Wake me up from this nightmare! Tell me it's all lies~ Stop sulking it's PARTY TIME!

B.A.P.G! BEST.Absolute. PERFECT. Girls?!


"You may now kiss the bride" The words rang through Toki's ears over and over again. Zelo looked at Toki. Songmi looked at Zelo. Everyone's eyes were buldging out from their sockets.

"what the..."

The deep man's voice belonged to T.S himself. Everyone awkwardly stared at their boss who was just sitting there enjoying the show. "What are you all staring at me for aren't you going to finish?" 

"Uhhh..."Zelo scratched his head not really sure how to reply. Youngjae was ready to yell cut. "Cut--" Songmi took the chance to plant one on Zelo. "If your not going to then I will!" 

She epicly failed. Not really epicly. She wasn't tall enough and she didn't think about the height difference. So she basically missed. The members went into a laughing attack. Toki blew a sigh of relief.

An applause came from T.S. " I see you all getting along so well you may now return to civilization."

There was a round of cheers. "Thank goodness I was about to die. Being stuck with- I mean it was a really fun time but going back to training would be the best thing." Yongyee quickly changed her answer. 

"But if I see you guys ever fighting again I will send you off even farther and with a smaller living quarter." T.S said fiercely. You guys finish your last day here. Songmi let's go home your mother has been worried sick"

"Nooo!! NO NO NO I want to stay" 



"good thing too I was ready to throw her off the cliff myself..." Jaela smirked. 

"See you guys tomorrow ready to train. Yongyee and Yongguk when you come back I would like to see you both in my office." With that T.S and finally! Songmi left. Not without saying a few words to Toki.

"Toki you may think you've won. But I'm a woman of my words. I promise life won't be so happy and bubbly when you return." With that she smiled and waved to the boys."Good bye good bye~" 

Shivers ran down Toki's spine. 

"CAN WE FINALLY EAT!?!?!?!?" Yongguk was rubbing his belly. "Agh!" Jongup and Jaela backed away guiltily for they already ate. 

"Yeah ! Let's eat" Yongyee shouted.

"Whoa....they finally agreed on something" Himchan looked astonished. 

"Himchan....Imma punch your face out...be careful.." Yongyee glared at Himchan. 

Toki shook her fears away and ran to Chanya."Chanya Unnie! What a relief that she's gone. Unnie unnie when you were gone I was so sad! I'm glad your back!" 

"I missed you too Toki. Let's eat something I'm starving." 

After eating everyone took a long nap. They were extremely exhausted for being disturbed so early in the morning. 

"haha Toki you thought I left? You must be dreaming. Before Junhong even knew you..he was all over me. I was the prettiest noona he has ever seen. He told me himself. The first day he entered the company. We've kissed plenty of times before..I don't know why he was so shy."

"No...no no" Toki. "Songmi unnie noooo you're wrong! ahhh you're wrong wrong wrong." Toki picked up Songmi with some unknown source of strength and threw her off the cliff. Leaving her to plummet to her doom. 

Toki jolted awake. She woke up so suddenly it disturbed the thing next to her. Which was a giant barricade of pillows. The pillow barrier crashed down onto Daehyun waking him up. 

"what is this troublesome thing on me" He dug his way out. "Why is there a barrier between you and me? I thought I made it clear I wasn't going to do anything to you?" 

"I don't know why it's there actually. When I fell asleep it wasn't here." 

"Eh, must've been Zelo." 

"What do you mean?" Toki asked innocently. 


"Secrets don't make friends" 

"Friends make secrets..."

"Does that mean we are friends!" A happy grin spread across her face.


"aw why?"



Quickly distracting Toki. Daehyun asked "Why were you moving so much in your sleep." 

"ah...well it started as a bad dream and ended being a good one." 

"right...well I'm getting more sleep"

"It's mid-day though how can you be sleeping!" 

"You go out then"

"Ah fine" 

Toki ped the tent and breathed the fresh air. "ah it's so nice out..." She grabbed her sunglasses and a book from her bag inside and left. She headed towards the lake. She laid in the spot where she ran into Zelo on the day of capture the flag and began reading. Toki still wanted to do something after she was done with being an idol. She kept up with her studies. Using her money to purchase self teaching books when she missed school. Toki was still young after all. 

Zelo walked out to the tent to see if his barrier was still up. He peeked inside seeing that it was destroyed and that the curly headed girl was no where to be seen. He figured she would be at the lake. He stuck a bottle in his pocket and grabbed a bottle of water. He saw the top of Toki's head. Her curly locks dancing with the wind as their partner. She heard her singing. "love is energy ~ you're my energy~. She changed the song "It's because of you. I don't want to talk to you first. The words rest on my lips. Loving you~  you~ what should I do what should I do? He crept next to her and popped a squat. 

"Hey you"

"Hey" Toki looked up squinting to protect her eyes from the sun. Zelo adjusted his seat so he could block the sun out of her face.

"Why did you bring sunglasses if you weren't going to use them?" 

"Pshh it's hard to read without sunglasses" 

"Ah you're burning. What kind of girl doesn't put sun block on her face." Zelo pulled the tube of sunblock from his pocket and handed it to her.

