New Years

Super Love; Super Famous

"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven eight." I pat each side of my cheek. "So it's Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na Nu ABO. Okay good, that'll be it for today." I finish up the dance practice with F(x) and quickly say my goodbyes before going heading towards Super Juniors practice room.

For the past few months I've been working my helping the chorographers with creating dance steps for both F(x) and Super Junior. Believe it or not Man Man was not playing with me when he said that I'd have to work with the two groups if I left that day. Although I wasn't too crazy about the idea at first it grew on me. 

I knew the faces that walked inside the SM building, but now I know their names and have decent conversations. Of course it's not enough, Lee Soo Man wants me to hang out with them and do things other than talk but I am yet to consider that.

You can say I'm close to some of the SJ members some more than other. Kyuhyun and I have an evil relationship, Heechul and I still argue, and Eunhyuk is the y old man that hits on me every second or so. Donghae is still Donghae, the person I talk to when I feel the need to have a serious conversation. Which is ironic because most of the time he'll give me a stupid funny answer that a five year old could come up with.

Helping out on chorography isn't the only thing I've been doing; I've also been busy getting ready for a new mini album writing songs and trying out different styles to go with them. I'm also not the only one gearing up for a comeback Super Junior is as well. I'll be making my comeback before them though. 

I enter the practice room seeing ten dorks lying on the ground.  Setting my things on a chair I slam the door getting jumps out of the boys.

"Yah! Don't scare me like that!" Heechul sits up holding onto his chest. I laugh at his selfishness. The members say their hello's before going back to what they were doing before.

Going towards the mirror I unclip my hair and let my headache breathe. 

"-aye." I hear Eunhyuk whisper. I roll my eyes and lay down laying my head on Kyuhyun's stomach too tired from the dance practice with F(x). I let my mind run wild. Normally I get bad recalls, but this time I got good calm thoughts. I felt at peace for now.

"What are we doing for New Year’s Eve?" Startled by his question I sit up opening my eyes wide afraid of the memory I'd get if I kept them close any longer. Staring at my reflection in the mirror I see something I have not seen in a while. My hazel eyes are bright and I can feel myself want to smile and screw the memory.

"Yah! We know you're pretty!" Heechul yells at the same time Kyuhyun asks me if I'm okay.

"Don't worry you’re not to ugly yourself." I tell him ignoring Kyu's question and laying back down. 

"What are you thinking about?" Kyu whispers to only where I heard him.

"How the hell am I going to make New Year’s Eve unmemorable?" He laughs shaking me in the process as well as all seriousness to his question.

"Let party tonight!" Donghae yells taking Kyu and I out of our small world.

"New Year's Eve is in two days." Minnie tells him.

"Did anyone think of anything to do?" Leeteuk asks us.

"Think of something without me. I don't plan on doing anything that night." That they don't know of. The only thing I plan is to drink away the night and wake up New Year’s day with a hangover. 

Forget it all.

"Why?" They all ask.

"Monster, did something happen on one of your New Year's Parties that you don't want us to know about? Was it that horrible?" Heechul tells me.

It wasn't a New Year's party more like a monster's party.

"Heechul don't ask questions that concern you." I told him standing up. "I have some things to take care of." With that I walk out the practice room. 



{DongHae's POV}


"Heechul hyung, what did I tell you about asking those type of question." I tell him.

"Questions like that will make her run away again." Kyuhyun says.

"Any question I ask makes her want to run away." Heechul Hyung defense himself. "And why would anyone want to forget a New Year's party?"

"Maybe she meant is as wanting to have fun." Ryeowook defense her.

"Or maybe she just doesn't want to tell us." Shindong hyung says.

"When's her birthday?" Yesung asks filling the room with 'I don't knows’. 

"What if that's her secret?" Eunhyuk says.

"Wahh! Let’s party tonight?"

"Not New Year's eve Donghae!" The members scream. 


"Let's plan a surprise party." Ryeowook suggests.

"Yeah, but what if it's not her birthday." Kyuhyun states.

"Find out." Yesung tells Kyuhyun.

"No," The evil Kyu spits back. "Donghae you're closer to her. Last I check sleeping together meant you're pretty close." Kyu tells them with a smirk on his face causing the room to scream in disbelief. 

