Girly Things

Super Love; Super Famous


"Pictures of Super Junior's Donghae and Kwon Rumi at the park after Rumi's HaYuJu photo shoot surface. It seems like....."


I turned the TV off. It is too early to be listening to people talk, gossip, about me. We said we were dating. Why be shocked to see us together? I only got four hours of sleep. I'm aloud to be cranky today. Sitting on my couch and eating cereal, I wait on the lovely Jung Hoon Oppa.


"My Rumi." Appa comes and hugs me as he sits next to me.


"Appa, did you sleep well?"


"I did. Didn't even hear you come in last night."


"Appa, can I ask you something."


"Anything Ru.”


"What does it feel like to fall in love?" I ask him quietly afraid to speak those words out loud.


"Awww.... Love ~." He gives me a creepy smile.


"Appa." I blankly look at him.


"Like a battle field. I was married once you know."


"I do." I see the pictures in the hallway, His wife was pretty.


"She was my first love, the one I married. We met in high school when I came from the states. She was the only one who tried to get to know me. I fell in love the second week of school. We were friends for fours year until she yelled at me saying she knows I like her and that if I didn't want her to be with anyone else to ask her out. I did, dated five years then got married. She died two years before I found you."


"Did you guys have kids?" After all the years I lived with him I never really asked him things about his family or what happen to them.


"Yes. Our daughter and son blame me for her death. They stopped talking to me after the funeral."


"Appa, how did she die?" I saw tears in his eye.


"We were on our way to my son’s birthday party. He was turning 17. Not much older than you." Donghae’s age, "I was driving. She started complaining about how I need to stop working so much and spend time with them. I told her to stop that if I wasn't working she wouldn't live a glorious life.


“She told me she wanted me around that would make her life glorious. I ran my hand down my face and...." He couldn't finish. I jumped up setting my bowl down and forced his body into my embrace. "You look a lot like her. I guess that kind of why I took you in. It kind of back lashed though, you are nothing like her. She's kind your mean."


"Appa!" I push him off gently. Sitting in front of him he laughs while I wipe away the fallen tears.


"You're the daughter I lost." A smile painted my face. A car horn went off breaking the moment.


"Loved the emotional talk, but I got to go. Bye Appa." I give him a quick hug and gather my things leaving out the door. Opening the door I see Heechul, Eunhyuk, Shindong, and Leeteuk. I sit down in one of the individual seats.






"No Cinderella?” Not ever, “I'll take you out to eat. When do you have off?" The day I found out about Heechul leaving I’ve tried my best to isolate him from my life. I don't deal with goodbyes.


"Not until August." I mutter leaning my head against the head rest.


"August what?" He asks in a more quiet tone.


"I'm not sure." I shrug turning my attention out the window.


"We saw the news." Eunhyuk says.


"That's Nice." Heechul is the number one person that can make my mood go down.


"You two should be more careful." Leeteuk scolds.


"We told them we are dating."


"You're not." Eunhyuk comments.


"Yeah, but having the public see you together in that way is not good." Leeteuk keeps talking.


"I guess." I’ve had enough talk with the members.


"Don't scold my Monster." Heechul defends me.


First we drop off the members then head towards my shoot. Luckily it's not that cold outside, but still cold. Inside the building there were different set ups that themed my comeback. The fake spring looks real it can make anyone feel like they are outside in a flower garden. So much pink; Sungmin would love it here. Walking in the first person I see is Mrs. Cha.


"What are you doing here?" I ask walking up to her. She turns around revealing her big black shades she uses as eyes.


"My brand is being used for your photo shoot."


"I see. Are you blind?" She laughs.


"No honey."


"Then why wear black shades 24/7."


"It's just me." I nod my head.


"I'm not you're honey." I walk off to the dressing room letting my words sink in.


My Unnis are already there setting everything up. I sit down in the make-up chair pulling my phone out. It's eight in the morning. This shoot needs to be done by ten tonight so the staff and I can make it to our flight on time. My MV will be done in Los Angeles, California. I wish my shoot was here, but the company’s thoughts were not the same as mine.


