Behind The Moment

Remember Me


[June 2010; Two Days Later]

[Daesung POV]

That obnoxious beeping sound from the monitor speeds up. Alarmed, I look down at Mi Sun on the bed. I see her chest going up and down rapidly. I grasp her hand tightly and watch her with frantic eyes. I hear nurses and a doctor come in the room, surrounding us.

“What’s going on?” I ask towards nobody.

“I don’t know.” The doctor answers me. “Something…”

“What?” I ask. But this time, nobody replies because all of them are rapidly searching Mi Sun to see what’s wrong with her. I see her body jerk and I flinch. With my other hand, I cup her already sweating face.

“Daesung,” The doctor calls me. He looks back at me. Realization hits me; this is the same doctor that helped with Mi Sun two years ago, when she was in her coma. “I think you should step back—“

“I’m sorry, but I can’t do that.” I interrupt him. He shakes his head. A sudden tight grip wraps around my hand. With bulging eyes, I look down at Mi Sun.

And I finally see her brown eyes look back at me.


[Author POV]

The doctor and the nurses gape at the girl who was throwing a fit earlier. Now, Won Mi Sun is awake. But does she remember?

The doctor, Dr. Yang Hyun Suk, looks between Mi Sun and Daesung. The couple was staring silently at each other’s eyes. Dr. Yang remembers these two people. He remembered seeing Daesung all the time with a flower in his hand, taking care of Mi Sun. He actually thought they were married from the way he took care of her. But he was left puzzled when he didn’t see Daesung around after a few months of Mi Sun’s accident. He watches Mi Sun’s shaky hand reach up to caress Daesung’s face, wiping away the escaped tears.

Dr. Yang nudges the nurses, who were silently gushing at the sweet moment between the couple. Dr. Yang pushes the nurses out and closes the door behind him just as he takes one last glance at the two. He’ll just talk to them later.

Meanwhile, Daesung was left in awe. She’s awake, and once again, he’s the first person she sees. Just for that, he’s a little happy deep down. But he doesn’t show it. Instead, he basks in the warm surging through him when her hand makes contact with his cheek.

Mi Sun grips his hand tighter; scared that this is just another illusion her mind is playing on her. It’s real. It’s really him with her. She thought he left with Jiyoung. She pulls her hand away from his and cups his face with both of her hands. She pulls his face closer, until she could feel his breath on her quivering lips. Her eyes pierce right into his, trying to push all her emotions and thoughts to her eyes.

Daesung, on the other hand, was too deep into his emotions. But then he notices something in her eyes; the sparkle he’s always had when he was with her. His heart jumps erratically as realization slaps him. Once seeing the realization in his eyes, Mi Sun’s face breaks into a huge smile, making Daesung lose his breath.

“I remember you.” She whispers just as she pulls him down for his lips to meet hers. In an instant, they respond to each other. Daesung squeezes his eyes shut and looms his face closer to her, making his lips press down on hers harder. Daesung moves his body closer as well, propping both of his hands on each side of her.

Feeling all of his movements, Mi Sun locks her hands behind his neck, pulling him even closer. Their lips make little smacking sounds as Daesung continuously pecks her lips. Mi Sun, needing air, turns her head to the side. Daesung watches her take in deep breathes. Mi Sun looks back at him, feeling the air knocked out of her again. There, Daesung was smiling his angelic smile. Mi Sun smiles back; the emptiness in both of their stomachs filling up with happiness.

“Thank you so much for giving me so many sweet memories.” Mi Sun says, rubbing the tip of her nose with his. Then she whispers, “Sweet dreams, Won Mi Sun. Dream of sweet memories.”

Tenderness filled Daesung. He leans down and gently kisses her lips this time, giving her all the emotions he’s feeling. And Mi Sun gladly accepts them, feeling the same. “Something I say to you every night.” He murmurs, resting his forehead on hers.

“Babo.” She blurts out, just as another memory hits her.

Daesung laughs quietly. “Something you say to me all the time.”


She silently closes the door just as she sees their lips make contact. She leans her back against the wall and takes in deep breaths. She closes her eyes and the image of Mi Sun and Daesung come back up. She bitter sweetly smiles. She should get this over with.

Without look back, she walks out of the hospital and goes in her car, driving home. She has some things to sort out. After a while, she goes straight in her house. She drops her keys to the floor and slips off her shoes while walking inside. She passes her room and goes to the other occupied room. She knocks many times, feeling anxiousness rising up in her.

“Come in.” A soft voice squeaks through the door.

She bites her lip, wondering if she should just walk away right now. She knows it’s not her problem, but she’s doing this for her sake. With determination, she goes in the room, closing the door behind her. She looks at the girl on her bed.

“What’s up?”

“Jiyoung, my dear daughter, I think we need to talk.” She says, sitting down gently next to Jiyoung. 


A/N: Hopefully, nobody is confused with the last few paragraphs. I tried to make it as mysterious(?) as possible... Until the last sentence of course >.< Haha.

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teddiebears #1
just popping in to older fics to say hi .u.
loloipop #2
Chapter 50: This was really cute <3
miahxx #4
Chapter 17: wahhh.. what about jiyoung?
i mean idc about her, lol
but daesung should at least be honest.
tsk tskk
miahxx #5
Chapter 1: definitely a good start!
this is the first time im reading a daesung fic and im already excited for the upcoming chapters!
im usually reading gd and top ones xD
nhichole18 #6
Wah! I read it in one go. Couldn't stop!
At first I thought Daesung didn't give enough effort but reading him still loving her until the end made it up for me. Glad that things turn out good for the both of them ^^
thank you for sharing this! Hope you'll write more daesung fics. He needs more love. Kekeke! ^^
LeapFrog #7
I loved this fanfic so much, I re-read it like.....5 times! <br />
At first I was like, DaeSung! You gotta visit her more than once a month! You gotta help her get out of the coma~! XD<br />
AHHH. You had me feeling SO many emotions in this fanfic! <br />
But I'm glad they got back together in the end. ^_^ And glad Jiyoung moved on. C:<br />
Okay~ I'm done with the long comment now c: <3
maeriyaki #8
I just Uniates reading this oh how I missed reading your stories it's so Amazing imiss DAESUNG so muchsksk<br />
<br />
Oh and @crazy4aaronyan jiyoung from Kara is in this story
Nicasmine #9
I really liked this story, I couldn't stop reading until I really had too. Thumbs up! ^_____^)b
Heyy! Could you change your tag from JiyoUng to JiyOng? Because Jiyoung is from Kara and people will get confused on the people. Thank you.