"Yah! It's hyung! It was only sleeping. Our closes were completely on!" I explain.

Kyuhyun starts laughing "Was she wearing what she wore last time?" Sungmin hyung asks.


"How can you do this to me?" Eunhyuk whines.

"She asked me who my favorite member was. You know who I said?" He smirks knowing the answer.

"Me!" Heechul screams.

"Why you?" Kyu says flinching after Heechul hyung tried hitting him. 

I laugh at his reaction as I get up and head for the door. "I'll figure it out." I tell them.



{RuMi POV}


I absolutely loth Kim Heechul. I enter my recording studio scaring the producer that sat there. Not really apologizing, I sit down hoping to finish my song, but two minutes in and the only thing I can write is I hate Kim Heechul over and over. In the end I step out the studio and start wondering around. That New Year's was horrible. That day marks the first day my father tried killing me. If it wasn't for the boy next door I wouldn't be here today. 

My wondering brought me to the door of a very loud practice room. Some of the SM Towners were around dancing battling. To be exact Taemin and Eunhyuk were currently doing that. I see the five-year-old fish sitting down clapping and hollering with the rest as they watched the two. Just the person I was looking for. 

Although I find Kyuhyun more to my personality in a way. I'm a lot closer with Donghae. With Kyuhyun I can't ask him serious questions without making it obvious that I'm going or have gone through them. Donghae? I can ask all the questions in the world and he'll just listen. Helping me forget the pain he doesn't know I go through. 

I walk over to him, seeing that there are no seats I move his arms and sit on his lap. Surprisingly he doesn't move me over or say anything he just continues with what he was doing. I can feel a couple of stares questioning if Donghae and I are seeing each other. Yunho calls out Hae to dance with him. Fish boy ushers me off of him as he moves into battle. 

I sit down feeling another body under me. It was the anchovy's turn. Donghae got into this break dance move he does. The last time I saw this move he broke a microphone box. Eunhyuk starts dancing around making me move in the process almost dropping me on the floor. 

"Yah!" I smack his shoulder. 

"Sorry." He laughs ignoring me. 

After Donghae was done he motions for me to follow him. We walk towards the elevator in silent going up to the building’s roof top. Feeling the coldness I hug my sweater closer to my body. I'm stupid for wearing Spandex shorts today. Walking to where Donghae was already sitting on a bench, I stand behind him. After playing with his hair for a couple of minutes. 

"How's your day going?" He looks up at me with a killer smile. I sigh walking around and sitting next to him. 

"Have you ever wanted to skip a day in your life to keep from reliving it?"

"What do you mean by reliving?" He asks, "Rumi, you can't relive something unless it happens again."

"I meant thinking about what happen that day years ago that it feels like you're living it again. Your memories bring it to life."

"I do. The day my father died, but each year that goes by I feel better about it." Have you ever been almost killed? I wanted to ask but kept my mouth shut. 

"I see." I tell him leaning my head on his shoulder and cuddling up next to him in order to keep warm. 

"You want to know something Ru."


"You really like skinship."

"I do. It makes me feel loved." I didn't mean to say the last sentence, it accidentally slips out. Luckily he doesn't notice. "Don't you?" He Laughs. 

"If it's with a person I like." It was quiet for a couple of minutes, "When's your birthday?"

"December 11."

"It already passed and we didn't celebrate!"

"I don't celebrate my birthday." He stays quiet for a second before speaking up again.

"Oh, by the way we found a party to go to. Celebs only and a couple of elites, but that’s it. No crazy fans."

"Awww, those are my favorite ones." I tell him making him laugh.



{New Year’s Eve}


Getting out the shower, I quickly dry up and put lotion on. Dressed in my undergarments I start to dry my hair. This will be the first time in a while I'm getting myself ready without the help of makeup artist and stylist. I think I'll do fine without them. 

After straightening my long black hair I start makeup. I go for a dark y image. Looking over at the time, 9:30, and the party started 30 minutes ago. I decided to go alone and meet the others there. I'm not a big fan of being rushed to get dressed. I move my way towards my closet finishing my makeup. 

What to wear? 

