Appa, Why?

Super Love; Super Famous
"Hana!" I hear Appa  call for me. Ignoring him I reply to Wook oppa's text. Big mistake Appa comes in slamming the door shut. I jump from the loud sound and hide my phone behind my back. "I called you. Why didn't you come down?" 
"I couldn't hear you." Just then my phone went off.
"Give it to me."
"No." Appa grabbed my shoulder with one hand and using the other one to reach behind to get the phone. A burning sensation comes next. "Appa why did you hit me?" I cry out.
"I told you to give me the phone." He opens it and reads the text. "Hanni ~ Can't wait to see you tomorrow. I'll talk to you later." He look over at me and starts walking closer. "You think this kid likes you? He only wants from you. After he get that he'll throw you out like the piece of you are. Who would want you? Nobody will ever love?" With that he threw the phone against the wall breaking it into tiny pieces.
Nobody will ever love you..... Nobody will ever love you..... Nobody will ever love you.
My body jerks up.
 It's only a dream Ru calm yourself. 
I wipe the sweat of my forehead and lay back down. He was obviously wrong, Donghae loves me. He loves me, he said he loved me last night. 
Oh my gosh. 
With this crazy beating heart I'm surprised it hasn't woken him up yet. Moving on my side I feel a light breeze hit my chest, quickly pulling up the sheets to cover my s. I take a deep breath looking at the sleeping figure that lays beside me. 
Donghae you pabo fishy, rain does not equal . It meant I didn't have to tell you the truth. Without thinking I flick him on the forehead. He starts moving and mumbling to let him sleep longer, I turn so I'm facing the other way hoping he doesn't notice me. I feel the bed sink in causing me to role back a little. Next thing I Know, Donghae's arms pull me back hitting his chest.
"Good morning." He mumbles into my neck. I pretend like I'm sleeping and stay still. "Omo.... I gave you a hickey."
"What?" I jump off the bed dragging the cover with me to the bathroom mirror. "Why?' I crouch to the floor. "I don't like you."
"You didn't sound like it last night." He smirks. Eunhyuk has influenced him too much. I slam the door shut, turning on the water I quickly check for any other marks. Another hickey on my right shoulder and stomach. He knows I have A comeback soon, they better disappear by then. I hop into the shower letting the water relax my body. "Rumi ~." Donghae enters.
"Get out." 
"Why?" I stick my head out.
"Pass me the shampoo." As he hands me the bottle I couldn't help but let my eyes roam his body. After all isn't mine too?
"Like what you see?"
"I do." I put the shampoo in my hair. "If I didn't last night would not happen." 
"Rumi, Can I -"
"Get in." He hops in.
Finishing our shower, I start blow drying my hair. Who's apartment is this? What am I supposed to get dressed into. I walk over to the living room looking for my fishy. My fishy. I can get used to saying that. Mine, mine, mine, mine. What is wrong with me? 
"What are you smiling about?" Donghae walks out of a room dressed in different closes.
"Nothing." I shake my head. "What am I supposed to wear?"
"You can stay in that." He pointed at the towel wrapped tightly around my body. 
"Check Sora Noona's closet." He pointed to the room behind him. Scanning her wardrobe I hear Hae lay on the bed. "You're not doing to ask me who Sora Noona is?"
"She could be my lover."
"You wouldn't cheat on me with an older women." 
"How sure are you of that?"
"You've seen me ." 
"You have  a point but still....." He starts mumbling words. I sigh.
"Who's Sora Noona?"
"Hyukki's sister." I pick out black leggings slipping them on. "Do they fit?" I nod my head, taking out a grey over-sized sweatshirt.
"She let you borrow her apartment."
"I had to beg for it." Just then my phone went off.
"Yubseyo.....Ne....O...okay." I take a deep breath. "Donghae take me to the Hospital. I hurry out the room looking for my heels.
"Why? Whats wrong?" he grabs his stuff.
"Appa is in the hospital."
I don't let Donghae finish parking before my body starts rushing towards the emergency center. Running up to the nurses desk I ask for Appa. They tell me he's still in surgery and that when he's done the doctor will inform me of his condition. I feel something being put on my head and an arm around my shoulders. Donghae put a cap on my head so we wouldn't draw attention to us. 
The nurse guides us to the waiting room. Inside there were a couple with two kids and another guy. Sitting in the far corner Donghae rubs my shoulder comforting me. How did Appa end up in the hospital? He was just fine yesterday, playing around with Donghae. Unknowingly tear drops begin to fall. I move my hand to wipe them away to have Fishy beat me to it. Looking over at him I take his glasses and put them on me. 
"Kwon Rumi?" I look up at the lady in front of me; She looked a little older than me. "Can we talk outside." I nod my head. Getting up I glance over at Hae, he looked concerned. Walking into the hall I lean against the wall crossing my arms.
"You're his daughter....right?" I ask her already knowing the answer.
"Yes....Ummm....I....I just want to know if he showed any signs of sickness."
"No. The last time I saw him was yesterday, he looked perfectly fine..... even joking around." Looking over at her, she looked like she trying to figure something out. "How did you know....I mean....that...I was here for him."
"I saw him on TV once. Telling the world he was proud of his Minni. Becoming a big star and everything. What do you know about him?" Attitude much. Kicking myself off the wall I stand up straight facing her. 
"I know he has a daughter and son who blame him for a death he couldn't help. Leaving behind your father, that's a bit shady considering your standing here in a Hospital waiting to hear news about him." Seeing the shock expression on her face, I walk back inside.
