Kwon Rumi Meets YG

Super Love; Super Famous
"Shut up!" I swear Super Junior are probably the loudest people I have ever met. Today Cinderella, Fishy, Anchovy, EvilKyu, and Wookie invited themselves to my house. Currently Wookie is cooking, Kyu and Heechul are arguing over a game on the computer, Eunhyuk is laying on the floor texting who knows, and Donghae is sitting with me on the couch watching TV. "It's a stupid game!"
"Say it’s stupid one more time." Kyu threatens me. Ignoring him I turn my attention to the TV. YG artist were being interview. 
"How do you guys feel about Kwon Rumi? She has a similar hip hop style as well."
"When she first debuted it was a shock to all of us. SM entertainment is known to produce bubbly pop groups and her style was similar to our style." G-Dragon answers.
" We aren't bubbly!" Heechul argues.
"You're conceded." I argue back. 
"And you’re not." Kyu defends Cinderella.
"How do you guys feel she is similar to your way of doing things?"
"I barely see her doing variety show, and that's something the 2NE1 members barely do as well." CL 
"When you read the articles about people saying she should be under YG, what did you think?"
"It was kind of irritating that the public stereotypes the two entertainment companies in that way." TOP 
"Do you think they copied you?
"Although we are different, I don't believe that they copied us because we don't own that style. We all took hip hop as a genera and Interpreted the way we thought it should be put." G-Dragon 
"How do you feel about Rumi?"
"I’m a very huge Fan. She is very cute even though she put this hard appearance. I hope to meet her soon." Seungri
"One of my favorite songs by her is 0.1. I feel the pain of a break up, it's heartbreaking." Bom
"I would like to get to know her and actually work with her. I like the way she raps." G-Dragon
"Well thank you dragon boy." I talk to the TV. 
"Don't talk to the TV it's weird." Donghae leans his head on my shoulder.
"I thought you didn't know Celebrities." Eunhyuk says.
"You’re like Wookie." Heechul compares.
"Yah! I will make you no food for you." Ryeowook yells.
"Am I your friend that you can talk to me like that?" Heechul scolds him.
"I don't, but I know him." I reply with a smile on my face. 
"CL, In a recent top 10 Best Female Rapper. You came second while Rumi came in first. What are your thoughts on that."
"She is someone who debuted before us and I respect her, but seeing that we both have a different style of rapping you can't really compare us."
"Rapping is rapping. She just hates the fact that I got first."
"She's CL the baddest female." Donghae raps.
"And Rumi is A Monster." Eunhyuk sings.
"Monster Rumi." Heechul tunes out.
The program ends and Wookie calls us to eat. I set the table and brought out the drinks. Sitting down I look around at dorks in front us me. Just last year I wouldn't even look at them, now they’re in my house making me food. Although they get annoying, I know they will always be there for me. When I need to talk to them I can, easily....sometimes. I really did make friends.
"What are you thinking about?" Donghae feeds me a piece of meat.
"You," He smiles. "And the others." His smile drops. 
"Awwww, Monster has a soft spot." Heechul coos.
"The two of you should just date." Eunhyuk huffs out.
"Shut up." I tell them. With that Kyuhyun changes the subject to talking about StarCraft. Dinner was fun, but now I wanted them out my house. 
"Can you guys leave?" I whine.
"Yeah, we got to get up early tomorrow." With that they all got up and put their coats on. I pinch myself making sure I was not dreaming and that suju was leaving my house without arguing about it.
"Don't hurt yourself." Donghae says. I got up to let them out and to make sure they stay out. Half way out Hae turns around and pulls me by my hips into him. I turn to see the others were already getting in the van. 
"Can I help you?" I cross my arms. 
"Why what?"
"Do you make me feel like a crazy person?" I laugh.
"Cause you are one." I push him off and close the door. 
I'm not ready fishy. 
I get ready for bed. Although it early I need to go to sleep cause I have an early schedule tomorrow as well. Come to think of it I don't even know what it's about.
The next morning I wait for my Meanager to take me to the salon. Before heading there we stop at a Starbucks. 
"What do you want?" Biho asks me
"Frappé Mocha with chocolate chips." I look to my left and realize that another black van is parked next to mine. Whose it is, I have no idea. Just then the window rolls down revealing a man with black glasses on. 
The wind flipped his hair up. I laugh at his reaction. He motions for me to roll the window down. I don't do it. After a minute he takes his glasses off. He has dark circles under his eyes. Once again he motions to roll the window down. I don't to it. 
He looks familiar, but I couldn't put a name down. He turns to say something to someone and I see Kwon Jiyong. Oh it's Big Bang. I roll the window down catching the attention of GD and The dark eyes kid. 
"Noona!" He screams. 
"Just call me Rumi." I hate the word Noona makes me feel old. Once Taemin called me that, lets just say the red mark on his face was there for a good month. 
"Rumi, do you know who I am?" 
"A member of Big Bang." I told him resting my arms on the window sill. 
"My name." I shrugged my shoulders. He laughs and turns to Jiyong. "I'm Seungrie." He says sticking his hand out. 
"Oh the one from the interview last night." I moved my body half way out the window and pulled him giving him a hug. 
"Y...y...yeah." He blushes making me smile. Just then my manager came. "You watched that."
"Yeah. CL is interesting." With that I close the window and Biho pulled out. Passing me my drink we made our way to the salon.
"Big Bang?"
"I saw there manager inside."
"What's the deal with YG?"
"What do you mean?"
Walking in I see I'm not the only celebrity there. 2NE1 was sitting down getting their hair and make-up done. I sit down to get my hair washed. I love it when people rub my head it makes me feel sleepy and relaxed. Getting up the hair dresser put me in a chair between CL and a red head girl. They look up shock to see that we go to the same salon.