I barely ever went out, so I have a bunch of clothes with price tags still on them. Picking out something to wear I sit it on my bed and crawl under it to get the bottle of vodka. I pour myself I shot the need to be intoxicated in order to get that weird feeling in my stomach.

Changing into my clothes the feeling of having a good time bubbles inside me. Even if something happens I'm just going to completely ignore it. I won't care. Looking at myself in the mirror I fix my hair and put my coat on as grab my keys and head out. The cold hits me as I jump inside my Hummer.

Arriving at the club I see no one hanging around outside. I park my car and take off my coat. I run away from the cold towards the door. Opening the dark tinted door I'm greeted by a security guard in this small box like room. 

"Ms. Kwon RuMi?" I nod my head at the guard. He opens the other door revealing the packed club. "They are in the back." 

I make my way through the crowd grabbing a drink off one of the trays the waiters are carrying around. I spot who looks like the anchovy. Getting closer I see that only TVXQ, SUJU, Key, Amber, Yuri, Sooyong, and Yoona are here. 

"Monster!" Heechul Yells getting my attention. Gulping down my drink I go over to where they were seated. I say my hellos and sit next to Kyu.

"Just got here and you're already drunk." Kyuhyung says.

"Well that is my plan for tonight." I say downing another shot.

"Let’s go dance." A tipsy Eunhyuk asks me. Getting another shot this time with Kyu I stand up and make my way towards the dance floor. I felt myself let loose moving my hips to the beat of the music. I feel someone grab me from behind. Looking back Donghae smiles taking my breath away. 

"I’m going to help you forget all your worries tonight." With that he handed me a drink. A very strong one.

I danced and drank to what seemed a lot considering I couldn't even stand. Each step I made the world moved with me. Moving my way towards the bathroom I used the walls to help me balance. A pair of hands came up behind me.

"Oppa ~"

"It looks like I did a good job. How are you feeling?" Fishy asks.

"Good, but whyyyy are... there..... One, two.... three of you?" He laughs.

"Let’s get you home." 

"Wait! It's not even 12 O'clock yet." Just then I heard the announcer say we had five minutes before 2012. I push Hae into the bathroom locking the door behind me. It was a one person bathroom. "Oppa.... I want to try something." I told him pushing him against the wall.

"Ru, you're drunk." he tells me in a strict voice. Ignoring his words I put one of hands behind his neck while the other glided down his chest. I felt him shiver under my touch. "Rumi Stop." He gently pushes me back a little.

Pulling him closer to me, I force him to look at me. Lifting his shirt a little I ran my hand up and down his abs looking back up at him I saw the hunger in his eyes. He wanted me. In that moment he lifts me up.  Wrapping my legs around his waist his lips met mine. Our tongues dance to the beat of the music heard from outside. 

He turned us around so that my back was against the wall. He took off my blazer throwing it on the floor. I pulled his shirt off while trying to is pants at the same time. Hae pulls out the thing that will prevent a baby from begin made tonight and opens it. Just then I heard the count down. 

5, 4, 3, 2, 1..... Happy New Years!

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Chapter 32: Nooo! Go back Rumi! Anyways, going to read the sequel now
Chapter 32: awwww the end was so heartbreaking!! Great story,i loved the outfits pics you posted!!! Great job author ^^
ch3nya #3
Chapter 32: :O that was the ending NOOO!!! So sad
MikaKelly #4
Chapter 31: The way the story ended was a complete surprise. I really thought RumI would have fought harder for Donghae. She seemed to have really opened her self up more to others through the course of the story, and admitted her feelings to Donghae/ herself. I think if she loved him as much as she claimed she would have gone after him and told him the truth. Not giving up until he listened. Despite being afraid. I was really hoping that the story would have a happy ending. Instead it was so sad. Hopefully they Rumi and Donghae can find each other again.
MikaKelly #5
Chapter 31: What this is how the story is ending? So disappointed.
hyukbear #6
Chapter 31: No don't. Runaway from Hae Ru!!!
hyukbear #7
Chapter 30: omg!!!! Please no.... Why did they did that to her
Chapter 30: OMG WHO EFFING DID THIS?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
donghae please please listin to her
Chapter 28: whO SPREAD IT
angel116 #10
Chapter 27: Update soon!!!