"What did she want?" Donghae whispered.
"Don't worry about it."
"Miss. Kwon?"
"Yes." Donghae and I stand up.
"Can you please follow me." Walking past his 'family' I hear fake come out of the daughter's mouth. well this fake gets to hear about Appa. We followed the doctor into his office. Taking a seat I can tell what I'm about to be told is not good news.
"Miss Kwon," The doctor starts.
"Call me Rumi." I interrupt.
"Well, Rumi, the cancer is back." Cancer? "We caught in time to where he's strong enough to start Leukemia. Is that something you believe he will want?" I can't answer that.
"Let me speak to him."
"He's not awake yet."
"I want to see him"
"Rumi you need to make a decision, yes or no?"
"Let me see him. Can't I make this decision when he's awake?"
"Yes, but it is better to start the treatment wh-"
"Then let me see him." The doctor calls in a nurse and tells her to take us to Appa's room. Outside I hear his 'family' arguing to see him. Now they want to talk to him.
Walking inside the room I stop making Hae bump into me. I can't move, breathing becomes difficult. I feel my feet leave the ground, Donghae sits us in the chair and starts rocking back in fourth. "It's okay." After ten minutes I get used to the fact that Appa has wires coming out his mouth and stand up. "Can you leave me alone?" Donghae kisses my cheek before leaving me with Appa. 
Standing beside his bed I collapse to the floor. Holding his cold hand I feel my heart breaking. What if things go wrong and he leaves me behind? I take my glasses letting my tears roll down. The one person I knew would never leave me gets sick, he gets something I didn't even know he had before.
"W...w...hy? Why him? Appa!" I cried like there was no tomorrow. Moving myself against the wall, I cry. I cry about everything; my past, Jiwook, Donghae, the hard work I put in to get where I am now. Everything. 30 minutes later I hear the door open, quickly I wipe away the tears.
"Rumi?" A guy calls my name. Looking much he looks a lot like Appa. "Hello, I'm Kwon Zander." Appa's son, luckily Appa had the same last name as mine. "Can we get your permission to see.... Ummm.... Appa."
"Sure." The couple that I saw when I came in turned out to be the daughter and her husband. I'm guessing the kids are hers. Speaking of the kids they were loud, really loud. Screaming and playing around. "Tell the kids to get out." I stand up putting my glasses on.
"I'll watch them." Donghae sticks his head in. The daughter nods. Donghae asks the kids if they're hungry, taking them to the cafeteria. 
"Rumi, this is Jamie, my sister." That's her name. Appa must have picked out their names. I just nod my head not really caring who she is.
"What made you guys come back?" Then I thought for a moment.  "Hoping he'll die to take his money." 
"He killed our mom, it's the least he can do." 
"Jamie." Zander warned her. "Rumi that's not what I'm here for." Bull .
"If that's all you're here for then leave. You're wasting your time, his is not going to die." Just then Appa started opening his eyes. I call the nurse in and she takes out the tubes from his mouth.
"Ru Ru... water."
"Nurse water!" I hear Jamie mumble something. 
"Jamie....Zander...What are you doing here?"
"To kill you then take your money."
"Appa... we are sorry. I di-"
"Appa, The doctors asked me to make a decision but I couldn't make it without you."
"He is not your Appa!" Jamie Screams.
"Jamie." Appa scolds her. 
"I act more like a daughter to him then you ever did."
"Rumi, stop. Whats that the Doctors told you to do?"
"Are you really going to ignore us." Jamie questioned.
"You had plenty of time for my attention. What is it Ru?"
"The doctor wants to know if you want to go through Chemotherapy."
"Oh my gosh! Of course he is, don't you know anything? Stupid Idol!"
"If I knew I wouldn't be asking, ."
"Ugh! You -" 
"Knock it off." Appa says "Call the doctors back in." Ten minutes later the doctors come in. After hours of talking, and some arguing, we came to a decision. 
Mad I walk out seeing a sleeping Fishy with two kids in his arms. Cute. "Yah. Lets go." Shocked at first he shakes his to wake up. "Leave the kids." Grabbing his arm I drag him out the hospital to his car. Taking the keys I sit in the driver seat waiting for the old man to hurry up.
"What's going on?" He enters the car rubbing his eyes. Pulling out of the hospital, I put his shades on not wanting him to see me cry.
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Chapter 32: Nooo! Go back Rumi! Anyways, going to read the sequel now
Chapter 32: awwww the end was so heartbreaking!! Great story,i loved the outfits pics you posted!!! Great job author ^^
ch3nya #3
Chapter 32: :O that was the ending NOOO!!! So sad
MikaKelly #4
Chapter 31: The way the story ended was a complete surprise. I really thought RumI would have fought harder for Donghae. She seemed to have really opened her self up more to others through the course of the story, and admitted her feelings to Donghae/ herself. I think if she loved him as much as she claimed she would have gone after him and told him the truth. Not giving up until he listened. Despite being afraid. I was really hoping that the story would have a happy ending. Instead it was so sad. Hopefully they Rumi and Donghae can find each other again.
MikaKelly #5
Chapter 31: What this is how the story is ending? So disappointed.
hyukbear #6
Chapter 31: No don't. Runaway from Hae Ru!!!
hyukbear #7
Chapter 30: omg!!!! Please no.... Why did they did that to her
Chapter 30: OMG WHO EFFING DID THIS?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
donghae please please listin to her
Chapter 28: whO SPREAD IT
angel116 #10
Chapter 27: Update soon!!!