
Be Ma Girl?

(A/N: Are you guys curious on who is the person who kept glancing second glances? Well its... FOR YOU GUYS TO FIND OUT! and mianhae i didnt update for 2 days....)

"So you're saying that someone had deliberately wanted to put a guinea pig on your bed?" LJoe raised a brow when the lesson was finally over, waiting for the next teacher to arrive.

Eunji nodded, anticipating the next lesson. It was Home-Ec! One of her favorite subjects!

When Ms. Jung came in she almost exploded with happiness, she did do pretty well in this subject even though she's new, and to be honest, Eunji didn't even know this kind of subject existed!

"Aish, I hate home-ec..." LJoe groaned softly.

Eunji looked at his direction and shrugged, "Its fun you know, if you get to like it."

"Exactly, I DON'T like it."

"Okay class, let us go to the students kitchen and get ready for our new following lesson. Stir-frying!" Ms. Jung chattered excitedly.

"Stir-frying? I have never tried it before..." Eunji mumbled softly as she walked on. 

LJoe did a double take at what was laid out in front of him, sure, he hated Home-EC (No actually, he hated almost every subject cause they were a bore to him.) and what laid in front of him was already prepared croquettes. They were a sort of white color but with a tint of yellow, the whole thing was covered in breadcrumbs.

*So this is how croquettes look like before they are cooked?* LJoe thought and tried to touch one... "Lee Byunghun! Don't touch the croquettes until you have washed your hands!" Ms. Jung barked at him.

*Aish, you don't have to yell.* LJoe thought again and went off to wash his hands.

Ms. Jung went to the very front of the whole kitchen and adjusted her mini-mic on her neck, "Okay class, now this is in groups so all of you will take turns. I know some of you wanted to do this individually but we do not have enough pans to spare for the whole 39 students per class." 

Chatters were heard and Ms. Jung grinned, "It's not planned by you by the way." She smirked at the students who were already sitting next to the people they wanted to group with. 

"You are to group according to my list that I have made out." Mr. Jung grinned again and held out piece of paper full of the student's names.

(A few minutes later after Ms. Jung finished telling everyone their partners.)

"Annyeong, I'm Ahn Kaeun." A pretty girl waved with a eager boy standing next to her, "And I'm Zelo! Her boyfriend!" Zelo whispered the last part. Kaeun hit Zelo on the arm and mumbled, "Yah! I told you not to say it so openly oppa!"

Eunji giggled *They look so cute together!* "Annyeong, Seo Eunji imnida." Eunji waved enthusiastically. "Lee Byunghun imnida but call me LJoe please." LJoe mumbled. 

Zelo pondered for awhile then tilted his head, "Are you Eunji's boyfriend as well LJoe hyung?" Zelo said, dropping the formalities straight away.

LJoe and Eunji both had their cheeks tinted pink. *Omo! That night...* Eunji suddenly thought and went redder. "Ooh Eunji did something happen?" Zelo wiggled his eyebrows. Eunji could have gotten redder if she could but she was already in a deep shade of red so... You wouldn't know eh?

"Ani!" Eunji denied and waved her hands about.

LJoe felt his heart drop a bit. *What... Was... That...?* He thought and shrugged the feeling away and kept quiet.

Kaeun eyed them and her lips curved up a little, "Come on! Let's get started and stop talking!" Kaeun smiled and claped her hands together as if saying 'Chop Chop!'

Eunji smiled, *I think we will get along Kaeun.* 

Zelo poured a little of oil on the pan and turned the gas on. "So we should wait for the oil to sizzle and then we can get ready to fry the croquette!" As he waited intently for the oil to sizzle.

Eunji peered at the pan but almost lost her balance. She wobbled and was caught by LJoe, "Be careful." He slightly mumbled and let go of her. 

Eunji felt the warmth of his arms around her gone, *It was like last time, warm and... Wait what?!*

The oil sizzled and Zelo picked up a bread crumb covered croquette and just put in on the pan, not sliding it from the side, not slowly lowering the croquette, but just instantly putting the whole thing in one go on the sizzling pan.

