Meeting The Unexpected

Super Love; Super Famous


Pretty pink flower border with me in the middle laying on the ground winking at those who view my album. I'm in Lee Soo Man office reviewing my mini album and MV. It's been about a month since Appa started his Chemotherapy, my 'sibling' moved in, and RuHae became real. I've been crazy busy preparing for my comeback, barely getting anytime to be with Appa.
I'm worried but I put my faith in Appa getting better. Having Jamie and Zander around puts me on edge. What if they are really only after Appa's money? Jamie I know is, Appa even knows but he likes having his really kids around. As for Zander, I'm not sure about him but I will not be fooled. The kids I hate, I don't like kids period. 
They're to loud, not letting me take my naps; reason why I stay with SJ at their dorm. Donghae and I are doing good, I see too much of him. Too much for my liking but I like the attention he gives me. Fishy hasn't asked me about Jamie and Zander, I'm really hoping he doesn't pull up that conversation. He also hasn't mention Jiwook and either have I, Since the incident I've been completely ignoring his texts and calls. 
"Everything seems good. Albums out, Comeback will be in two weeks and teasers are starting to be realized. You can leave." Without saying a word I leave his office.
Not really in the mood to do anything I dread my schedule today. I'm stuck with Super Junior all day. Mrs. Cha ended up wanting SJ as well to help promote her brand, so we have a conference with reporter to talk about that. To end our day, we have a university festival to perform at. I don't normally do theses but Biho forced me to. He says I need to interact with my fans more before the comeback. University students are about 10% of my fan base, I'm good if some of them don't like me. Outside the weather has started to warm up, making me feel happy. 
"What are you smiling about?" Donghae wraps his arm around my waist. I tilt my head to the side looking up at his face. 
"The weather." I smile. 
"It's not about spending the whole day with me."
"No. Why would I smile about that?"
"Tsk Tsk." He shakes his index finger. "Mean girlfriend."
"You like it."
"No. I love it." He quickly kisses my lips and runs off into one of the three vans. Still not completely use to the love word yet. I walk over to the van that Donghae got into and open the van. A sit next to fish boy waits for me to be seated in. Sitting down Hae puts his arm around my shoulder pulling me closer to him.
"Yah. Can I go to another van that doesn't have theses love bird in it?" Cinderella asks. 
"Nope. You have to be with me." I turn to face him. 
"You were in the arms of another man. How can I be with you?" 
"I'll see you tonight." I wink turning back around. 
"Yah!" Donghae yells. 
"Don't yell in my ear!" I yell back at him. 
"Both of you shut up I'm trying to sleep!" Eunhyuk
"All of you need to shut up." Kyuhyun
"Stop being mean." Sungmin
"Go to sleep." Heechul
Arriving at the conference building, I'm taken away from SJ and into my own dressing room. While getting my hair and make-up done my phone starts ringing. The caller ID reads Fishy, ignoring it I set it down on the table. Finishing up my hair, Unni tell me to eat first before getting dressed. Following what she says I take a couple of bites before I couldn't take the feeling in my stomach and run to the bathroom. Throwing everything up, Unni comes over holding my hair back and rubbing my back. Taking a drink of water I brush my teeth starting to feel a little dizzy. 
"You feeling Okay." Unni asks. 
"Yeah, just get me some medicine and fix my make-up." Taking the medicine, I sit down and let Unni fix my make-up. Just then the door burst opening revealing a Fishy, Anchovy, and Cinderella. 
"Are you okay?" Donghae runs over grabbing my hands. 
"Did you eat anything bad?" Eunhyuk touches my forehead. 
"You're not pregnant are you?" Heechul rubs my stomach. 
"No!" I slap their hands away. I hear Donghae Sigh. "Yah! What are you sighing about?"
"Are you sure?" Eunhyuk
"Did you test yourself?" Heechul
"I ended my period yesterday. Donghae and I haven't done anything since last week."
"Been getting your exercise on." Eunhyuk smirks.
"Shut up. Get out I'm fine." I Stand up taking a deep breath.
"Hyung, Hyukki, can you guys leave us alone? Noonas too?" Donghae asks them. When they all left Hae turns to look at me. 
"Can I Help you?" He reaches out and pulls me into the couch. 
"Have you not been sleeping or eating well?"
"Donghae I'm Fine." I tell him standing up to only be pulled back down.
"It's just us." I sigh.
"It's the birth control side effect. I'm fine. You can leave now." Taking the answer he hugs me. Opening the door, SJ members and Unnis come tumbling in. "Were you guise listening to our conversation."
