
Super Love; Super Famous

For the first time in my new world, I wanted to run away from it; run away from the people who care and want me to feel loved. 

Walking into the grounds of hell, all the unwanted memories flash through my head; the memories that made me fight for a new world. 

Here I won't be recognized as Kwon Rumi, but as Kwon Hana; the girl who lived in the house of crying children; a girl who had no rights; the one who was treated like a punching bag. It all still looks the same; run down houses, graffiti walls, and lifeless trees. 

I'm lost in darkness. 

My body felt numb from the Cold. The only warmth I feel are the tears streaming down my face. 

I'm not angry because of the way I see and think about things, or people in general. I'm angry because of the people around me. Being here calmness runs through my body. 

Here no one will bother me; no one will make me do thing I don't want to do or ask me why I am the way I am. They would already know. 

Coming face to face with my old life I play all the abuse that happened in that house. I needed to remind myself what happened and my reason for fighting. 

I can't go back. I will not go back. 

{Donghae POV}

The whole time we were in the meeting with Mr. Lee Soo Man I couldn't take my mind off Rumi. No matter how hard I tried, every thought and word brought me back to her. 

Walking out of the conference room I ask the secretary for Rumi's number. I know the two of us aren't on good terms, but something is telling me that she isn't in a good place right now. 

Dialing her number I hear a vibration by the chair where Rumi had sat earlier. Rumi's phone layed on the floor; grabbing it I make my way towards our practice room. 


After hours of practice it's finally over. The worried feeling I felt earlier crept up on me.

Is Rumi alright?

Just then the door slams open gaining all our attention. "Have any of you seen Mimi?" Rumi's father, who opened the door, asked us.

"Kwon Rumi?" Kyuhyun asks her father.

"Yes." He nods his head whipping off some sweat. "I'm her father." 'oh's go off in the room from the members who did not visit her.

She doesn't look like her father.

"No sir, we haven't seen her." Leeteuk hyung says.

"Have you checked her practice room?" Ryeowook asks.

"Yes, I've checked everywhere; she not in her room, the recording studio, or her secret place."

She has a secret place?

"I think I have a clue to where she can be at." Kyuhyun says. We all gathered around him looking at the screen of his phone; an article about a fan recording Rumi while she wondered around the cold night. Kyu clicked on the video link, she was practically in tears. The first time I ever saw her show any emotion except for anger and annoyance. 

"I know where she went." With that her father ran out the door. Grabbing my coat I run after him. She was the worried feeling. I hear the other telling me to stay but I ignore their request. Rumi's the only thing on my mind right now and if I don't see how she's doing I'll never get that worried feeling out of me.

It's cold outside worse than it was this morning and it has started snowing. I look over at Mr. Kwon, he look worried, tired, and angry. All the things that could be wrong with Rumi pass through my mind. 

15 minutes later we turn onto a dark road, the neighborhood looks rough. What is she doing in this part of town? The car lights find Rumi curled up into a ball with her back against someone's garage. Mr. Kwon and I quickly run towards her. She's still alive. I take my coat off wrapping it around her and lift her up bridal style. 

"Appa." she cries out. 

"It's okay Ru, Appa is here, and we are going home." He rubs her back before running back to the car and turning the heat on high.

"But I am home." She whispers to where only I heard her. Home? I put her in the back seat sliding in next to her. 

"Oppa, I'm sorry." She whispers. "I don't hate you, I like you." I slide her onto my lap holding her close. Now I can really call you an ice princess. 

Arriving at her house I take her inside as fast as I can head straight for the bathroom. Mr. Kwon starts running the warm water. 

"Sometimes I wish my wife was around." Mr. Kwon mutters. What did happen to Rumi mother?

I sit her on the toilet seat holding her up so she won't fall over. She looks weak. At that very moment I missed the sharp tongue Rumi. Pulling her sweatshirt over her head I go for her tank top when I notice that her father was in the room. 
"Yah! Close your eyes and try not to get to touchy when taking her pants off. I'm glad you came but I will kill you." He threatens me. Hearing Rumi cough I get back taking off the rest of her close with my eyes closed the whole time.

Not like I haven't seen her in her undergarments before. 

With my eyes still close I lift her up and with Mr. Kwon we gently place her inside the tub filled with warm water. She shudders at the sudden change of temperature squeezing my arm tightly. 

"I'll be back. I'm going to make her some hot chocolate." He said walking out the door. After hearing the door shut I open my eyes. Her father had placed a towel over her body. Her eyes were closed as her chest rose up and down slowly. She slowly let her grip on my arm go as her hand made its way down to hand staying there.

"Rumi don't make me worry, ever." I told her sitting down. 

"No one ever told you to worry about me." And she's back. Opening her eyes I notice just how innocent she looks. "Take a picture it last longer.” I chuckled as her sudden outburst. Her voice sound rough but it was still soft and straight forward.

"Yah, I'll just Google you." That made her giggle. "You should smile more often." 

"I should do a lot of things more often." A frown shows up making me frown in the process.

"You shouldn't frown; be happy." 

"Stop that," she says turning her head towards the wall. "I don't like when people do that." I wanted to ask why but then I would be doing what she just asked me not to; people telling her what she should and shouldn't do with herself.

Instead I got up and walk towards the door. "I'll be in the living room your father should be bringing you clothes." I got my phone out and told the members that she was okay and that I'll be home soon. 

"Donghae," Rumi calls out to be while holding onto the wall. "Take me to my room, please."

"Am I your slave or something?" I ask playfully as I walk towards her.

"Yes, since the day you dropped me." I shake my head, but pick her up bridal style anyways and I make my way up the stairs. Her white sweater with a clown fish on it rides up making me feel her soft skin. She still feels cold. 

I turn left and open the door to her room. I set her down on the bed making sure to tuck her in. I start walking away but she grabs my wrist. 


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Chapter 32: Nooo! Go back Rumi! Anyways, going to read the sequel now
Chapter 32: awwww the end was so heartbreaking!! Great story,i loved the outfits pics you posted!!! Great job author ^^
ch3nya #3
Chapter 32: :O that was the ending NOOO!!! So sad
MikaKelly #4
Chapter 31: The way the story ended was a complete surprise. I really thought RumI would have fought harder for Donghae. She seemed to have really opened her self up more to others through the course of the story, and admitted her feelings to Donghae/ herself. I think if she loved him as much as she claimed she would have gone after him and told him the truth. Not giving up until he listened. Despite being afraid. I was really hoping that the story would have a happy ending. Instead it was so sad. Hopefully they Rumi and Donghae can find each other again.
MikaKelly #5
Chapter 31: What this is how the story is ending? So disappointed.
hyukbear #6
Chapter 31: No don't. Runaway from Hae Ru!!!
hyukbear #7
Chapter 30: omg!!!! Please no.... Why did they did that to her
Chapter 30: OMG WHO EFFING DID THIS?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
donghae please please listin to her
Chapter 28: whO SPREAD IT
angel116 #10
Chapter 27: Update soon!!!