"One that doesn't mind having a little color. I don't need that milky white skin that every girl has" 

"Aish still you can't get burned" he took back tube and applied some to his finger. He then transfered it on her cheeks. With his other hand he brushed the strands of hair from her face. 

While he took care of her skin it was her turn to question."What about you? You have absolute untanned skin. I watched your promotions for Never Give Up and thought why is he so pale?"

He laughed. "It's not that I can't get tanned. It's just that I haven't had the time too. So much work and schedules to go to you don't really have relaxing time. You know even in our sleep the hyungs and I talk to each other." 

Toki laughed "Whaaat" 

"At first I was amazed at your talent. Then worried..are you going to be as tired and worn out. But after I heard that talk show I laughed and thought wow she's fearless. I could never do that."

Toki was a bit dissapointed to hear the last part.

He rubbed sun block on her nose and continued. "Then it all changed when I met you." Zelo said shyly. He was going to continue but stopped himself and changed the subject. "Ah see look all protected now. Sit in the sun as long as you want." 


"Hey I'm a safe guy. Safety first" 

"Says the person who skates."

Zelo laid back on Toki's book. "What is this."

"A book"

"Oh wow I've never seen these before." Zelo said sarcastically. 

Toki giggled. "It's for when I get done with being an idol."

"You're not staying?" 

"Mmm...I like music it's something I do for fun. I like dancing and it's things I enjoy.  I've pictured myself in a big cozy house. Filled with children and a wonderful husband." Toki was in fantasy land. I only wanted to join well cause I wanted to meet you. I was always on the computer jealous of how all those fans could meet you take pictures. I wanted my own turn. But not just to go to a concert but personally meet you. Now that my dream is complete I met you...I'm sitting right next to you.. I've held your hand I've kiss- uhhh well I umm..I.. Zelo kissed the blabbering Toki.

"You did that" Zelo finished her sentence. "And now you want to leave..before you even debuted.

Toki smirked. "Ha oh sweet maknae Zelo now you kis..kis- do that when ever you want. No one can look at you as the baby now. So confident" 

"You are the baby definitely can't even say the word KISS!" 

"Ah don't tease me! But I actually have one more thing to complete before I leave the music industry." 

Then she stopped herself from leaking all her dreams. 

"I'll make sure you never complete it" 

"What! That's so mean! You don't even know what it is!" 

"If you complete it then you will leave. No thanks. I still have to compete you in a dance battle one on one." 

"But you don't know what it is"

"Then tell me. I don't want to hear it if it has something to do like Daehyun hyung."

Toki stayed silent.

"It does!?"

"I never said that. I just don't want to you to stop me from completing it if I tell you"


Toki resisted his cute face"Ah shhh I'll tell you when you're older . just lay down as I read kay Zelo oppa?"

"Okay" Zelo laid on his side so he can watch Toki read. He was at peace. He thought about what he wanted after his life of fame came to an end..."

"Zelo! Zelo!" Jongup came down the hill to the lake. 

"Zelo come on we are heading back down! Pack your stuff. We are holding a small get together at our dorm."

"I thought we weren't allowed to leave til tomorrow." 

Jongup chuckled and smiled evily. "T.S won't know that we are taking a break back home and plus we will be bonding." He winked at Zelo. 

Youngjae looked up the bus schedules and Jaejin looked up the train schedules. 

"Perfect, we will be able to make it down quickly" 

"Hurry it up guys let's go!" 

The group of girls and the mob of blonde haired mobsters made their way back home. They quietly made their way back to civilization. They made sure they covered any trace of B.A.P on them. No one could know that they returned from their leave. 


~B.A.P Dorm~






"Oh...WHAT THE! Jaejin you may be absolutely disturbing in every way but you are..." Chanya cut off Youngjae. "We are out of cups and this whole list of things." Himchan took hold of the list. "Don't worry I'll get it." 

"Hyung no they will recognize you" Youngjae said.

"You're right I'm the visuals" Himchan replied confidently. 

"Himchan oppa I thought Daehyun was the visuals" Toki replied to his confidence.

"TOKI!" He pulled her to his laptop and logged into his ulzzang page. "LOOK AT THIS FINE FACE"

"Youngjae stop boosting his ego and send one of my girls out" 

Jongup who loves running errands and going to the store volunteered to go. 

"Jonguppie my girls aren't delicate nor fragile. They can go themselves" Yongyee waved to Chanya. Chanya leave the cooking to the cooking team. Take Himchan with you before I knock his face out." 

"Yongyee unnie can I go too?" Jaela asked. "I want some air the smell of the food is giving me a head ache."

"Yeah you go with Himchan and Chanya. Stay close to them." 

"I'll go too!" Jongup ran out the door to catch up with Himchan, Chanya and Jaela.

Yongguk stepped out the door as well. "I'm going also but to a different place. I'll be back soon"

"Please take your time" Yongyee said sarcastically. 

"Unnie you should be nicer to Yongguk oppa he is the one going to train us." 

"we don't need him Toki he might just end up abandoning us if we aren't good enough" 

"You never know Unnie hearts were never meant to be understood only loved. ah I'm going to the bathroom really quick" 


"Daehyun can you get that?" 