"Eunhyuk's idea." They all say.
"Rat me out like that." Laughing I close the door on them. 
Although I'm not a big fan of Mrs. Cha, her clothes are really comfortable. The style they go with fit me perfectly, I guess that's why she chose me to promote her brand. Walking backstage I see SJ playing around. I run towards them and jump on Cinderella. He was about to say something when the director called us to line up. Getting off I take my place in line, right in the middle of the ten boys. 
As soon as the conference was done, we did our individual interview and left to the university. Arriving there were already fans lined up, some students others just hoping to see us. Biho drives behind the one of the buildings. A a girl who looks like she can be in middle school scurries over to the van in front of us. Biho and the other managers get out. Talking with the girl they gesture for us to get out. 
"Follow her inside." With the staff following behind us, we follow the girl. She leads us pass the art department and into the dressing rooms. 
"Sorry for not having separate rooms." She looks towards me.
"It's fine." I smile making her blush a little. 
"The coordinator will be here soon, she's running a little late." She starts fiddling with her fingers. "Ummmmm.....Rumi...can I take you take a picture with me." 
"Yeah, Siwon take her phone." Posing for the camera, Siwon takes it and hands her back the phone. 
"Thank you." She bows, "Ummm...I'll be leaving first." With that she left. 
"I've never seen you act that nice." Leeteuk
"You made the girl blush." Yesung
"Don't you guys do it all the time?" They all nod their heads still shocked by my niceness. 
"Let's get you guys ready." The staff set everything up. The room was big enough for all of us, but I wasn't use to having so many people around. SJ, ten people, plus their staff, Myself and my staff. A lot of people. 
Finishing my hair and make-up, I spot the members just sitting around. I go over and sit on Donghae's lap listening to what they're talking about. They went on with their conversation as if I never can over. Closing my eyes, I make myself comfortable, time for a nap. Fishy shaking from laughter every now and then kept me from sleeping. My thoughts roam to Appa. I don't like his kids, they are annoying and immature. 
"Hello, sorry I'm late." I hear a female voice, it sounds familiar. "My name is Kwon JunJu, the coordinator." My whole body freezes. Donghae started nudging me to wake up, but I didn't move. I hear him sigh and get up. The members say hello. Fishy places me on the couch and greets JunJu. 
"JuJu where did you put my bag." Oh no. 
"It's in the office. This is my brother Yuhan." 
"Hey. Why did you put it in there?"
"Rumi get up!" Cinderella yells. Stupid Heechul go away. Just then I feel my body leave the couch being placed on top of someone's shoulder. 
"You can excuse her. She's rude." Eunhyuk tried flirting with JunJu. Such a Casanova. I didn't want to yell at whoever was holding me afraid that they will recognize my voice. Thinking for a moment, wouldn't they already know who I am. No, in that house there was never a TV around. What if they don't live there anymore, so they will know me. Damn. But I look totally different with make-up on, especially when I have thick I eyeliner on like right now. I never wore make-up back then. Feeling confident about that I pinch my holder's . 
"Owwww.... Couldn't you just say 'put me down'." Sungmin put me down. I check the mirror making sure My bangs were covering most of my eyes. Slapping Eunhyuk, I glare at the others daring them to say something else. Donghae comes over pulling my shirt up to hide my shoulder. Finally, I look up to my siblings, they look the same. Only difference is the amount of make-up Ju has on. They still live in hell. 
"I'm hungry." Shindong blurted out. Rubbing my stomach I start feeling hungry as well. 
"You too?" Donghae asks me. I just nod my head.
"I'll be back with food. You won't be on until later on." JunJu leaves the room. Glancing up, I catch Yuhan staring at me. Normally when you're caught by Someone you'd look away right? Yuhan kept his stare, so I wouldn't make it obvious I wink at him. Fan service. 
"Yah. Stop winking at other guys." Donghae says. Rolling my eyes I see Kyuhyun looking back and fourth from to to Yuhan. Oh no. People did say they thought me and Yu were twins at times. 
"Kyuhyun," I call to him.
"What's it like to live a famous life?" Yuhan spoke. Hoping one of the members would answer him, I ignore him and stand in the mirror acting like I'm fixing my hair. 
"Ru, he's talking to you." Ryeowook whispers. Looking over at Yuhan, anger painted it face. People that my glares could kill, his will kill you in your next life time. Time to show my acting skills.
"What's it like to talk to a famous person?" I take a step forward. Yuhan runs his hand through his hair. 
"Do you know him?" Yesung
"Don't play dumb with me Ha-"
"Yah! Who do you think you are?" Donghae interrupts him. Fishy this is why I love you. I Love you?
