Curse You

Believe It
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Yunho's POV

Just like any other day after parking my car, I made my way into the building and took the elevator to my department floor. I walked passed the secretary table and froze. Slowly, I turned to see what was the black thing on top of the table. I cautiously walked closer, only to see a mop of black hair sprawled across the table top. I went into panic mode for a brief second before realizing that it was only my pesky intern. I stalked over to her sleeping figure and harshly flicked the crown of her head.

“Ah!” She shot up and held the back of her head. “Who the fuc-” She held back her curse word when she saw me and groaned. I stuffed my hands into my pockets and raised an eyebrow, “Why are you here so early?”

“You told me to come early yesterday remember?” She reminded now rubbing her sore head. “After you bit off my head yesterday for being late?” She added when she saw my blank face.

“Don't be ridiculous.” I snapped. “Me biting your head off would mean cannibalism which is highly frowned upon in society and I would never partake in such an act.” She scrunched up her nose and eyed me up and down, “Was that suppose to be a joke?”

“No.” I curtly answered. “I told you to come early today because I need some help with cleaning.” Sunhee's mouth dropped in disbelief. “Cleaning?” She spat out. “You had me come early to help you with cleaning? Isn't that what cleaners are for? Cleaning.”

I frowned and glared at her. “Don't get mouthy with me.” I yanked her our of the the seat and pulled her up. “Follow me.” I ordered.


A couple minutes later, the two of us ended up in a storage room located in the farthest corner of the floor. People rarely come in here since all that was were a whole bunch of paper work from years ago. There were rows upon rows of old folders covered with dust put away in boxes. There was a small window in the back of the room with a small desk also covered with dust. The say the least was...untouched. Sunhee stepped into the room and warily looked around. She released a small sneeze when she walked into one of the shelves, causing for the dust to fly around.


“What is this?” Sunhee questioned. She then suddenly stared up at me with wide eyes. “Do you plan on murdering me in here or something?! Is that why you brought me here!” Instead of reacting harshly, I stared at her in wonder. This girl must watch a lot of horror movies to be thinking about such scenarios. Or she's just a spaz. “Organize the papers here and clear out the dust.” I firmly ordered. “I want this done in three hours.” I ordered before walking out of the storage room, not even stopping to hear her protest.


Sunhee's POV

“Wait, wh- Come back old man!” I yelled at Yunho's retreating figure. I groaned and stomped my foot childishly when he ignored me. “I don't want to do this.” I walked to the desk and placed my bag down. Is he really serious about this? Old fart, why is making me do all these things? What happened to an actual assignments he had for me on his stupid agenda?

I sighed and looked around the room. “Better get started and get all this done before he comes back and yells at me with that stupid mouth of his.” I took off my blazer and rolled up the sleeve of my white button up shirt before pulling out a box filled with paper work towards me. Slowly and reluctantly, I began organizing the papers in the box, arranging them by dates and names. It became a routine, once I finished one stack I moved on to the next right away. An hour and a half passed by before I decided to take a break. I went to take a seat at the desk where I had placed my bag and sighed for what I felt like was the 10th time that day. I looked around the dusty paper filled room and groaned, “I lost sleep for this. How troublesome.”


I pulled out my cell phone and rested my head on my bag, using it as a pillow. I unlock

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Chapter 67: They adjusted themselves to each other.
Angelz0715 #2
Chapter 68: OMG this story is so awesome xD
Freespirited_drummer #3
Chapter 32: I never surpised that i found myself speechless when reading your stories. You made the characters all alive, each with their own uniqueness and traits. I wish that i can have just half of your writing skill to entertain myself. Please write more in the future, your writings make my day!
taurusgirl #4
Chapter 68: Heiiiii, new reader here and recently finished this story and can't stop imagine yunho right know kekeke
You have done good job, nice writing, aaand thank you for continue write the sequel kekeke
koreankimchibaby #5
Chapter 66: Omo!!!! I love this story....i like it when the story is not in a rush cuz u can see how their love blooms for each other.....SO FAR ITS ONEOF DA BEST FANFICS EVAAA!!!!! pls do the sequel....ur the best!!!! -from: KimJaeRi_KPop
princessjay #6
I enjoyed this so much...maybe because their love story was not wrote it so well that we got to see how love bloomed for both of them. Off to read the sequel and your other stories!
krn_nadeshiko #7
Chapter 67: Love the story, actually I can laugh from the bottom of my heart with this story ... but I se disappoint though xD because I wanna read more about their firs time T_T but I think it was fine ~! Love it
shinee3112 #8
Chapter 68: I freaking loved it SOO MUCHH.
mitchiepoooo #9
Chapter 68: Yup yup! we want a sequel!!!
anneke329 #10
Chapter 68: Ohh, ohhh, pick me, pick me, please pick me!