Admitting It

Believe It
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Sunhee's POV 

I merrily skipped down the hallways of my apartment complex while looking at all the other goodies I bought when I purchased that burger kit for Yunho. I bought things on the same line as what I gave to Yunho; a happy kitchen donut set, a popin' cookin' bento set, and a Super Mario power up energy drink. Don't judge me, I know you would want candy you could play with too. I would have bought more knowing that Sehun too enjoyed doing these but they were running a little low on stock at the store.


Speaking of Sehun, I wonder how he is? I'm sure, no, positive, that he's absolutely livid that I ditched him to go with Yunho earlier. And I know that once I step foot into the doors of my apartment, I'll be tackled or glomped by Sehun, and then he'll nag like an overbearing mother-in-law. I shuttered at the thought, maybe I should take the stairs instead of the elevator to kill some time. I mean, I only live on the 8th floor and if taking the stairs means that it will draw out time until I see Sehun, then so be it.


Ten minutes later, I was standing in front of the door of my apartment, slightly panting. I guess climbing eight flights of stairs took a lot more out of me than I suspected. I placed a hand on my door knob and stared at the door, willing myself to open the door with no hesitation. “Come on Sunhee. All you need to do is open the door and take on your brother like a grown up.” I told myself with a fist pump. “You're the older one out of the two of you, remember? Just lay down the law before he can scold you.” With that little pep talk, I took a deep breath and swung the door, stepping in. Taking off my shoes, I cautiously walked into my house and into a dark living room. “Sehun-ah! Noona's home!” I announced. When I received no response, I began walking to my room to change into more comfortable clothes when the lights suddenly , revealing a brooding Sehun sitting on the couch with his lips pressed in a thin line.


“Oh dear.” I muttered to myself when I saw his figure. I nervously giggled and gave him a small wave, “Hey there, baby brother. You missed me?” He pursed his lips and sent me a glare, “You finally decided to come home, did you?”

“Sehun, look-”

“Did you have fun going out with that old grump after ditching me, your brother? Your own flesh and blood?” Sehun practically spat.

“Sehun-ah, don't use that sort of tone with me.” I reprimand. I know I was at fault in this situation but it still doesn't change the fact that I'm his older sister. He needs to treat me with respect. He released a deep sigh and dropped his arms that were previously folded to his sides, “Sorry." He begrudgingly apologized. "I was worried, noona. You forgot you phone today so I had no way of contacting you.”

“I'm sorry too Sehunnie. I shouldn't have left you like that.” I apologized and patted his head.

"You should be. You don't even want to know how mad I was when I realized the old fart tricked me." He revealed.


"If he likes you, he should be doing me some favors but instead he tricked me." 

"He doesn't like me Sehun." I corrected. 

"But you like him." 


“The other day when I asked you if you liked him and you answered no.” Sehun began. “You just said it to make me feel better, didn't you? You like that guy, don't you?”


“I know you like him noona.” He interrupted before I could answer. “If you didn't, you wouldn't have ditched me for him.”

“It isn't like that, Sehunnie.” I tried to defend and comfort him.

“Yes it is!" He childishly argued. "You're not allowed to fall in love. You have me, what more do you need?” He whined.


“Aw, is my Sehun baby jealous?” I asked and lightly pinched his cheeks. Sehun sent me a small glare, trying to pry my hands off his face but I held on. “Don't be my little, sugar booger! You'll always be my number one.”

His brows raised in hope, “Really?” I nodded and sent him a grin, “I won't leave you unless you want me to or you leave me first so don't get your big old head so wrapped up in this.”

“So you do like him then?” Sehun repeated his question from earlier.

I stared at Sehun for a bit, wondering if I should admit my feelings or not. Might as well let the cat out of the bag. It's not like he can't tell or anything. I sighed before answering him, “Yeah.”


Sehun's lips formed into a small pout, “I don't approve of him though. He's just a grump that likes to steal my sister away from me.”

“Are you really unhappy about this?” I carefully asked him while setting a hand on his shoulders. Sehun shrugged my hand off his shoulders and got off the couch, grumbling something before he stomped off to his dorm.

“Sehun-ah!” I called after his retreating figure. “Yah!” I heard his door closing softly and frowned, knowing that he was mad. “Sulking baby.” I muttered to

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Chapter 67: They adjusted themselves to each other.
Angelz0715 #2
Chapter 68: OMG this story is so awesome xD
Freespirited_drummer #3
Chapter 32: I never surpised that i found myself speechless when reading your stories. You made the characters all alive, each with their own uniqueness and traits. I wish that i can have just half of your writing skill to entertain myself. Please write more in the future, your writings make my day!
taurusgirl #4
Chapter 68: Heiiiii, new reader here and recently finished this story and can't stop imagine yunho right know kekeke
You have done good job, nice writing, aaand thank you for continue write the sequel kekeke
koreankimchibaby #5
Chapter 66: Omo!!!! I love this story....i like it when the story is not in a rush cuz u can see how their love blooms for each other.....SO FAR ITS ONEOF DA BEST FANFICS EVAAA!!!!! pls do the sequel....ur the best!!!! -from: KimJaeRi_KPop
princessjay #6
I enjoyed this so much...maybe because their love story was not wrote it so well that we got to see how love bloomed for both of them. Off to read the sequel and your other stories!
krn_nadeshiko #7
Chapter 67: Love the story, actually I can laugh from the bottom of my heart with this story ... but I se disappoint though xD because I wanna read more about their firs time T_T but I think it was fine ~! Love it
shinee3112 #8
Chapter 68: I freaking loved it SOO MUCHH.
mitchiepoooo #9
Chapter 68: Yup yup! we want a sequel!!!
anneke329 #10
Chapter 68: Ohh, ohhh, pick me, pick me, please pick me!