"Donghae." Siwon puts a hand on Hae's shoulder. 
"Do you know who she is?" Yuhan ask him. Just then Biho walks in with food. 
"Kwon Rumi." Eunhyuk and Shindong say. 
"You should go tell your sister not to bring food anymore." Leeteuk tells Yuhan. 
While the member sat to eat I slip out hoping to find Yuhan. Passing a crowd the fans scream, waving and smiling at them I make my way towards the front. I hear screaming coming from one of the rooms. Hiding behind the wall I listen. 
"Ju, that was Hana!"
"What are you talking about?"
"Kwon Rumi is Kwon Hana. Our sister!"
"Hana is dead. Appa said so himself." Dead? That Baster. 
"You really believe what that says." 
"No but she hasn't appeared in years, same with Omma. They're both dead." Omma is dead?
"Hana is here. I bet they both decided to leave together." Leave together?
"Hana is not here or anywhere."
"JunJu," I walk in. "Yuhan...let me explain." 
{Donghae POV}
"Where's Rumi?" Eunhyuk Asks. He has a point, where is she? Ru isn't the type to leave when's food around. Looking around none of the members see her. Does she know that Yuhan kid? If she did, what was he to her? 
"Call her." Shindong hyung tells me. Calling her was no help, her phone rang inside my pocket. The member all gave me a look of disbelief. 
"Are you that stupid?" Heechul hyung asked me. 
"Her and that guy knew each other." Kyuhyun
"How do you know?" Sungmin
"Didn't you see the way they stared at each other." Kyuhyun
"We shouldn't get ahead of ourselves, guess what might not even be true can only bring drama." Leeteuk hyung told us. "We need to trust Rumi."
"Hyung call the director." I asked Jung Hoon hyung. Rumi what's going on? Why can't you tell me anything? Just then Rumi comes in with a blank expression. Biho hyung hands her a plate of food and she sits down next to me. The girl I love doesn't open up to me and tells me how she feels, she puts on a fake expression and tells the world she's fine. 
After eating, Rumi goes to get changed. I wanted to go with her to ask her if everything was alright but I knew that will only closer her up even more. When it come to Ru, you have to trick her into telling you what's wrong or at least get hints. She's a mystery puzzle. Hyukki comes over and sits down next to me. Putting his arm around me hugging me tight. Clicking of heels make us look up. Wow. 
"Ru Ru, looking mighty fine there." Eunhyuk
"Where's the rest of your clothes?" She just shrugs her shoulders. About to argue back, manager hyung calls us. We were first to perform. Getting our microphones hooked up, I couldn't help but think of all the boys' eyes being on Ru. I need to stop. She's always been like that, it's not like she'll change for me. 
{Rumi POV}
Sitting alone in the dressing room, my thoughts wonder to what Yuhan said. 
"Let's forget we ever notice each other and go back to our beautiful lives." 
"Don't I get a word in this to." JunJu said. "Rumi, Why?" 
"Ju leave her alone." He said walking past me, leaving. 
Wishing I stayed to explain everything To JunJu, I stand up walking behind the stage. While the staff put on the microphone I noticed that Yuhan And Ju were sitting in the front row. I felt nauseous, rushing to the bathroom I throw up for the second time today. Unni comes saying that SJ is done, quickly brushing my teeth I tell her not to tell them. It's not the birth control that is making me sick like I told Hae, it could be something else. Fixing my make-up, we are already running 15 minutes behind. Luckily some of the members were up there entertaining them. 
"Are you good?" I nod to Unni. 
Walking to the stage I close my eyes. Hearing my name I take a deep breath. I walked behind the curtain, having my back facing it the curtains opened. During the whole performance of Talkin That and 0.1, I felt the eyes of my brother and sister.
Getting off stage I feel my head spin and trip. Waiting to hit the floor that never came, I open my eye revealing my brother. He lifts me up so I' standing on my own two feet, still holding on to him for support I feel water burn the side of my eyes. The next thing I know, Donghae has my brother against the wall and I'm in Eunhyuks arms. Donghae puts his fist up aiming for Yuhan's face.
"Yah!" I push Hyuk away from me, running over to Hae and Yuhan I step in between them. "Hit me not him!" Donghae stops his hand from going any further afraid he might hit me. 
"Why are you defending him?" I grab Yuhan's hand  pulling him away from them.
"I'll explain later." I mutter. Passing by Biho, I grab his hat and place it on my head. 
