We Meet Again

Behind The Mask


Kim Hyeri’s / Your POV
"Hyeri noona!!!" Sehun shouted as he searched around for you.
You had managed to hide inside the girls' restroom in time before he could spot you. You were really tired from running away from him for the whole week.
He's been really clingy and had brought you more attention, earning you more death glares from the envious fangirls. As you were about to go out, you heard a bunch of familiar voices coming your way and you quickly locked yourself in a cubicle.
"Aish! That is hanging around our Sehun too much! I bet she forced him to call her noona!" Yoona grumbled in discontent.
*I did not! Jealous much?* You frowned.
"She still hasn't learned her lesson! We'll teach her soon!" Hyuna declared while adjusting her hair in the mirror before walking out of the restroom with her posse following close behind.
*Just come and get me! You don't know who you're messing with!* You smirked.
Once the coast was clear, you sneaked outside and exited the school. *Thank god it's Friday! I can finally get a break from school and all the rumours!* You were drowning in happiness but it was short-lived.
"Noona!!! I've been looking everywhere for you!" Sehun came running to you, smiling widely.
*And I thought I lost him. Damn it.* 
"Yah! Why do you keep calling me noona? We're in the same grade. Why don't you go bother your other noonas." You replied with a tinge of annoyance, frowning at the same time.
"Actually, I'm younger by a year. I skipped a grade. And you're my only noona~"
You stood there frozen. The last sentence he said stung your heart. *Those words. That's what he used to say.*
7 years ago...
Your 10 year old self was looking at your 6 year old brother playing with other girls your age. Looking at him having fun with them, you walked away in a huff. You were jealous and felt betrayed since your brother had left you as soon as he saw them. You began sulking in a corner.
"Noona! Noona! Come and play!" Junsu, your brother ran to you and tried dragging you to the group of girls playing.
"Andwae! Why don't you just play with your other noonas and leave me alone?" You loosened out of his grip and started walking away.
"B-but y-you're m-my o-only n-n-noona." Junsu stuttered out and started sniffling. 
Your heart wrenched in pain when you heard him cry. You walked back over to him and cradled him in your arms.
"Mianhae, Junsu-ah. I didn't mean to get angry at you. I was just jealous when you went to play with those other girls. Forgive me?" You comforted him while wiping his tears away with your thumb.
"Mmm... From now on, I'll only play with you then. Cause' you're my one and only noona!" He beamed and hugged you tightly.
You grinned widely at his words and hugged him back. "And you're my only dongsaeng! Let's go and play!"
With that said, the both of you held hands and went to the playground, playing and laughing to your hearts content.
Tears were welling up in your eyes as you recalled that sweet memory of you and your brother. Before they could fall, you tried to make your escape. You couldn't let Sehun see you cry.
"I have to go." You quickly walked away, leaving a worried and confused Sehun behind. Once Sehun was out of sight, you ran to your house, crying all the way there.
*Junsu-ah. I miss you. I miss you so much. I wish you were here with me now. Maybe I wouldn't be alone like this if you were still with me. I want to see you again.* You thought as you curled up into a ball in your room and let your tears fall freely.
Two days later, Sunday night…
"Thank you for your hard work." Your manager told you as you exited the bar. You nodded in response.
It was already midnight by the time your shift ended. You were awfully tired after working the whole day at your two part-time jobs. You shuffled your feet as you made your way to the bus stop. The night air was getting colder and you shivered slightly. You wrapped your leather jacket tightly around your body and stuffed your hands in your pockets.
You were passing by a park when you bumped into someone. You stumbled back at the impact of the collision. You shut your eyes and braced yourself for the impact. However, you didn't feel any pain. Before you could fall, a pair of strong arms had grabbed your waist midway. You opened your eyes and was slightly taken aback as you were staring directly into the eyes of a familiar person. You quickly regained your composure and wriggled free of his grip.
"Thanks, Kris." You muttered, only loud enough for him to hear. He smirked. You saw that Chanyeol was rubbing his chest and you instantly knew that he was the person you had bumped into.
"Yah! Watch where you're going... Oh! It's you!" Chanyeol's eyes widened at the sight of you.
"Tsk. Sorry." You mumbled, irritated as you were being delayed from going home.
"Noona~" Sehun suddenly appeared out of nowhere and was about to hug you but Chanyeol held him back when he saw you flinch.
"Yah! Control yourself!" Chanyeol scolded the maknae who pouted in return.
In a matter of seconds, the whole of EXO had appeared before your eyes. They were checking out what the commotion was all about and they were surprised to see you there at that time of night.
"Look who we have here. You shouldn't be wandering around this area late at night. Something bad might happen to you." Kai was smirking as he said that, coming closer to you.
"It's none of your freaking business." You growled at him.
"Chill... I was just warning you." Kai raised his arms in the air in surrender and stepped back. However, you could still see a playful smile playing on his lips.
Some of the members of EXO couldn't help but snicker at Kai's antics.
You rolled your eyes at him. Your energy was drained and you wanted to sleep so badly.
"I'm off." And with that, you walked away.
"Hyung! Maybe we should ask her?" Baekhyun nudged Suho.
"Do you think she would even allow us after all the things that the boys had made her go through?" Suho questioned knowingly.
"No harm in trying." Baekhyun shrugged.
"Ask Kris to do it. Why does it have to be me?" 
"Cause' you're the nicer one. There's a higher chance that she'll agree to you than to Kris hyung. And you're the leader together with Kris hyung, so you have to take responsibility." Baekhyun reasoned out with Suho.
By this time, the rest of EXO had all heard Suho and Baekhyun's conversation and was agreeing with Baekhyun. With a defeated sigh, Suho went after Hyeri.
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Chapter 34: It's a nice and interesting story, though I think this story can be developed further. I also think that OC's relationship with EXO went pretty fast (their closeness, I mean). But it's okay. This story is already good, so don't worry. ^ᴗ^
I enjoy reading this, so thank you for writing this story. ^^
Chapter 34: I just loved it..I love how you made Hyeri so strong and not some weak damsel in distress..I loved her bonding with EXO and DBSK...I like it how she cared for the boys and how the boys cared for her..though there are some times when it was really heartbreaking..but I loved the ending..thank you for this good story..
Shadow_box #3
Chapter 34: Omg! This is one of the best I have read! Your writing is amazing! But now I have reached the end and my eyes are leaking this strange clear fluid! Thank you for writing this!
Lolypop123 #4
Chapter 8: Lol reading this fic again Xd
Chapter 34: Aww..such a sweet happy ending. I like the epilogue. Glad that they being together

Hope Joongin dream comes true wkwkwkk
Good story authornim ^^
Chapter 34: This was awesome! I'm happy for her and the boys!
Chapter 30: I knew it!
Chapter 24: NOOOOO!!! Something is fishy...