He is She?

My boy next door

Flower boys is such a popular group in Seoul. Girls cant help but scream when they saw Flower boys on their way. Its already rush hour. Class had ended 10 minutes ago. You packed up your things and throw them inside your bag. You want to go home early today but you still have work to do. You have to go to the grocery to buy your needs. 

You stepped out of the gates of Kingka Highschool and ready to zoom off to the mall when suddenly Flower Boys spotted you. Your eyes widened and your jaw dropped. 

"FLOWER BOYS!" Girls screamed. You need to cover your ears because its too loud. Its like there's a street concert in your school that you can hear is screams and yelling. You gulped and turned around. 

"YAH! Hyesu!" Luhan called. You turned your head slowly and there, you saw the doll like human. 

You turned around and smiled. *I want to be alone. OMG. * "H-Hi" You waved your hand. 

"Whats up? Where are you going?" Baekhyun went towards you and wrapped his right arm around your neck. 

"Uh-Mall" You answered. 

"OH!!!! MALL?!" Sehun cheered. 

"Y-yeah?" You nervously replied. 

"Well! Lets go! Shall we?" Chanyeol pinched your nose. 

"Haha! Lets go Hyesu! " Baekhyun laughed as he pushed you with his arm. *I GOT A BAD FEELING ABOUT THIS.* 


You were in a mall just around Seoul. The mall is big asual. You were with a cart, a blue one. You were really feeling uncomfortable about what's happening now. Shopping with boys, well you usually dont do that. You were here to buy your needs. BUT YOU CANT EVEN BUY A SINGLE THING THAT YOU NEED. *Maybe I'll just ask them that I will but something then I will grab all my needs and then I'll run home.* You thought. *Hyemi you're such a genius girl. Pretending is hard. I cant even grab a single napkin* You thought. 

"Yah!" You called. They all turned around. 

"What?" Kris asked. 

"Uh... I just need something to buy over there. I'll be back okay?" You smiled. They looked at each other. 

"Sure" Chanyeol smiled. "We'll just text you okay?" he asked.

You nodded. 

You turned your heels and quickly you run. Flower boys laughed as they saw you run like a girl in a hurry. 

"You know, Sometimes I think Kai is right, He does sometimes act like a girl" Lay giggled.

"But you know, Luhan is still the prettiest" Sehun laughed. Luhan gave him a laser look. 

"Haha! Okay guys, enough, We need to buy fruits. " D.O interuptted. Soon they all walk to the fruit section. 

Kai, who has a  swollen eyes after the flashbacks awhile ago, is feeling alright after flower boys comforted him. He really do know that flower boys is his family. 

"Oh! I forgot! We need facial wash! Uhm.. Kai, can you grab some facial wash for us? I saw an empty bottle of facial wash this morning so I think we really need to buy one now. "D.O explained. 

"Okay" Kai nodded with a smile. He walked away and looked for the facial care section. 

"Facial.. section" he whispered as he looks for the section. "Ah!" He clapped his hands once he found it. He entered the section, his eyes widened and quickly hide behind a cart. 

*HYESU?!* he thought. He saw you buying some girl products. He saw you grab facial wash used by girls. He raised a brow. 

"Where's that... Ah!!" You clapped your hands when you saw your favorite shampoo. You laughed in a girly voice.

Kai observed you. The way you grab the stuffs. The way you act. *Dont tell me... * Kai discovered that you're a gay. 

You walked and went to other section. Kai followed you. 

"Now! I need napkin! " You whispered.

*WHAT?! GAYS NEED NAPKIN?!* Kai looked from behind and he saw you grabbing lots of napkins. Its like you bought a 1 year supply of napkin. He observed your cart and gasped. He saw girly stuffs. Girl underwears and bra. His eyes widened. *Hyesu is a girl?* Kai thought. 

"Thank you! " You chimed and smiled. You were back to your manly voice. You quickly melted the cashier's heart. 

"You're so cute!" She giggled. 

"Thanks lady" you smiled awkwardly. 

You sighed. "Fighthing!" You rasied your hand and formed it to a fist. You walked out of the mall without waiting for flower boys. You're afraid that they'll look and inspect on what you bought. Of course, if they knew that you're a girl, you will be kicked out of your school. 


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Chapter 46: Uunncchh...i like it how you make their confess going well....cute Luhan and Sehun wkwkwk ^^
Chapter 46: Haha.. the I hate you and I love you part.. I LOVE IT!! So romantic.. This is a real story.. I mean I just love this.. One of my fav. stories. ♡♡♡♡
ohsehun99 #3
Chapter 46: Waaaaa this story is so nicee,I don't expect that hyejin would end up with chanyeol >< thank you author-nim for making such a wonderful story^^
Chapter 46: Thanks 4 the story
I extremely love it......
Chapter 46: kyah~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i love it!! hyejin with chanyeolieeee <3333333333
Giggles02 #6
Chapter 27: OMGGG my feeelllzzzzzzzz!!!!
aishani146 #7
Chapter 46: Omg! Omg! Omg! Omg! Omg!!!!!..... Such a cute story.... Great job author-nim DAEBAK!!!! :D
Sungyeollo #8
Chapter 46: Cute. Hahaha
kpoplover_13 #9
Chapter 46: Gahhh! This is soooooo cute!!!!!