to finally have some alone time." I look around me. "Even if it's in a hospital." He laughs. 

"My Minni, I know things have been hard on you. Even if its for the wrong reasons it feels good to have them around." 

"I understand, but I barely stay at the house. I'm either at SJ's dorm or in the practice room."

"How are you and Donghae?" He takes my hands. 

"It's complicated."

"He still doesn't know." I nod my head. "Ru, if you want your relationship to last you need to tell him. Keeping secrets from him isn't right."

"I know. I'll tell him but when I'm ready." Appa shakes his head. The rest of the time I spent it with my bald old man we talked and even crying together. Saying goodbye, I leave to my schedule. Today I have a Photo shoot with SJ for HaYuJu then tomorrow I have my other comeback stage, my third and final comeback stages then the normal ones where I'll just promote Oath. 

Feeling someone nudging me, I awake from my beauty sleep. Rubbing my eyes, I look around, this place look oddly familiar. Our photo shoot location is my secret place, walking past the trees I see all the cameras and lighting set up. Out of all the meadows in the world, or in this country, why did this one have to be chosen? Seeing Mrs. Cha, I wanted to yell but I keep quiet. At the same time I'm opening the door someone on the other side was doing the same. Seeing Donghae once the door opens, I smirk and attack his lips. Surprised by my action, Hae stumbles back holding onto my waist. 

"Get a room!" The members yell. Hearing a shutter sound, Donghae pulls away, JunJu snap a picture with a Polaroid. Grabbing the photo she blows on it while fanning it. Letting go of Donghae I bring her into a hug. Pulling back I see Cinderella staring at me with no emotion, giving him a quick smile I go to the make-up chair. 

A staff member hands me my phone. "Yubeseyo." 

"Hanni, Such a pretty day for an outside photo shoot. Does your boyfriend know the truth?" How did he get my number? I wanted to say something back but my voice lost itself. All of a sudden the phone is taken from my hand. JunJu hung up and kidnaps my phone. The phone rings again. She ignore it. Ringing again, She answers but hangs up right away. Once again the phone went off, this time Donghae snatched the phone away. 

"Stop calling!" He screamed into the phone. The whole room stopped what they were doing. Tapping the hairdressers arm, she gets back to work. 

Everyone forgot about the whole situation and started getting ready. Mrs. Cha walked in, observing everything, she then started a conversation with Ju. The hair stylist curled my hair and added a red flower crown on top. The guys already dressed left the trailer, so I could get dressed. Changing into a cream color belly shirt and short, I walk outside feeling the chilly breeze hit me. Waking behind Hae I wrap my arms around his waist. "I love you." I mutter. 

I feel Donghae vibrate from laughter, that made him happy. "I love you too." He turns around hugging me close. 

The dictator first set up Super Junior the way he wanted them, then placed me in the middle. Acting natural and playful was key. During the shoot I saw JunJu walk away with Mrs. Cha, where are they going? Forgetting the thought, I lay on the ground where they put Eunhae on each side of me. They ask me to cross my right leg and hook it onto Donghae side, while I lay my head on Eunhyuk's chest and my arm above my head touching his face. 

Finishing the first part of the photo shoot, Mrs. Cha comes back. "Rumi..... Can you please change into regular clothes and come with me." Instead of asking she demands. Giving her a look she snatches her black glasses off. My body instantly hit the ground. Although it was getting dark I could still see her face. 




"Kyumi, are you okay?"

"Is she alright?"

"Mrs. Cha what did you do?"

"She's fine. Come Rumi, just come with me." The person whom I thought was Mrs. Chia came over to me, pulling me up. My mind wanted to protest but my body fought against it. Another force from the other side kept me from going with her. 

"I've had enough of Rumi having a mental break down and others taking her away from me. What the hell is going on!" Donghae's anger shocked me, kind of hot. 

"I'll tell you later." I snatch my arm away from him, leaving him behind. 

In the car JunJu was already in there crying her eyes out. I look away not wanting to reach her state. We rode in silence until the car stopped in front of an apartment complex. Jun and I follow behind, entering a luxury apartment. Did she sell enough drugs to get here? She gestures for us to sit down. 

"I bet you have a lot of questions." We nod out head, afraid that if we speak something wrong will come out. 

"I'll explain from the beginning." She takes a deep breath. "But when your bother gets here." A couple minutes later Yuhan walks. Shocked he stood still. 

"Omma?" Yuhan sounded like a little boy. 

"Sit down and let me explain, please." Yuhan obeys sitting down next to me. Omma looks up at us, smiling. "A month prior to Hana leaving I started seeing this guy, he was younger than me. For some odd reason he wanted to change my ways. Then one day I stay absolutely sober, no alcohol or drugs, and I started thinking. Thinking about my kids and how the man I called a husband treated them, how I treated them.

"So the day Hana left, I left to see what I can make of myself. I wish I could have taken you guise but I wanted to make sure I was in good condition before bring my kids, Hana, JunJu, and Yuhan. My brand is named after you, HaYuJu. My youngest to oldest." She started crying. "Hana then I found out you became famous but didn't reveal your real life. I decided to make the brand to the public and asked for you to model them. I thought if I got close to you as Mrs. Cha, things would be easier to explain. Boy was I wrong." She half kindheartedly laughs. 

"I'm sorry. I want to take you two away from him and keep all of you safe from him. That monster doesn't deserve to keep you and I'm sorry for understanding it a little too late."

"Too late would be one of us being dead." Yuhan said. He was always an Omma's boy, even if she didn't treat us as kids but slaves. She never did lay a finger on us, she just never cared to protect us from who did. 

"Live with me. Don't go back. Please forgive me, take me back as your Omma." At this point she was on her knees begging. A guard came in lifting her back up to sit down. "I'll keep you safe." She whales. 

"Omma." JunJu flung herself into Omma's arms. Ju would always be the first to accept or apologize to someone. Forgiveness was her strength and sometimes a weakness.

"I'm sorry, JuJu."

"Omma, only weak people say sorry." I got up walking over to her. I sat beside her taking in the love she was giving. Tears started streaming down my face. 

"You guise are going to make me cry." Yuhan put his head down. 

"Come here." Omma call him. Our first family hug. 

Right now, in this moment, everything is perfect. But when I walk out those doors, I'll have a lot of explaining to do.

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Chapter 32: Nooo! Go back Rumi! Anyways, going to read the sequel now
Chapter 32: awwww the end was so heartbreaking!! Great story,i loved the outfits pics you posted!!! Great job author ^^
ch3nya #3
Chapter 32: :O that was the ending NOOO!!! So sad
MikaKelly #4
Chapter 31: The way the story ended was a complete surprise. I really thought RumI would have fought harder for Donghae. She seemed to have really opened her self up more to others through the course of the story, and admitted her feelings to Donghae/ herself. I think if she loved him as much as she claimed she would have gone after him and told him the truth. Not giving up until he listened. Despite being afraid. I was really hoping that the story would have a happy ending. Instead it was so sad. Hopefully they Rumi and Donghae can find each other again.
MikaKelly #5
Chapter 31: What this is how the story is ending? So disappointed.
hyukbear #6
Chapter 31: No don't. Runaway from Hae Ru!!!
hyukbear #7
Chapter 30: omg!!!! Please no.... Why did they did that to her
Chapter 30: OMG WHO EFFING DID THIS?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
donghae please please listin to her
Chapter 28: whO SPREAD IT
angel116 #10
Chapter 27: Update soon!!!