Reaching the alley way two blocks from the university, I let go of Yu. He takes his jacket off and throws at me. Putting on the jacket I zip it up and pull the hood up. Yu pulls his phone out and calls JunJu telling her to meet us at the park. Yu nods his head to follow him. I walk behind him slowly making sure that whoever past by would not recognize me. 
Ten minutes later, we reach a park, JunJu was already there. Ju runs up to me squeezing me to death, she started sobbing. I look up at Yu, he looked mad, angry, furious.... yet he looked relieved. Standing like that for five minutes, Ju pulled away. 
"I'm sorry." I cried out. Ju wrapped her arms around me again.
"Don't apologize. It makes you look weak." Although I knew he was right, I wanted to be weak. I'm tired of putting up a bold front, I want to be held while I cry my heart out. Which happened. We ended up having a group hug, with JunJu and myself sobbing to death. Finally feeling like a couldn't cry anymore, I pull away sitting on one of the benches.
"I didn't say anything.... when I left..... our promise.....I....its just." The water works came back.
"Shut up. I know why you left. We would have done the same thing, but when we were well off we would have contacted the other getting them out." That's why he's mad. Although Yuhan is strong and puts out a cool appearance, when it comes to our father he's the mouse stuck in a snake tank.
"Once I was well of I couldn't contact you. I built up lies to get where I am today, even now I'm not sure I can do anything to help you other then give you money."
"We don't want your money, Hannie." JunJu muttered bringing me closer to her. "We are just glad you are not dead."
"Are you with Omma?" Yuhan asked
"No. Why?"
"Omma left the same day you did." 
"So he was right."
"Who was?" They both said
"Jiwook?" I explained everything that happen between us. Once again, Yu was angry. "He came back? Wait until I see him."
"If he knows where Omma is shouldn't we call him?" JunJu asks. She was always the innocent one, the one to care for everyone even if they hurt her.
"He can't know you guys know about me." 
"She's right," Yuhan agreed with me. "If he knows, then who knows what he might do." 
"Give me your number." JunJu tells me. I tell her my number, telling her not to call it right now, I lay my head on her shoulder. I missed my older sister my older brother, the ones I knew I could rely on even though I failed them.
"Ru Ru!" 
Sighing I get up hugging them both. "I have to go." Walking away from them I hear my sister.
"Hana! I love you." I turn around and smile at them. Running off down the street where I heard my name being called I catch Donghae walking alone. Seeing me he breathes a sigh of relief. Running into his arms I wrap my legs around him.
"My Rumi. Don't run off with another man ever again." Hae squeezes me. Soon the other members surround us, smacking my back for making them worry. Although I knew he wanted answers, Donghae didn't say a word. We walked behind the member on our way back to the university. Fishy hugged me tight, as if he's afraid I'll run off. 
"Ru," I look up at him. "Lets let's runaway." He turns us around, speed walking passed an alley way into a main road. He calls out a taxi, our first stopped was his dorm. Waiting in the taxi, I think that Donghae has really gone crazy. Wouldn't I be crazy as well, waiting in the car for him to pack his stuff. 30 minutes later we arrive at my house, I run inside. Doing as I was told I pack summer clothes, shoes, everything. 
Arriving at the airport, we put on disguises and rush to check out. Donghae must have bought the tickets online, we quickly do everything and walk towards the terminal. Fishy's phone goes off, he turns off his phone and slides into his pocket. 
"It's just going to be us."
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Chapter 32: Nooo! Go back Rumi! Anyways, going to read the sequel now
Chapter 32: awwww the end was so heartbreaking!! Great story,i loved the outfits pics you posted!!! Great job author ^^
ch3nya #3
Chapter 32: :O that was the ending NOOO!!! So sad
MikaKelly #4
Chapter 31: The way the story ended was a complete surprise. I really thought RumI would have fought harder for Donghae. She seemed to have really opened her self up more to others through the course of the story, and admitted her feelings to Donghae/ herself. I think if she loved him as much as she claimed she would have gone after him and told him the truth. Not giving up until he listened. Despite being afraid. I was really hoping that the story would have a happy ending. Instead it was so sad. Hopefully they Rumi and Donghae can find each other again.
MikaKelly #5
Chapter 31: What this is how the story is ending? So disappointed.
hyukbear #6
Chapter 31: No don't. Runaway from Hae Ru!!!
hyukbear #7
Chapter 30: omg!!!! Please no.... Why did they did that to her
Chapter 30: OMG WHO EFFING DID THIS?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
donghae please please listin to her
Chapter 28: whO SPREAD IT
angel116 #10
Chapter 27: Update soon!!!