His past Love

My boy next door

Its a Firday afternoon today. You were with Flower Boys eating lunch. You have tteokbokki and Ramen for lunch. 

"Uhmm.. Hyesu?" Sehun called. You looked at him with your cheeks full of food. Its like when someone will try to pop it, big amount of ramen will burst out. 

"Wbxddsuat?" You asked, your food with food. 

"Eew. Dont talk while your mouth is full! " Luhan scolded you

You chewed your food and swalloed it, "I.DONT.CARE." You stuck out your tongue. Luhan hissed signaling you won this teasing game this time. 

You giggled. *I WIN!* You cheered on your mind. You continue eating your food.

"You know, You eat like a girl" Kai mumbled. Your smile faded and your eyes widened. 

Kris looked at Kai "Kai! Stop it! Its like you're saying he's a gay!" 

"Its true, He eats like a girl. Who knows? Maybe he's a gay?" Kai looked at you closely, his eyes is captivating, his eyes wants to tell you som ething but you cant explain. Kai felt his palpitating.. He stood up from his seat and run away.

*I hate him really* You thought. You looked down to your noodles and pouted *Its really hard to deal with boys, Aisshhh* 

Suddenly someone patted your shoulders, " Dont be upset there dongsaeng, Kai is just in a bad mood today" Baekhyun smiled. 

"Hyung.. " You looked down to your feet. 

" Yeah, You know Hyesu, Kai is like that when he has a problem" D.O added. 


Lay looks upset seeing you sad. He is kinda sad for you not being friends with Kai. Lay stood up from his seat and walked away. 

"Now where is he going?" Chanyeol asked. Everyone shooked their heads. 

Flower Boys were worried Kai. Kai is a very cheerful person before but because of Love, he turned to be called and become a chic guy who loves to play around girls. 

" Yah. " Lay called. He spotted Kai in the garden area. Kai is seating in a bench.

"Yow" Kai answered. 

"What happened to you dude?" Lay sat beside him

" Nothing." Kai answered and breathe out a heavy breathe. 

"We all know you Kai" Lay pat Kai's shoulders. " Do you have those attacks again? " 

"N-no" Kai lied. Flower Boys knew Kai very well, from his birthday until his weaknesses. His phobias and his sickness, one of those are panick attacks. Panick attack is when he use to remember his pass and that will make him stress until he cant help it but to run away. 

"I know you're lying to me" Lay looked at him closer. 

*Damn it Lay, you know me really well* Kai sighed and nodded. Lay smiled and gave Kai a hug. 

" Kai, move on. Its the past dude. " Lay tap Kai's shoulder. 

" I cant .. I still cant deny I love her. " 

" Kai~~! Does it look good on me?"  Hyuna asked.

"All of this clothes looks good on you baby~" Kai pinched her nose.

"Oppa! You're so sweet!" Hyuna kissed Kai's cheeks

"Want to buy that? I'll pay" Kai giggled.

" Nah~ I dont want oppa to spend money~! " Hyuna giggled and pulled Kai out of the store. Its a bright sunny day. Hyuna and Kai is having their date in streets of Seoul. They went window shopping and have a good time eating hotdogs. They went to Lotte world, Hyuna knows that Kai loves to ride roller coasters. 

" Kai, Its our monthsary today. I dont want to make this day only my day, I also want you to enjoy" Hyuna smiled. She pulled kai in the lines of the roller coaster ride. 

"REALLY?" Kai's smiling wider than before.

Hyuna nodded. "For you I will be brave enough to ride this roller coaster ride. " 

Kai embraced Hyuna so tight. "I love you" Kai kissed Hyuna in her cheeks, "Nado~!" Hyuna giggled and soon they were seating in the roller coaster seats. 

"READY?" Hyuna hold Kai's hand. Her hands were cold. 

"Dont be scared my love" Kai pinched Hyuna's hands. *Yeah. I know you'll always be there* Hyuna thought and nodded. 

The ride is going to start. 




zoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom! The roller coaster began to drop up and down. Kai was screaming happily when he felt Hyuna shaking her hand. *Silly my girlfriend* He smiled. 


Soon the ride is already over. Hyuna jumped out of the seat and dizzyly walked with Kai. 

"Come on, I'll piggy back you" Kai offered his back. Hyuna laughed but agreed. They went to a restaurant to eat dinner then they tried some more rides. 


They went home around 10:30 pm. It was dark outside and the streets are so quiet. 

"I had fun today baby" Hyuna embraced tighter Kai. Kai did to.

"Me too. " Kai kissed her forehead. 

They were on way home when someone blocked them. Two drank guys were infront of hyuna and kai. 

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Y LADY~~!!!!" the tall guy sang along.

"Op op op oppppppppppppppppp!" The short guy added. 

"What do you want?" Kai asked, Hyuna back off him with her hand. 

The two drank guys went towards Kai and Hyuna. Hyuna is feeling nervous. 

" Your girlfriend is so good!" The tall drank man laughed.

"Can I touch her?" The short guy touched Hyuna's legs. Kai pushed the short guy making him land on the ground. Immedieately the tall guy bring out a gun and was about to shoot Kai.

"No!" Hyuna run and pushed Kai. Kai's widened. 


"HYUNA!!!!!!" Kai shouted. Hyuna is covered with blood. The two drank guys ran away. A minute after the police came with the ambulance. 

"Please help her!" Kai sobbed. 

The doctor pumped her chest, pumped again, they gave hyuna axygen and they pumped her again. Kai doesnt know what to do. Suddenly Flower boys came, "KAI!" Suho called. Kai looked at them with his tears. Flower boys went to him. 

"Im okay! Hyuna .." Kai looked at Hyuna and then to the doctor. 

" Im sorry.. but her heart beat stopped beating.. She's gone" The doctor informed. 

"No.." Kai cried. 

After that event, Kai got scared seeing or knowing new people again. He is afraid that someone will shoot him or something. He become a chic guy after that..he promised to himself that he will never love anyone but Hyuna.. He will date girls but it doesnt mean he loves them. 

" I cant forget her..." Kai started to cry once again.


Author's Note: HOHOHO!!!!!! Getting confuse? I love you guys! You'll understand it as the stroy got further and further! XD 


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Chapter 46: Uunncchh...i like it how you make their confess going well....cute Luhan and Sehun wkwkwk ^^
Chapter 46: Haha.. the I hate you and I love you part.. I LOVE IT!! So romantic.. This is a real story.. I mean I just love this.. One of my fav. stories. ♡♡♡♡
ohsehun99 #3
Chapter 46: Waaaaa this story is so nicee,I don't expect that hyejin would end up with chanyeol >< thank you author-nim for making such a wonderful story^^
Chapter 46: Thanks 4 the story
I extremely love it......
Chapter 46: kyah~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i love it!! hyejin with chanyeolieeee <3333333333
Giggles02 #6
Chapter 27: OMGGG my feeelllzzzzzzzz!!!!
aishani146 #7
Chapter 46: Omg! Omg! Omg! Omg! Omg!!!!!..... Such a cute story.... Great job author-nim DAEBAK!!!! :D
Sungyeollo #8
Chapter 46: Cute. Hahaha
kpoplover_13 #9
Chapter 46: Gahhh! This is soooooo cute!!!!!