The Truth Hurts

Super Love; Super Famous

"Appa, tell those brats to shut the hell up." I whine. 

"Language, their little kids. Let them be." He says taking a bite of chocolate cake. 

"Who brought this cake, it's really good." I stuff a big piece into my mouth. 

"Ru, there's something I want to give you." Appa grabs a bad from his table stand. "I bought this a while ago just looking for the perfect time. I would have given it to you for your birthday but since no celebrations are aloud to take place, I forgot about it." I laugh. Why celebrate you getting old? Appa pulls out a blue Tiffany's box handing it over to me. 

"Appa fancy." I wiggle my eye brows. Opening the box, a heart locket with a diamond on the corner sparkles at me.

"Open it." It was a picture of me and Appa last year at his business picnic. Uncrossing my legs I give Appa a hug, putting on the necklace.

"Thank you, for everything. I don't think you'll ever know how thankful I truly am of you, Appa."

"You're acting like I'm going to die today."

"YOU ARE NOT GOING TO DIE!" I yell causing the kids to poke there head inside. "Stop being nosy." I scold them making them run off. 

"Minnie, I'm an old man. An old man with cancer. Death is coming to me." 

"I know." Nodding my head in agreement. "I just hope it's not when I need you the most." 

When I came in this morning, the first thing I told Appa was about Omma; he already knew about the devil. He said that he's proud of me of forgiving my mother and seeing the new her. I told him it wouldn't be fair to my sibling, considering I did the same thing and they forgave me easily. Giving Appa a final hug and a kiss goodbye, I make my way out the hospital. 

At home, I was alone, Jamie was who knows where while Zander and Jamie's husband were working. Stripping from my clothes, I run a warm bubble bath, taking a much needed rest. Today I have off but starting tomorrow I'll be busy as a bee. Promoting, Photo shoots, CFs, and my first world tour; Monster Rumi Live. Being with Appa made me forget my problems, like still having to talk to Donghae then the rest of the members. Why does life have to be so complicated?


{Donghae's POV}


Today marks Rumi and I's 100th day anniversary, although we've been having a touch week, I still have something prepared for her. Getting up from bed I go into the living room, I sit next to Hyukkie who was eating some fried rice. Saying 'Ah' Hyuk feeds me a spoon full, yummy. I grab the remote for the TV switching it to E! News. I don't normally watch celebrity gossip but it's like Sunday morning cartoons, it entertains me. The rest of the members come in, finding their own spots in the living room. 

"Breaking News." the reporter catches our attention. "It has been reported that Kwon Rumi supposed life story is a fake. What we were told about Rumi's life before she became an Idol was that she is an only child. Her mother died when she was young, leaving her and her father to live without a wife or mother. All that was a lie.

"The REAL Kwon Rumi is not Kwon Rum, but Kwon Hana." I've Heard that name before. "Kwon Hana whom's Appa is not the man she live with, her Appa is a poor guy she left behind because he wouldn't give her what she wanted. Her Omma is not dead but 'HaYuJu's brand owner Mrs. Cha. Hana has two siblings, Kwon Yuhan, her older brother," A picture of him showed up.

" And Kwon JunJu her oldest sister." A picture of her popped up. "It seems like she was meeting them behind everyone's back." Pictures of her at the park where she's talking and laughing around with them. We all know how 'Kwon Rumi' is known to decline promoting brand clothes, but somehow this time says yes to her mothers brand.

"Therefore, who really is the man that she lives with? He's someone who agreed to take in Hana in order to use her as a trophy daughter. Is there more to Rumi's lies? There is. Lee Jiwook, a friend from Hana's past, states that she's going behind Super Junior's Donghae's back and seeing him. He suggest that Donghae be careful because Rumi, Hana, tends to tell lies easily.

"I feel truly sorry to have to report the sad new, I myself am a big Rumi fan, but we all need to know the truth. I'm reporting live, thank you for listening."

I don't know what to think or do. Do I call Rumi or what, I know not to believe what gossip news say about celebrities. Just then Heechul hyung stands up, punching the wall. Confused about everything, we stay quiet with Heechul's reaction. A phone goes off.

"JunJu." Heechul answers. His face goes from anger to worried. Something clicked in my mind. 

I grab his phone trowing it against the wall. "You knew about this?" Hyung stares at me shocked by my reaction. "Did you know that Rumi was really Hana!" I grab the collar of his shirt. "Answer me!" I shake him.

"Donghae!" Leeteuk hyung yell. Eunhyuk and Shindong pull me off him. Pushing them off me, I grab my keys leaving the dorm. 

Outside, the paparazzi were lined up, upon seeing me, flashes go off and questions fly out. Ignoring them I get into my car and speed away. This is all true, Rumi, or Hana, whatever her name is, told hyung and not me. Of all people I would think that I would be the first person to know, the first she trusted. I guess I was wrong.

Who is Rumi? A Cheater? Liar? She betrayed me.