The oil went bazooka, flying everywhere, some had flied to Eunji's arm since she was standing near. She jerked because of the sudden hot liquid that came in contact with her skin. *Its no... Ow... Big deal, don't be a big burden and stop the lesson Seo Eunji!* She thought and bit her lip hard, resisting the pain and wiping off the liquid.

"Aish oppa! You made the oil fly everywhere!" Kaeun scolded Zelo and was getting ready to flip the croquette before it burns. 

"Hehe... Mianhae..." Zelo rubbed the back of his neck.

"So now you flip it right?" Kaeun asked LJoe. 

"Right. We can put several croquettes in." LJoe replied and put in a few more croquettes. 

"I'll flip!" Eunji offered with a bright smile despite the spot of pain on her arm. 

"I can't wait when its done!" Zelo smiled and drooled at the thought that after the class they get to eat their own croquettes.

"Aigoo, stop drooling you!" Kaeun laughed and pushed his jaw to close.

Ms. Jung went around the kitchen smiling and correcting the way the students. She soon went to the four's table and checked on the croquettes.

"Omona! That croquette is about to be burned!" Ms. Jung quickly went to the pen and stole the pair of chopsticks in Zelo's hand. "Zelo haksaeng, you should be looking at the pan as well." Ms. Jung said calmly and chuckled. "You get to eat this Zelo haksaeng!" She laughed as she put it on a plate with kitchen tissues on it. 

Zelo pouted, "Ne..." 

Ms. Jung walked away and Kaeun turned to Zelo, "Stop drooling over the thought that we can eat it later oppa!" As she attempted to smack him on the head but Zelo quickly grabbed her wrist.

After all that frying and laughing of the four, Eunji can still feel the hot pain spot on her arm, *Why will you not stop being pain?!* Eunji thought and took a bite from her cooked croquette, "Uwaah! Its awesome!"

"It is isn't?" Kaeun's eyes shined and turned to Eunji, "I have a feeling that we will be good friends Eunji!" 

"Ne!" The latter smiled as she excused herself to the toilet

"Oh my gosh I need cold water!" She the tap as she splashed her arm with cold water. It did the trick, just that her skin is red turning a little black.

"Aigoo... I hope eomma won't see this..." Eunji turned to look at the mirror if it was obvious, "Or anyone else." Eunji mumbled and walked out of the toilet.

(A/N: just a thing, I just added Kaeun and Zelo here! They were already in the class, just that I didn't write it. But Kaeun and Zelo's personality is different from my other fic of course! Ahaha! xD Speaking of it...)

Click Zelo to read my new fic! "Chocolate + Potato = ?"

(keke ignore Youngjae... I found it cute! xD I mean... Look at him!! xD <3)

Click Daehyun to read 'Summer Dream'

Click Chanyeol to read 'Chanyeol's Girl Is JJang"

(Sorry its small...)

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Chapter 43: Good story author...but i really hate Minji
memoria_99 #2
Chapter 51: chappie 51: such a sweet ending......
and such a good story you made, author-nim .......
hwaiting!!!!! ganbatte!!!!!
memoria_99 #3
Chapter 50: chappie 50: yeay!!!!!!! happy!!!!!
memoria_99 #4
Chapter 47: chappie 47: poor l.joe.......
and i hope that eunji is fine.....
memoria_99 #5
Chapter 34: chappie 34: kyahhh!!!!!!!!!!!
memoria_99 #6
Chapter 25: chappie 25: so... eunji's omma is actually a kind omma ......
memoria_99 #7
Chapter 22: chappie 22: woowww!!!!!!
where is THE COLD L.JOE gone for ...............??
this is only THE SWEET L.JOE came out ...............!!
memoria_99 #8
Chapter 21: chappie 21: aigooooo...............
this little devil.......
ish.. ish..ish......
memoria_99 #9
Chapter 20: chappie 20: aigoo.......
what is this little devil planning ...........??
p/s : i really want to read more but i have to stop now.......
memoria_99 #10
Chapter 13: chappie 13: i think i know the first and the second person....
but, who is the third person???? <- is reina ???