Stupid, Sidetracked Love

You came to school the next day feeling a renergized, walking into the classroom with a light bounce in your steps.

You sat down in your seat and took out your books for class. After you did, you looked around, observing the other kids laughing and chatting with  each other like every other morning.

You didn't really have any friends since you only really paid attention to your studies and not on relationships, so you were basically a loner. You knew that you weren't being social, but you still felt a bit disappointed and dismayed that no one was talking to you.

You heard the girls taking in a group near your seat. You couldn't help but listen in on their conversation.

"Did you hear? My friend told me that Kai has a girlfriend!"

"Oh my gosh, no way! He can't be in a relationship! He HAS to be kept pure and single!"

"y, free, and single!"

"Wait but how do you know?"

"Someone said they saw him staring at a necklace all day during class."

"A girls'?"

"Wel, duh."

Your ears perked up when you heard them mention the necklace. It was most likely yours, since he picked it up the other day.

"I saw it when I was walking down the hallway...I know I've seen it before around school before..."

You gulped and quickly turned away when the girls turned their suspicious heads to you.

"Nooo, it can't be hers. Why would Kai want to do anything with her?"

Now that really hit you hard. 

Because Kai freaking loved me, that's why!

Not feeling so good anymore, you laid your head down on your books and looked out the window, the skys dark with approaching rain clouds, ready to pour down on your already bad day.











At the end of the day, you were were waiting for the last class of the day to end. The teacher was explaining something in English that you couldn't understand at all, and finally, the bell screamed its song, signaling the end of the school day.

You quickly packed your bag and took out your umbrella.

You walked past the classroom door of Kai's class, around the screaming fangirls and out the door.

You opened your navy blue umbrella and started walking out of the school grounds. You glanced up at the sky, taking in the dark, sunless sky, the clouds rumbling with thunder, making the ground beneath you vibrate.

You walked and walked, keeping your eyes to the ground, being mindless as you strolled down the sidewalk.

As you crossed the street, you completely forgot to look both ways, so as you crossed and came to the middle of the road, you heard a loud and sudden beep from the car speeding toward you. You looked to your left and saw the car, its headlights blinding you.

Suddenly, you felt two strong hands grab you and push you to the other side of the road, barely making it. You had dropped your umbrella, and you felt your whole body being exposed to the rain except your chest, where the person who saved you was hugging you to their chest.

You recognized the school uniform - your savior was from your school.

You looked up, and was totally taken aback by who it was.

Kai was looking at you with concern and shock. His hair was soaking wet, and so were you.

It felt like forever - your eyes were lost in his, and you both kept staring at each other, getting strange looks from passerbys.

Kai was the one who broke the physical contact, and shook his head, water droplets flying everywhere.

You picked up your umbrella and put it over you, your cheeks turning pink.

There was silence, and after a while of just standing there in the rain, you looked up at him and nervously asked, "W - Where you f - following me?"

Kai looked back at you with distaste and said coldly, "No, I wasn't. I was just happening to pass by and see you crossing the street, leaving your brain behind on the other side."

You hung your head and bit your lip, feeling ashamed by his words.

You heard him sigh, which turned into a sickly sneeze.

"Aish..." Kai muttered, sniffling.

"Come with me to my place," you said, stepping closer to him and holding the umbrella over him as well.

Kai had a surprised expression on his face. "What?"

"Come, it's the least I can do. Especially because I got you this wet..." you trailed off, looking at him up and down at his sopping wet clothing.

Kai smirked. "No, you come with me."

"Huh?" was all you could say before Kai grabbed your hand and pulled you all the way to his house.








When you came to the front of the gates of his house, you gaped at it, even though you expected for his house to be a huge mansion.

Kai pinched in a code into a numberpad by the gates, and you heard a high pitched beep before the gates unlocked themselves.

Kai pushed the door open with one hand, and held onto your hand in his other.

You both walked up the path and up to the door.

Kai fished out a ring of keys and unlocked the front doors.

You both went inside the dark house.