{Rumi's POV}



Dressing into yoga shorts and a PINK hoodie, I lay down. Falling into dream land, until my phone goes off. "JuJu, I was sleeping." I whined

"Hana....look at the news." Immediately my hands go to work, looking for the remote. Turning on the TV, I see the title 'Kwon Rumi A Fake'. My heart bursts inside me, I haven't had a chance to explain it to Donghae. 

"Today, a superior fandom falls to tears, hearing that their Idol, Kwon Rumi, has been lying to them. Does SM Entertainment know about Kwon Hana? Does her boyfriend, Super Junior's Donghae, know about this lie? Are they still together? We will update more news in this as soon as we receive more information."

"JunJu." I cry into the phone, tears flew down, staining my face with their salty taste. 

"Hana...they know it all...they told the whole story." JunJu cries just as much. I hang up, running down the stairs, I grab my keys and make my way towards the car. At this point, I think of many different ways of explaining it to him without making him give up on me. My phone rang, it was a call from the hospital. Pulling the car over, I answer the call.

"Yes, Hello."

"Rumi," Jamie cried into the phone. "A..appa, Appa is dead." 

Darkness struck my heart, I feel like I'm dying inside. The only person who I ever thought believed in me is dead. My true Appa is gone, no longer here to ask me how I was doing or to wake me up and yelling that I will be late. I get out the car, stumbling over to the side walk. Falling to the concert floor, I clutch onto my broken heart, feeling it beat faster with each breath I try to take. Tears flood down my face, blurring my vision. Through my tears I see someone walking up to me. 

The person falls next to me, hugging me close to them. "Appa. Appa is.... g...g..gone." I cry to the strange.

"It's okay, Hana. Everything will be alright." I hear Jiwook's voice. 

Pushing myself away from him, I stand to only fall back. Ji catches me, bringing me towards him. "I won't try anything, let me be here for you." Accepting him I hug him back, tightening my grip, I cry.

Upon hearing clicking noises, Jiwook picks me up and put me in my Hummer. He shuts the door and runs to the drivers seat. Crying and starting to feel sick, I yell not wanting to hold back the pain I feel. I feel Jiwook's hand find mine, sneezing it I feel a sense of calmness, even though I hate this baster.

The car stops and Jiwook get out, coming to the other side, carefully taking me out the car. Rubbing my eyes I look around, he took me to the hospital. Not thinking twice, I run inside, seeing the door to his room I stop. Dragging my hands down, I slowly fall to the floor. Am I ready to see him, to see him not breathing, not smiling? Arms wrap themselves around me, whaling into their shoulder, I wrap my arms around their neck.

"Monster." Cinderella whispers. Heechul brings us into a dark hallway, away from Jamie and Zander, away from Omma, Ju, and Yuhan. No other Super Junior showed up, whether they know or not, I don't care. Donghae didn't show up, does he know? 


I stopped cry an hour ago, but I stay away from the others, I stay here next to my Cinderella. Even though my is numb, I stay on the floor afraid to move. In the arms of Heechul, my head on his chest listening to his soft heart beat. I'm not ready to talk to people who want to ask me if I'm okay or tell me that everything is going to be fine. If they were smart they would already know the answer. No I'm not okay my Appa just died, I know everything will be fine but right now it is not.

Hearing cries of pain, I bite my tongue to keep the tears from falling down. App is being rolled out, seeing his bed being pulled away, I stand up and run towards it. Falling to the ground I feel for his hand, his hand that use to be warm is now cold. "Appa ~, Just this morning you were fine. Why aren't you anymore? I told you not to leave me when I needed to the most! I told you to never leave me! Appa!" 

The Doctors pull my hand away from his. "Appa!" They roll him away, running back I'm blocked by the nurses. Pushing them out the way, I almost make it to him but arms pull me back. Fighting against the person I kick and scream, struggling to get out of their hold. Giving up, I fall, Cinderella falls with me, holding me tight. "Appa.... Cinderella. Appa is gone. He's really gone."

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Chapter 32: Nooo! Go back Rumi! Anyways, going to read the sequel now
Chapter 32: awwww the end was so heartbreaking!! Great story,i loved the outfits pics you posted!!! Great job author ^^
ch3nya #3
Chapter 32: :O that was the ending NOOO!!! So sad
MikaKelly #4
Chapter 31: The way the story ended was a complete surprise. I really thought RumI would have fought harder for Donghae. She seemed to have really opened her self up more to others through the course of the story, and admitted her feelings to Donghae/ herself. I think if she loved him as much as she claimed she would have gone after him and told him the truth. Not giving up until he listened. Despite being afraid. I was really hoping that the story would have a happy ending. Instead it was so sad. Hopefully they Rumi and Donghae can find each other again.
MikaKelly #5
Chapter 31: What this is how the story is ending? So disappointed.
hyukbear #6
Chapter 31: No don't. Runaway from Hae Ru!!!
hyukbear #7
Chapter 30: omg!!!! Please no.... Why did they did that to her
Chapter 30: OMG WHO EFFING DID THIS?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
donghae please please listin to her
Chapter 28: whO SPREAD IT
angel116 #10
Chapter 27: Update soon!!!