 As they start to blow dry my hair I decide to send SJ a wake up text. Sending a simple 'Hey' to all of them to see who replies first. My stylist walks in and tells them to curl my hair and leave my bangs straight. Unni can be very demanding but she's cool, my make-up/hairstylist is the mean one. 
To: Monster -__- 
From: Cinderella
Yah! I'm trying to get my beauty sleep. You should try it. 
To: Whoohoo Ru ;)
From: Anchovy
Me sleep 
Those were all the replies I got. The hair dresser starts curling my hair. I hear CL call out 'Bom' to the red head when the lady finished blow drying my hair. The makeup artist then came over to get started on my face. I tuned out their conversation and fell to sleep. Being awoken by my stylist, she takes me to the back to get changed. I'm not the only one in the back, 2NE1 is there. 
"What do you want to wear?"
"Idk. I don't even know what I'm doing today."
"Really? How do you not know where you’re going?"
"Last time I knew where I was going I didn't show up because I didn't like them."
"What about if you show up and you don't like them?"
"I pretend to do so."
"I'll call Biho wait here." I sat down and looked up. A girl with short hair was looking at me.
"Hey, I'm Minzy. How old are you?"
"21, but don't call me Unni just Rumi if you're older." She nods her head.
"How come?" Bom asks. 
"It makes me feel old and way to formal for me. If you do not know, I'm not the most formal person."
"I'm Dara. Call me Unni though."
"Bom. Just Bom even though you are younger than me." CL didn't say anything she had her eyes on the jewelry she wanted to wear. Just then Stylist unni walks in. 
"I know what to put you in."
"Why did you pack so much?"
"I wasn't told what you were going today, so I wanted to be prepared." My phone started ringing. It was Donghae. I ignore his call. It went off once again. Ignore. Ring. Ignore. Ring. 
"Will you answer it or turn it off!" CL said. I put the volume up. Once again Donghae called and again I ignored it. 
"Ummm... Rumi look." Minzy showed me a picture of me and Donghae. It was of last night, Hae was holding onto my hips while my hands were on his chest. We looked like a couple, smiling at each other; when the person snapped this photo I was about to push him off. I quickly call Donghae back. 
"Can't you answer the damn phone?" He yells
"You know. Did you see the picture?" 
"That's why I called."
"Lee Soo Man wants to talk to us tomorrow." With that he hung up. I sat down frustrated with the picture. Stupid paparazzi. 
I got dressed and left to get the schedule over with. Arriving at the place it's a hip hop theme show. Big Bang, 2NE1, Dynamic Duo, Tasha, tiger, Miryo, and others I didn't know. Going over a few things with the MCs and PD, I take my seat in between Jiyong and Top in the first row. The show starts and we introduce ourselves. 
"Rumi," One of the MCs come up to me moving Jiyong so he can sit by me to only be pulled back. "I know her we're close."
"No we aren't." This caused laughter among the MCs. 
"Rumi as we all know you are known to having a sharp tongue earning you some nicknames."
"Yes," I laugh, "Heechul calls me Monster Ru, Kyuhyun calls me Kyumi, Eunhyuk calls me Whoohoo Ru, and then I have Evil Rumi."
"Super Junior?"
"Are you close to them?"
"I am very close to Oppas some more than others."
"In a recent picture, you and Donghae seem as if you are dating. Are you dating?" What do I say? We were supposed to talk about this until tomorrow. The way I see it, it will look extremely bad if I say no. 
"Yes. I am dating Donghae. "
"Of Super Junior."
"Yes "
"Congratulations! Not many celebrities are willing to admit it." This won't air until two weeks so let's see what happens. People can break up in two weeks, right?
The MCs start asking question. Everyone’s having a good time; I even had to do a freestyle rap against Jiyong. It came to a tie. 
"Rumi, How do you feel when people say you should be in YG entertainment instead of SM entertainment. 
"It doesn't bother me. The people can say and think whatever they want. Whether they think I should or shouldn't, I'm still under SM and not YG."
"Sometimes your actions seem a little drastic."
"If I believe that I crossed the line with what I said or did, then I will own up to it and apologize."
"Seungri says he is a big fan of yours." 
"Can I have your autograph?" Seungri pulls out his phone to drawing pad making the room laugh. I quickly sign it. 
"Thank you. I saw the interview."
"Would you ever work with Jiyong?"
"I would. I like working with different people when it comes to music."
We finally ended. While I was getting my microphone taken off of me Seungri calls me over. I walk over. "You want to go out to eat with us?" 
"I'm good. I have some things to take care of." With that I walked off. I have had enough with YG to last me a life time.
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Chapter 32: Nooo! Go back Rumi! Anyways, going to read the sequel now
Chapter 32: awwww the end was so heartbreaking!! Great story,i loved the outfits pics you posted!!! Great job author ^^
ch3nya #3
Chapter 32: :O that was the ending NOOO!!! So sad
MikaKelly #4
Chapter 31: The way the story ended was a complete surprise. I really thought RumI would have fought harder for Donghae. She seemed to have really opened her self up more to others through the course of the story, and admitted her feelings to Donghae/ herself. I think if she loved him as much as she claimed she would have gone after him and told him the truth. Not giving up until he listened. Despite being afraid. I was really hoping that the story would have a happy ending. Instead it was so sad. Hopefully they Rumi and Donghae can find each other again.
MikaKelly #5
Chapter 31: What this is how the story is ending? So disappointed.
hyukbear #6
Chapter 31: No don't. Runaway from Hae Ru!!!
hyukbear #7
Chapter 30: omg!!!! Please no.... Why did they did that to her
Chapter 30: OMG WHO EFFING DID THIS?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
donghae please please listin to her
Chapter 28: whO SPREAD IT
angel116 #10
Chapter 27: Update soon!!!