"N - No one's home?" you stuttered, feeling a bit uneasy with no one in the huge house except for the two of them.

"They're out," Kau replied simply, turning on a few lights.

You closed your umbrella and made it stand by the doors, so it could dry off a bit.

You carefully took off your shoes and set them to the side. You shivered, feeling the cold now, rainwater dripping continuously from your uniform.

Kai glanced at you and went into the hallway. You didn't know what to do, so you just followed him.

He opened a door and pulled out a big white bathroom towel from the shelf. He tossed it to you, barely catching it before it touched the floor.

You murmured a quiet thank you and started drying yourself off. Kai did the same with another towel.

Kai went into his room upstairs, with you following in suit.

He rummanged through his closet and pulled out a large grey sweater that reached below your knees.

"I don't have anything other than this - sorry," Kai said awkwardly, giving it to you.

"Thank you," you said, holding out the sweater.

It definitely fit on Kai, but it was too big for you. However, you had nothing to change into, so you just accepted the clothing with a heavy heart.

"The bathroom's over there if you want to shower or something," Kai said, pointing at a door acrossing the hall. "You can change in there too."

You nodded and walked out of his room.

He's actually pretty nice...

Then you heard a slam behind you, making you jump.

"Maybe not..."

You shuffled into the bathroom and locked the door behind you. You changed out of your wet clothes and stepped into the shower stall. Turning on the hot water, you stood under the strong shower of steaming hot water, your frozen muscles melting.

After around five minutes, you stepped out and dried off. You put on your undergarments and pulled on the grey sweater that felt more like a oversized dress.

You adjusted it a bit to your likings and came out, a trail of steam following you.

Kai was nowhere to be seen, but you didn't care - you didn't want to be near him . It felt too awkward.

You took your wet clothes and hung them on the bathroom towel rack, letting them dry.

You went down the stairs, your bare feet creating soft echoes throughout the house.

Feeling a bit creeped out in the lonely darkness, you found your way to the living room and carefully sat down.

You sat there for a while, knowing that this was incredibly awkward and could not get any awkwarder, so you laid down and accidentally fell asleep.

You woke up after what felt like ten minutes later, and when you opened your eyes, you almost screamed.

Kai was hovering above you, his face so close to yours.

You stopped breathing, your heart pumping furiously.

He saw your frozen figure and smirked a bit.

"You still sleep the same way you used to," Kai whispered.

"I - I do?" you squeaked.

"Yup - your mouth opens a little and drool trails out," he chuckled.

You lifted up your hand and wiped the corner of your mouth, touched saliva.

You narrowed your eyes at him as he chuckled.

"You haven't changed," he said.

"Well, you have," you said dryly.

Kai stopped smiling and frowned saying, "Shut up."

You were a bit taken aback by his harsh words, but you didn't expect him to say anything nice.

"Well, you did."

"How?" he asked, looking at you with an unreadable expression.

"You're..." you struggled to find the right word. "Colder. You're not the Kai I used to know years ago."

His lips formed into a tight line and he said, "People change."

"Not this much," you said, trying to sit up. However, Kai held you down, his eyes boring into yours.

"Yes, they can," he said softly. "People change."

You shook your head. "I can't believe you, Kai. You treated me like a stranger - even worse - like a enemy almo - "

You couldn't finish your sentence, because all of a sudden, Kai's lips were crushed against yours.

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please check out the spinoff of Stupid Sidetracked Love! (Complicated Sidetracked Love) ^^


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14 streak #1
Chapter 39: Thanks for the story!
Chapter 17: that was so sweet
Chapter 10: things are getting interesting
Chapter 8: awww baekhyun is so sweet to comfor her like that
Chapter 5: that was creepy. i wonder who that stalker is
Chapter 3: omg he recognized her
ChrisChen #7
Where is the spinoff??
It's still so good
U don't know how many times I've read this
Chocoholic_Exo-L #10
Chapter 37: Wow they have alot of kids. When I heard their son looks like Kai I immediately thought: Taeoh.
Prediction: failed.