
Just the way you are


Chapter four:

Yoseob’s POV:

I couldn’t believe it.

She actually agreed to tutor me.

I didn’t get it.

If she hated me so much, why did she agree?

Did she know what she got herself into?

She would have to spend time with me every night.

And she claimed not to want anything to do with me.


They were so weird.

It was the next day, and I was washing up, getting ready for school.

As I stepped out of the door, I saw Seohyun getting out of her house too.

Oh great.

As usual, she ignored me.

But we were neighbours.

We were going to be seeing each other every day.

How could we hate each other?

So, I decided to be the peacemaker.

“Hey…thanks for agreeing to tutor me yesterday.” I approached her.

Instead of “You’re welcome”, she narrowed her eyes at me.

“One, I said we don’t know each other, so don’t talk to me. Two, if you mention ANYTHING about us being neighbours to ANYONE, you’re dead. And three, don’t think that by agreeing to tutor you, that I forgive you or anything. I just agreed for your mother. For your mother ONLY. Get it?”

“Yah! How-“ I was about to give her a piece of my mind when she shushed me.

“Don’t talk to me.” She said coldly and went down the lift.

Fine. If she didn’t want to talk to me, that was totally okay with me.

Actually, that was even better. Nothing nice ever comes out of that mouth of hers anyway.

If that’s the way you want it, then that’s the way it will be.

We’ll see who can keep this up longer.


Going to school was extremely awkward. Obviously, we went by the same way.

And we didn’t say a word to each other.

I guess it’ll have to be this way for the rest of University.

Or maybe I could persuade my parents to let me move out.

I peeked over my shoulder, curious to know what she was doing.

She was engrossed with her textbook, probably reading it just for fun.

Jeez…she really needs to get a life.


When she was concentrating on something, she really did look good.

Her eyes were even bigger than usual, and she would smile slightly.

Those eyes…

Aish! Yang Yoseob! What are you thinking?

She hates you anyway. Why even bother noticing her?

Anyway, it’s her loss for hating me. Many girls would die to be her right now.

But no matter how I tried to convince myself, my eyes just seemed to keep looking back.



Seohyun’s POV:

During recess, I met up with Dongwoon and Yoona, as usual.

“So…” Yoona asked me excitedly. “How is it?”

“How’s what?”

Yoona rolled her eyes. “Your new house. DUH! How is it? Is it really that big? Do you really have a canopy bed? And are your neighbours cute? Any hot boys?”

“Woah, slow down, Yoong! It’s gorgeous! I love my new bed! And I even have a walk-in closet!”

Yoona squealed. “THAT’S IT. I HAVE TO COME TO VISIT!”

“NO!” I exclaimed immediately. What if she saw Yoseob there? What would she say? No one could ever know.

“I mean, it’s fine…it’s not really a big deal anyway….”
“NOT A BIG DEAL?” Yoona shrieked. “WE NEED TO PLAN A HOUSEWARMING PARTY FOR YOU! I don’t care. Me and Woonie will go to your house on Saturday! Oh my gosh, it’ll be so much fun! We could…”

I wasn’t listening to her.

What if they find out?

What will they say?


Yoseob’s POV:

It was 8pm

It was time.

I looked around.

I had made sure to tidy up my room, to stash away anything embarrassing, like my lucky teddy bear.

I even prepared all my study materials and arranged them neatly on my study desk.

The door bell rang.

Relax Yoseob, you can handle this.

I walked down the stairs, to see my mother giving Seohyun a big hug.
“Seohyun ah!” My mom gushed. “I’m so glad you’re here! You don’t know how much I appreciate your help! If you need anything, just ask!”

“It’s no trouble at all.” Seohyun smiled sweetly at my mother.

She was dressed casually, in a tank top and short shorts. Her hair was tied in a high ponytail, with wisps of hair hanging loosely. She wasn’t wearing makeup. She didn’t have to; unlike most of the girls I’ve met.

“Come on; let’s go up to my room.” I led her up the stairs.

We entered the room. From the corner of my eye, I saw Seohyun looking around curiously.

“So…” This was awkward.

