Save Her Part 2

My boy next door

You were still running from no where. You gave up. *Aishhh! Is this a village?! Why cant I find the gate?!* You thought, annoyed. 

"Hyejin?! " You heard a familiar voice, You turned around and Saw Luhan. 

"Hyejin!!!" Luhan quickly jumped and hug you like a baby who found his mother. 

"I really missed you! I do really!" He whispered as he hug you tighter. 

All of a sudden Lay and D.O arrived and saw you and Luhan hugging each other "Yah!! Luhan! What are you doing?!" Lay asked, jealous. 

"Hugging her" -Luhan

"No! " -D.O 

"What No?!" Luhan asked. 

"Shoot! Gun!" Lay immeddiately pushed you and Luhan. Now You are in the ground while Luhan is on your top. Luhan gulped. The tense broke when you and Luhan heard a gun shot. You immediately pushed Luhan away and sat up, "Lay!" You called. 

You saw Lay and D.O stopping the guy in shooting the gun again. "D.O!" You called. 

"Lets go Hyejin! " Luhan yelled as he drag you away from the scene. 

All of a sudden 2 black guards blocked you and Luhan's way. Luhan looked at you as he pushed you away, "Run! " He yelled. 

Again, you run away from Luhan to avoid danger. You saw the gate, *Yes!* You thought as you run from the gate Kai pulled you, "Kai?!" You questioned 

"Shhh! " He put his finger to your lips as he hide you from the bushes. 

"Where are the others?" -Kai

"They're still there! Help them!" You worried. 

"Aishh. Where's Baekhyun?!" -Kai

"Im here!" Baekhyun popped out from Kai's side. 

"Do you have the map?" Kai asked. 

"Y-yes, Kris called me, He got mom and Suho. They're with Sehun too" -Baekhyun 

"And where do you think you're going?" A familiar voice for you spoke, You, Kai and Baekhyun looked up and saw Jihoon.

"Shoot! RUN!" Baekhyun yelled. Kai pulled you. He laced his hand to yours and run. On the way to nowhere Jihoon's guards appeared. They blocked you, Kai and Baekhyun. 

"Hyejin You need to run!" Kai yelled. You nodded and immediately escaped from them. But thats it, Jihoon is after you with a gun. 

He shoot the gun as you run away. You were shocked. You tried to hide but he knows where you are. 

"Hyejin! Come out!" You heard him spoke. 

With that he shot his gun everywhere until you came out and run away again. You were now again with nowhere and you dont know how long are you gonna run. Its pretty tiring to run! 


"Hyejin! " Someone pushed you that made the both of you land on the grass. You looked at the person and Saw.... 

"Chanyeol.." You whispered. You immediately looked at his arm. He saw you look so worried.

"No need to worry, Im fine, Lets go and run!" Chanyeol said as he hold your hand. Together, You and Chanyeol tried to escape Jihoon but he's too smart to know where you and Chanyeol will hide. You tried to look for the gate but its still nowhere to see. 

While running, You accidentally fell on the ground, You accidentally twisted your angkle. You can no longer run anymore. Your feet hurts alot. 

Chanyeol kneeled down and gave you a piggy back ride. "Hop in" He ordered. Without any choice, you hopped in his back, with that he tried to run again. 

Until then, Chanyeol reliazed that there are no more way anymore. You and Chanyeol is now facing a wall now. Chanyeol turned around in panicked. "Aishh" You heard him said. 

"Well, well, It seems like you're trap. Now, Hyejin, This is your end. " Jihoon started his gun. 

"Why do you want to kill her huh?! Wae?!" Chanyeol yelled. 

" She's the reason why Suho doesnt want to come with me! She's the reason why Suho doesn't respect me!" Jihoon yelled

"Is that eh?! Its still not a reason! Its a childish act! Your gun is not a toy gun men! Its a real gun!" -Chanyeol 

"Yes I know, That's why I want to use it to Hyejin, So that she will never distract me and so she will disspear here. " He laughed. 

Chanyeol is really angry now yet nervous. He can feel you tightening your grip to his shirt. He can feel you hugging tightly. 

"Chanyeol Im scared...." You whispered. 

"Dont worry Hyejin he can never hurt you!" Chanyeol answered. 

Jihoon laughed as he positioned his gun towards you "Hyejin, This will hurt, A little," 

"No! You can never!" Chanyeol Tighten his grip on you. 

"Well, Its like your boyfriend wanted to be you, Well, I have no choice. " He laughed.. 

"Count down? Okay, 

5...." You closed your eyes as he said '5' you heard the gun shot. You realized that the gun didnt shot you. No pain at all. You opened your eyes. Your eyes widened on the scene...

"NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" You screamed. 

A/N: Lets cut here :)) I really love cutting the exciting scenes ^__^V Enjoy reading! 

Guess who was shot? XD GOSSHHHH :""""> 


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Chapter 46: Uunncchh...i like it how you make their confess going well....cute Luhan and Sehun wkwkwk ^^
Chapter 46: Haha.. the I hate you and I love you part.. I LOVE IT!! So romantic.. This is a real story.. I mean I just love this.. One of my fav. stories. ♡♡♡♡
ohsehun99 #3
Chapter 46: Waaaaa this story is so nicee,I don't expect that hyejin would end up with chanyeol >< thank you author-nim for making such a wonderful story^^
Chapter 46: Thanks 4 the story
I extremely love it......
Chapter 46: kyah~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i love it!! hyejin with chanyeolieeee <3333333333
Giggles02 #6
Chapter 27: OMGGG my feeelllzzzzzzzz!!!!
aishani146 #7
Chapter 46: Omg! Omg! Omg! Omg! Omg!!!!!..... Such a cute story.... Great job author-nim DAEBAK!!!! :D
Sungyeollo #8
Chapter 46: Cute. Hahaha
kpoplover_13 #9
Chapter 46: Gahhh! This is soooooo cute!!!!!