Hair and Make-up Unni comes over and starts working on my face, the make-up needed to be natural spring look. Everything is spring, my favorite. I only have a couple of elegant retro looks, to give my comeback spunk.  After 30 minutes she starts on my hair, a wavy look. Stylist Unni set my first outfit down and leaves the room.


"She's been quiet the whole morning."


"Her boyfriend broke up with her. He told her that she works too much and barely gives him time." Make-up Unnie updates me. Of course guys are stupid and selfish like that.  I look at myself in the mirror. Thought run through my mind making me wonder how I look so stable and in control with so much going on. If only I never made Donghae promise or say a single word to Heechul, I wouldn’t feel the way I do.


"Rumi, I'm Done. Get dressed." Unni breaks my thoughts. Getting dressed I start to think again. Although I say I’m close to Donghae and Heechul, but in reality they are all close to me. They are the friends I never wanted. Walking out the where I'll be taking my pictures I see Biho talking to Mrs. Cha. He looks worried.


"Biho!" I yell making Mrs. Cha and Biho turn their attention towards me.


"Someone’s in the car for you." Who could be waiting for me? Getting my blanket, I wrap it around me and go out to the van. I swing the door open and see Jiwook. I jump into his open arms. Since I've started my comeback I have not been able to see him let alone talk to him.


"What are you doing here?"


"I wanted to see you."


"Let’s go inside. It is too cold out here." He nods his head laughing, but follows me inside.


"Still hate the cold."


"Yeah, but I deal with it."


"You have to."


"Not anymore. I can grab my money and go."


"Don't you have a contract?"


"And." He just shakes his head and laughs. Inside the photographer was already calling my name.


"Go do your thing I'll be watching."


"Stalker," I laugh waking over to the set. "Okay, let's get this fake spring on."


"Rumi, by the time you make your comeback it will be spring." Biho says.


"It’s still fake right now."


I pose and the camera goes off. Repeating this process with the next couple of sets, I finish off my casual spring. Walking to the dressing room I see Biho and Jiwook eating. I glare over at them causing them to laugh. Grabbing my food I sit down next to them.


It is now three in the afternoon, I quickly finish my food and make my way towards make-up Unni. She does my hair and sends me to Stylist Unni. I change and go back out to the main room. The sets are now changed to the elegant retro. Following the photographers directions I finish my first outfit and go to change into the next.


It is now three in the afternoon, I quickly finish my food and make my way towards make-up Unni. She does my hair and sends me to Stylist Unni. I change and go back out to the main room. The sets are now changed to the elegant retro. Following the photographers directions I finish my first outfit and go to change into the next.


"Ha- Rumi."


"What's up Ji?" I ask as we walk into the dressing room.


"Is it just me or does Mrs. Cha looks familiar.” He takes a seat in one of the open chairs.


"You met Cha?"




"She does. I had that feeling since I was introduced to her." All of a sudden loud voices come from outside the dressing room. Sighing I shut the door hoping they’d think I was getting dressed and wait for me.


"What is it?" His question gets answered as the poor door gets forced open.


"Wah! Whoo-Hoo Ru!" Eunhyuk greets me.


"Ru Ru."Donghae pecks my lips.


"Stop acting like we are really dating." I whisper and in return he frowns.


"I brought you fruits." Ryeowook chimes.


"Thanks Wookie." I smile.


"Wookie?" Jiwook asks, "Why don’t you ever call me that?"


"Because," I shove a piece of apple into my mouth.


"I’m the one and only Wookie." Ryeowook huffs out.


"Correct," Yesung agrees, "Rumi why have you been ignoring Heechul hyung." Silence covers the room.


"I haven't." I lie standing up before taking a glance in the mirror. 


"Whoo-Hoo." Eunhyuk whistles.


"You shouldn’t be wearing shorts like that." Donghae says. I cross my arms staring at him in disbelief


"She looks good," Ryeowook defends me, “It’s not like she’s doing it for those dirty reason the two of you think of.”


"Why are guys always loud?" Jiwook asks the boys.


"Why are you quiet?" Donghae answers his question with a question.


"I'm not loud." Yesung speaks softly.


"He's a turtle hyung." Ryeowook nods.


"Rumi, your half-brother is annoying." Eunhyuk moves so he’s on Donghae’s lap instead of sitting next to Jiwook.