“So…” She took a seat at my study table. “Let’s start, shall we?”
I nodded.

“What do you want to start with?”

As usual, she wasn’t looking at me as she asked.

“Math, I guess.” Math was my worst subject. I needed to pull it up in order to graduate.

“Okay.” She flipped open the math workbook.

“Let’s do some sums, okay? Let’s start off with this one.”

I stared blankly at the question.


She sighed, obviously annoyed.

She wasn’t the only one. How could she expect me to get something she didn’t even teach yet?

“How about this one?”

I shrugged again.

She groaned, rolling her eyes. “How could you NOT know this? This is basic math! How did you even GET into university?”

“Yah! You haven’t even taught me this yet, how can you expect me to be able to solve everything?” She was really getting on my nerves.

“Do I really have to teach you such basic math?” She rolled her eyes again. “God, you’re stupid.”

That was it.

No one calls me stupid and gets away with it.

“Oh yeah?” I challenged her. “Well, I bet I could get myself into the top fifty list by the end of this term!”

The top fifty list was a list posted on our school bulletin board at the end of every term, after the exams. The names of the top fifty students who had done the best in the exams would be posted on the list. Of course, I had never dreamed of getting into this list, ever. Why bother trying?

But what if I actually tried?

It’d be fun.

A good motivation to study hard.

And, if I succeeded, I could wipe that smirk off Seohyun’s face.

Seohyun scoffed, laughing.

“You? Please. You couldn’t get into that list even if there were only fifty one students left in this school.”

This was good.

She was looking down on me.

That meant that if I actually succeeded, she would have to take all her words back.

“Care to put your money where your mouth is?” I challenged her.

“Only if you do the same!”

“Okay.” This was good. “I bet that by the end of this term, I can get myself in the top fifty list.”

“And if you don’t?”

“I’ll never speak to you. Ever again. I won’t bother you in school, I won’t approach you, I won’t have any contact with you when possible. We’ll just be like strangers. Strangers who live next to each other.”

She  finally looked up to me. The idea actually appealed to her.

“And if you actually get in?”

“You’ll owe me. Big time. And you have to listen to me for an entire month.”


“So, do we have a deal?”

She considered this.

“You know what? We do. It’s not like you’d actually get in anyway. Wait, we’d better write this down, just in case you lose and you try to back out of our deal.” Her eyes narrowed as she grabbed a piece of paper.

“Or just in case I win and you try to back out of our deal.”

She quickly wrote down the conditions of our agreement, then signed at the bottom.

“Your turn” She shoved the piece of paper to me.

I signed. She never talked to me anyway.

I had nothing to lose.


Ouch, Seohyun. You didn't have to be so mean ><

Don't you at least find Seobie the SLIGHTEST BIT CUTE :DDDDDDD I know I do! (:

Thanks for the comments and subbies (: really love you guys! Thanks so much!

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Queenka94 #1
Chapter 38: AaaaahHhhhhhhhhhhh!!!
*screams in head cause its like three in the morning*
So sweet!! Ugh, *tears up*
Thanks author-nim! I love, love this story! ♡♡
Queenka94 #2
Chapter 34: ......So I gurss I'm rereading this...ugh, I'm already cryinggggg. The feels. Omg.
Queenka94 #3
Chapter 27: Ehh? Wait, did I read this already??
*scratches head*
..Can't remember....
Queenka94 #4
Chapter 20: Team Yoseob, duh! Lol xD
Chapter 40: Aww the ending was soooooo adorable!!!! I loved it!!
Chapter 3: I wish I was neighbors with Yoseob too !!
Chapter 40: Soooo... I've read this fic for the Nth time once again... It's surprising how I still can cry after reading this a million times!! Previously, my username was 'Bubblesbbsr':>> you may remember me from there? No? Hehe.. Anyways, same comments like last time, ur fic's amazing! Fighting!!^_^
liyanafazil #8
Komawo for writing this amazing fics. Can't believe i cried reading this. Komawooooo~~~
InloveToho #9
Chapter 36: Nice fic you got here. Thank you for writing this. All the best for you. :)