That Annoying Brother

Believe It
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Sunhee's POV 

I took a few quick breaths to ready myself before I put my plan into actions. I bit my bottom lip as it quivered and waterworks rung through my eyes. “Waahhh!”


The two boys that were previously sizing each other up quickly snapped their heads in the direction of someone wailing. Their eyes widened as they quickly backed away from each other and stepped towards the crying.




On instinct, the two reached out to wipe my tears, glaring at each other once they saw the other's intent.

Sehun narrowed his eyes at Yunho and slapped his hands away, “I can do this. You don't need to touch my sister.”

“I should be the one wiping her tears away. I am, after all, her boyfriend.” Yunho quickly shot back. “You should learn to step down and give your sister some space.”

I pitifully whimpered, “Stop fighting. Please stop fighting. I really just wanted you two to get along. Why are you fighting like this?”
Sehun's eyes enlarged in guilt and his bottom lip was jutted out, “W-we're sorry. Don't cry, noona!”
“If you two are going to keep fighting, I don't want to see either of you.” I declared and turned my back, walking away from them. I really hope acting like this works in my favor. Those two better get along after this or I'll resort to using force to get my way.

“Noona!” Sehun called and ran after me. He held onto my arm and turned me to face him. “I'm sorry, noona. I'll stop. I'll try getting along with...him.” Sehun reluctantly said and eyed Yunho.
Yunho came over and held onto my other arm, “Yeah, we'll stop fighting. We'll try for you.”
I sniffled and glanced up at them with watery eyes, “Really? Do you both promise?” The two boys stared at each other before forcing a nod.


My features brightened within a second and I quickly wiped my tears away. “Great!” I cheered. I switched roles and held onto their arms instead. Sending the two a sunny smile, I began dragging them away. “Let's go then.”
Sehun's jaw dropped once he realized my act, “You were faking it?!”
“Fake tears, real tears. You can't differentiate the two anymore.” I casually waved off. “Lets go guys! You promised me you two would try to put you're differences aside!”

“No.” Sehun objected and twisted way from my grasp. “I'm not going anymore.”

I gave the boy a piercing gaze. “Sehun follow me. Ahjussi, wait here. I'll be right back.”


I dragged Sehun away from Yunho; far enough so that he couldn't hear what we were going to say. “Oh Sehun.” I lowly muttered. Sehun slightly whimpered at my tone before yelping out in pain. “Ah! Noona!”

“Who taught you to act so disrespectfully like this?” I snapped while pinching the side of his neck harshly. “I've taught you better than this, Sehun. I am very-” I applied more pressure and twisted his skin to the side


“Very, disappointed in you today.” I muttered, not lightening my punishment.

“Owwie. Noona let go!” He whined and tried to pry my deathly fingers off him but I wouldn't let up.


“Say you'll cooperate with me first.” I ordered and latched my fingers on the other side of his neck, applying just as much force until he was withering in pain, “Say that you'll try to get along and not provoke ahjussi like you just did.”

“Fine! Fine, I'll listen to you.” Sehun gave up and agreed.

“Good boy.” I smiled in success and squeezed his cheeks. “Stay here, I'm going to talk to the old man.”


After leaving a pouting Sehun behind, I scurried back to Yunho. “Ahjussi, are you going to cooperate with me?” I softly asked. My eyes narrowed but I still kept the same soft and gentle tone, “Or do I have to do the same thing to you as I did to Sehun?”


Yunho looked down at his girlfriend, shocked that she had been so forceful with her younger brother and now she was threatening his in nicest way possible. He eyed the shorter girl, who was innocently smiling up at him,

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It's been awhile....Expect an update tomorrow though!!


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22 streak #1
Chapter 67: They adjusted themselves to each other.
Angelz0715 #2
Chapter 68: OMG this story is so awesome xD
Freespirited_drummer #3
Chapter 32: I never surpised that i found myself speechless when reading your stories. You made the characters all alive, each with their own uniqueness and traits. I wish that i can have just half of your writing skill to entertain myself. Please write more in the future, your writings make my day!
taurusgirl #4
Chapter 68: Heiiiii, new reader here and recently finished this story and can't stop imagine yunho right know kekeke
You have done good job, nice writing, aaand thank you for continue write the sequel kekeke
koreankimchibaby #5
Chapter 66: Omo!!!! I love this story....i like it when the story is not in a rush cuz u can see how their love blooms for each other.....SO FAR ITS ONEOF DA BEST FANFICS EVAAA!!!!! pls do the sequel....ur the best!!!! -from: KimJaeRi_KPop
princessjay #6
I enjoyed this so much...maybe because their love story was not wrote it so well that we got to see how love bloomed for both of them. Off to read the sequel and your other stories!
krn_nadeshiko #7
Chapter 67: Love the story, actually I can laugh from the bottom of my heart with this story ... but I se disappoint though xD because I wanna read more about their firs time T_T but I think it was fine ~! Love it
shinee3112 #8
Chapter 68: I freaking loved it SOO MUCHH.
mitchiepoooo #9
Chapter 68: Yup yup! we want a sequel!!!
anneke329 #10
Chapter 68: Ohh, ohhh, pick me, pick me, please pick me!