"Rumi we need you." Ignoring them all I return to my photo shoot. 


Finishing theses shots I go back to the dressing room changing into PINK VS yoga pants and Sweatshirt slipping into UGGS. Taking my make-up off I see Donghae's reflection in the mirror.


"Where are the others?"


"Messing around with your brother," He sits on the couch.


"You guys are mean." I glare at him.


"Look who's talking." He smirks.


"What do you want?" I ask him sitting next to him. I bring my knees up to my chest wrapping my arms around them.


"You." He turns his head to look at me.


"Other than that." I looks away from his lakey eyes.


"How long are you going to be in LA?" Donghae takes my hands in his.


"Two days."


"When do you have off?"


"Why?" I ask tired of the 20 questions.


"When?" Donghae insists.


"Saturday." I sigh. Fishy pulls me into his arms hugging me tight.


"How do you feel about Heechul Leaving?" 


"I'm not answering that."


"Rumi I need to te-"Jiwook walks in. I remove my body from Donghae's hold and sit up straight.


"Yeah?" I secretly thank Ji for walking in.


"Nothing,” He nods, “I got to go. Text me?"


"Bye." I wave Wook off. "I have to go as well." I tell Fishy standing up.


"Bye." He says without getting up or even looking at me. I walk towards the door, but stop when my ears and brain process his words.


"He's not your brother is he? I'm not as dumb as you think I am." I ignore it and head towards the van. 


Arriving at the airport there are barely any people. When I say people I mean fans; seems like they didn't get when I would be leaving. It’s better this way. I wasn't in the mood for any screaming. I've dealt with enough for today. After an hour wait we enter the plane.


"Rumi, take a look at this." Biho hands me his iPad before sitting down next to me.


"Top 10 releases new best female rappers ranking. To the looks of it Kwon Rumi was set back one taking second place. 2NE1's Leader CL took first place." I read out loud. "CL must be happy." I hand the iPad back to him. Me, personally, I could care less what a rank says. I don't care what others think of me. If I did I wouldn't be who I am today.


Hours later landing in LA I'm rushed passed the fans and towards the music video set. The day is beautiful, nice and warm. LA has sun that actually gives off heat. I hop onto the red low rider and do my thing. Day two, we film my rap scene and the beach scene. Damn it, the water is cold. Not spring yet or summer. Finishing up everything I head to the hotel room to pack my stuff and get on a place back to Korea.  I check my phone seeing five text messages


To: Whoo-Hoo Ru
From: Anchovy
What did u do to fishy :(

To: Ru-Ru
From: Fishy :)
Saturday you, me Date. Pick you up at 4.

To: Hana :)
From: Jiwook
What’s the deal with you and Donghae?

To: Monster
From: Cinderella
We will talk

To: Kwon Rumi
From: Meanager Biho
Hurry up.


Ignore all of them, except Biho, and hurry to get my thing together. I'll go out with Donghae, talk to Heechul, and explain to Jiwook. On Saturday my only free day. I'll be spending it with explanations.


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Chapter 32: Nooo! Go back Rumi! Anyways, going to read the sequel now
Chapter 32: awwww the end was so heartbreaking!! Great story,i loved the outfits pics you posted!!! Great job author ^^
ch3nya #3
Chapter 32: :O that was the ending NOOO!!! So sad
MikaKelly #4
Chapter 31: The way the story ended was a complete surprise. I really thought RumI would have fought harder for Donghae. She seemed to have really opened her self up more to others through the course of the story, and admitted her feelings to Donghae/ herself. I think if she loved him as much as she claimed she would have gone after him and told him the truth. Not giving up until he listened. Despite being afraid. I was really hoping that the story would have a happy ending. Instead it was so sad. Hopefully they Rumi and Donghae can find each other again.
MikaKelly #5
Chapter 31: What this is how the story is ending? So disappointed.
hyukbear #6
Chapter 31: No don't. Runaway from Hae Ru!!!
hyukbear #7
Chapter 30: omg!!!! Please no.... Why did they did that to her
Chapter 30: OMG WHO EFFING DID THIS?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
donghae please please listin to her
Chapter 28: whO SPREAD IT
angel116 #10
Chapter 27: Update soon!!!