He looked at the door. Then back at to the comfortable spot he was sitting at. "Nope" Zelo got up from the couch and opened the door. 

"Hello sir. This is a gift from T.S. it's a welcome back present." The odd man who was dressed in a suit placed the package of drinks to Zelo. 

Zelo bowed and thanked the man. He shut the door with his back and balanced the drinks to lock the door. 

"Drinks from T.S." 

Jaejin looked up from what she was doing then looked at Youngjae who also had a fishy feeling. "T.S doesn't know we are back yet.." 

"And I'm sure he wouldn't be welcoming us back." Youngjae added. 

"Definitely weird. Put that aside okay?" Zelo stuck the drinks in a corner and went into the kitchen to offer help. 

Jaela snuck her hand into Jongup's. They were just normal people. Not famous..just a couple strolling. Himchan and Chanya took no interest. Jaela was blind which was the reason they thought Jongup was holding her hand. Just to guide her. Jongup loved the feeling of holding onto her hands. There was no secrets..no hiding. It felt good this freedom. 

A vendor went up to them. "Hello Hello! Oh you're a young good looking couple. Be a gentleman and buy your girlfriend a ring"

Jongup looked at Jaela who tugged at his hand to just go. He made eye contact with the vendor. He put his finger to his lips silencing the vendor. Jongup was playing charades with the guy. Jongup scanned the rings and found one that spoke to him. It was a couple ring. He smiled at the vendor. 

"Do you want-" The vendor spoke and Jongup covered the vendor's mouth. Making a quiet shh-ing sound. 

Jongup pointed to the pair of rings and then pulled his wallet out to pay. 

After he put on his ring and left the tiny cart. The vendor stared at Jongup weirdly. "What a strange guy.." 

He reunited with Jaela's hands. She felt something new. "Did you just buy yourself a ring?" 

"Yup it's pretty cool." 

Jaela felt the texture of the ring and the designs. "It feels beautiful...I can almost picture it." 

"We better hurry Himchan Hyung and Chanya Noona will be wondering where we wandered off to" 


B.A.P Dorm 

Everyone came back they laid the groceries on the table. 


"Daehyun? Ah nevermind. I'll get it Toki announced." 

"SUNDAE UNNIE!" Toki screamed. 

"Sunday?" Himchan questioned. 

"Like the day....?" Zelo tried to peek out from his seat." 

"sounds like trouble" Daehyun sighed. 

"No no like the ice cream?" Jongup said. 

"No it's a person." Jaejin replied. 

Sundae walked in. A gorgeous girl walked in you could've swore she was glowing. The boys jaws dropped. 

"Ugh you guys are such guys...Yongyee rubbed her temples." 

"Sundae! What are you doing here?" Chanya pulled the girl into an embrace. 

"I'm a bit early so I decided to get directions from google." 

"Let me get this straight" Yongguk looked at the beautiful girl. "Your name is Sun...dae?"

"Ah I'm so rude let me introduce myself. I'm Cha SunDae." 

Daehyun looked up. For the first time they've seen him have a change of facial expression. "Sunni...." 


Chanya looked at the two"...Daedae?Sunni? Sundae you know Daehyun." 

"Daedae and I go way back!"

Toki tugged on her unnie "Oooo story time~" 

"we dated" 

oooo Sundae hahaha ice cream sundae sounds good right now :) mmmm guys more juicy stuff ish going to happen so wait my fellow readers! thank you fo the support for this story! ah :) 



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la la la waiting for the chapters to come back ~


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Angiechan #1
PLEASE UPDATE!!! :( i really love this story
Jaela and Jongup are going steady~~ yay!
JAEJIN!!! Why you no realize YOUNGJAE likes you?!?! lol this couple is too funny.
Yes Zelo, dancing in the rain is quite provocative...I like it anyways~
Himchan you're awesome!
Haha I love how everyones getting along!
Sundae and Daehyun are never going to happen? Aw..but then who's Daehyun gonna end up with? Will he be forever alone? Lol jk
Haha Daehyun smiling too much is scary to Jaejin~
everyone seems friendly with each other.. dear god do you have precognition? every song you used in the update i was listening to while reading ....WHAT IS THIS *starts imagining an Mv for dancing in the rain*... so sundae and daedae are officially a no no no never gonna happen couple?
Wait.... JONGUP AND JAELA IS GETTING MARRIED. Uhhh, underage? -.-
ZELO WHAT THE HELL? =______________________________=''''''''''''''
:) thank you ah can't say it enough these comments and subs truly keep me updating and lot of the comments inspire my next chapter so thank you!
Oh I also really laughed at the polo - Ralph Lauren joke!
)YAY THEY'RE GETTING MARRIED! ! I wanted to seriously kill zelo for what he did to toki (I'm sure songmi has something to do with this) DEAR GOD TS IS THE BEST CHARACTER.
Yay! Jongup and Jaelae are getting married?! Lol at least they're legal.
Reverse psychology? Not working too well....
I feel bad for Dae, but at the same time I want Zelo with Toki...
Why can't it be Dae and Sundae???
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