Twentieth Candy

Annyeong Kim Jongdae!


                They walked along the narrow road without saying anything. Although it was quiet but it did not feel gawky at all. Instead, Jongdae felt a lot more comfortable. He did not feel awkward or uncomfortable with her anymore. Maybe because he had already told her everything just now. She seems to understand him a lot too.


                He glanced at her a few times and he could see she was smiling by herself. She looked happy and delighted. Although she did not tell him anything, but from the look on her face, Jongdae knew she had a feeling for him. And honestly, Jongdae was starting to feel the same way too.


                “Do you like ice-cream?” Jongdae asked as they approached an ice-cream shop on his right.


                “Only if they have chocolate peppermint flavor.” She answered.


                “That’s your favorite?”




                “Ow…kay. Let’s see if they have it.”


                The ice-cream shop looks very cute and bubbly. It was decorated all in pink. As soon as they stepped inside it, they were welcomed by a very friendly waitress. She gave them a couple table and asked for their order.


                “What can I get for you two?” the friendly waitress smiled at them.


                “Do you any special offer today for chocolate peppermint ice-cream?” Jongdae asked. He could see she chuckled after he spoke.


                “Oh, good choice sir! Looks like it’s your lucky day. Today we have a special promotion for all kinds of chocolate based ice-cream for our ice-cream waffle set and special sundae set. If you order any one of these set for two, you’ll get a special gif.”


                Jongdae turned to her and smiled. “Which one do you want?”


                “Well….erm…I’ll choose the waffle set.”


                “Then give us two sets of chocolate peppermint ice-cream waffle please.” Jongdae spoke to the waitress. She nodded and left to the counter.


                He turned to her and saw that she was still giggling. “Why are you laughing?”


                “Nothing.” She smiled.


                “Did I have something on my face?”


                “No. Hey, I’m going to the ladies for a while okay?”


                “Oh, okay.”


                She stood up and headed to the toilet. Jongdae looked around. There were a few other couples inside the shop too. Maybe this is a favorite place for young couples to go on a date. Suddenly Jongdae remembered his late girlfriend. She loved ice-cream. A lot. She did not mind any flavor. She liked them all. As long as it is an ice-cream. But there were no place like this in Jeju. She must be very happy if there was.


                “Still thinking about her?” she pulled her chair in front of him and sat.


                “Just a little. She loved ice-cream.”


                “We can cancel and leave if you want. I don’t mind.”


                “No, no. I’m fine.”


                “Really?” she stared at him.


                “Yes.” He threw her an honest smile.


                Then suddenly the waitress came and brought their waffles.


                “Two waffle set. One chocolate peppermint, one chocolate blueberry.” She put the waffle on the table.


                “Blueberry? We didn’t order for blueberry.” Jongdae gave the waitress a confuse look.


                “I did.” She answered.


                “Yup sir. Your girlfriend changed the order just now. Enjoy your ice-cream.” The waitress smiled at them and left.


                “I went to change the order just now. I know you don’t like chocolate peppermint flavor Jongdae.” She smirked at him and chuckled.


                “So that was why you laughed when I ordered?”


                “Yes. Why did you order for two anyway?”


                “Well……I was trying to be…..sweet.”


                She laughed. Jongdae laughed too. Looks like he failed to be sweet in front of her.


                “How did you know that I don’t like it?” he asked as he took a spoonful of the chocolate blueberry ice-cream into his mouth. Tasty.


                “Well……..I want to admit something to you. I know it was pretty embarrassing but I think your ‘ripping’ incident is far more embarrassing than it.” she laughed.


                ‘Ripping’ incident? Oh, my pants. Great. I almost forgot I ripped my pants in front of her.


                Jongdae laughed. “Ok. What is it?”


                She looked down at her ice-cream and pricked it playfully with her spoon. She sighed heavily and begun to speak.


                “I’ve been watching you since the first day you came to our college. So I know your favorite food, favorite drink, what kind style you like to wear, what color that suits you well, your habits, and some other stuffs. But don’t think of me as stalker! I’m not. I did not follow you around like some kind of weirdo. No. I just observe what you do in the class. That’s all. But it was very disturbing you know. Because I could not stop glancing at what you were doing every five minutes.”


                Jongdae could see she blushed when she spoke. She looks cute when her face turned red. He never thought that someone was watching him like that for this whole time. But he did not feel annoyed about it. But instead he felt kinda……happy. Happy that she did that.


                “Mind if I asked you something?” he asked.


                She nodded. Her head was still facing down. Maybe she was too embarrassed to look at him. He understood, took a deep breath and continued.


                “Do you… me?”


                Honestly he wasn’t even sure why did he asked her that. He wondered if he was too stupid or too genius to ask. But he did. He asked her. A question that had already have a lucid answer. Good job Jongdae.



* ppfffttt~ a boring date. a boring chap. i know! i'm so sorry~ =( but wait! dont be so sad, coz their date does not end at the ice-cream shop! i wanted to continue writing but my family is going to the hospital today. i've got some medical check-up to do. well, u know medical check-up is required when u wanted to go to university. duh. hate it. whatever. anyway, hope u like this chap. it was a hot day at my place right now, so thats why i wrote about ice-cream! erm~~ ice-cream on a hot day~~ heaven! LOL~ *ignore me* okay. thats all. see ya later~ leave some wonderful comments for me okay? =) *

p/s: almost forgot! happy ramadhan to all my muslim readers! hope this holy month bring us more reward and goodness. =)

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momouiiii #2
Chapter 40: Loved the story completely. I want the sequel badly. I will look forward to it.
JonginWife #4
Angelz0715 #5
Chapter 40: Omg that is so cute!!! You almost made me have a heart attack at the end lol xD
Chapter 39: That was the most stressful yet adorable and satisfying ending ever omg. I loved this story so much, it was quic but very entertaining and sweet yet dramatic. I could totally see this becoming a drama.
deadroseforu #7
Chapter 9: Oh my god! So funny, it's just beginning I know but I could not keep myself from commenting. So I have never read funny fanfictions that can make me really laugh while reading))))
Chapter 39: wow im sooo happy foer her
Chapter 40: Gosh i just dont know what you write but i've finished reading all this in a few hours, with of course 38 chapters in my office lol..and except for during some intense drama scene, i'm sure that i've been reading while smiling throughout ALL chapters lol.. ^.^

and the last scene at the hospital sort of remind me of the Prince that turn into frog, one of my all-time fav drama..^^

this will definitely got into my recommendation list..and since u said this might hv seq, subscribed!! ^.^
sorry for the caps but i just had to said it reading ur author note.. gosh i'm currently reading this right now at my workplace neglecting my work(not that i hv work yet right now anyways) but i'm laughing u know!! n i tried my best to keep the volume down lol..your OC characters especially give me too much laugh lol i'm still smiling when writing this ^^ and seriously i dont know how u did that but u just expressed what i feel about Jongdae through the OC character like almost perfectly!!

Its been long since i read another good ChenxOC fic..thank you for writing this >.<