Their Shared Heartbreak

Remember Me


[May 2010]

[Author POV]

Daesung tackles Jiyong down, rage flowing through his veins. Daesung couldn’t believe his hyung, of all people, had the nerve of taking Mi Sun when he fully knows Daesung loves her. He throws a punch across Jiyong’s face. Daesung shakes off the hands holding him back and grabs Jiyong’s collar roughly.

“I can’t believe you, hyung!” Daesung bellows. Daesung pushes Jiyong down hard on the ground. Daesung throws another punch. “Why would you do this to me?” Daesung yells, glaring at Jiyong.

Jiyong doesn’t say anything and simply stares at him with sad eyes. Jiyong didn’t mind getting beat up by Daesung. What Jiyong is mostly focused about is Daesung’s face. The boy’s face was completely different from what everyone’s seen him. Never once has anybody seen Daesung so furious.

Tears start to flow down Daesung’s face, as he doesn’t get an answer from his hyung. He takes inhales a sharp breath and gets ready for another hit before someone’s large hand stops him. YoungBae’s arms wrap around his torso and pulls Daesung off of Jiyong. 

Daesung doesn’t fight back; he’s realized what he’s done. Daesung stares as Seunghyun helps Jiyong up. Daesung takes in deep heavy breaths, already feeling tears go down his face.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” Seunghyun angrily shouts at Daesung once Jiyong was seated on the couch.

“I-I d-didn’t—“ Daesung stutters.

“You didn’t realize what you were doing?” Seunghyun finishes for him. He lets out an aggravated sigh. “Listen. I want you to calm down and listen to us. There’s a lot of explaining between all of us.” Seunghyun says. His voice was rough, as if he were growling out the words.

“YoungBae, grab Seungri and bring him over here. While you,” He points at Daesung. “Sit your down and listen.”

Daesung complies, feeling his heart skip beats. He goes on his knees and bows. “I’m sorry, Jiyong hyung. I-I r-really didn’t realize what I-I was doing.”

Jiyong sighs; he doesn’t like seeing Daesung like this. He places his hand on the boy’s shoulder. “Get up. It’s fine. I understand your reasons.” Jiyong breathes. Daesung slowly gets up and sits next to Jiyong. The latter slings his arm around Daesung, giving him an assuring squeeze.

Seunghyun watches the two silently, feeling guilty and frustrated at the same time. He was glad that the two can make up fast, but that’s probably all of them know what Daesung is going through. Seunghyun remembered when Daesung let out his whole past to them, from Daesung and Mi Sun’s childhood days to Seunghyun meeting Daesung through that accident.

Seunghyun suddenly misses the smile that would show on Daesung face. He, himself, didn’t like the look on his face. Daesung had a trainload of emotions running through him. And all Daesung wants to do now is lay down and close his eyes, resting his overactive body.

Seungri and YoungBae come back to the room. YoungBae stares at Jiyong’s arm around Daesung. He was silently relieved that everything was calm…for now, of course. Seungri quietly sits beside Seunghyun. Seungri heard all the shouting and the fighting from Mi Sun’s room.


Seunghyun clears his throat. “Daesung, Jiyong has to explain some things and you need to explain some things yourself.”


Daesung lets his head fall into his heavy hands, really wanting to sleep now. He let himself get carried away, let his memories capture him and make a fool out of himself. This shouldn’t have happened. He shouldn’t have punched his hyung just because of his jealousy, his possessiveness.

“Jiyong hyung,” Daesung croaks. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”

He feels someone pat his back. “It’s alright. My fault for involving myself in the first place.”

“But thank you.” Daesung whispers, looking at Jiyong.

“Don’t worry about it. Besides, I don’t like Jiyoung.” Jiyong smiles.

“We all don’t.” Seungri speaks up, chuckling a little.

“Why?” Daesung wonders. He’s been waiting to ask that question.

“She’s too… cheerful.” YoungBae trails off, searching for the right word. “She’s too fake.”

“It’s as if she’s hiding a little secret.” Jiyong shudders, smirking.

“Where is Mi Sun?” Daesung suddenly asks, remembering what Seunghyun told him. He feels his shoulders drop once again as he imagines Mi Sun walking on him kissing another girl.

Seunghyun glances at the door Mi Sun was sleeping in. Daesung catches the movement and starts to make his way towards the room. He wants to see her, explain everything. With so much going on, Daesung has the urge to tell her everything. But everything, he also means what started it all.

With fast movements, Seunghyun blocks his way. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Seunghyun says.

“Why not? I think she deserves hearing all our explanations.” Daesung says, trying to veer around his tall hyung.

“Ithink that you should go home and rest first.” Seunghyun replies calmly.

Daesung gives his hyung a look. “I think she’ll want to go home.”

“Well, I think that you should let her sleep here tonight.” Seunghyun remarks. As he sees the look on Daesung’s face, he whispers, “Give her some space. She’s been through as much as you.”

Daesung stops and stands still. He stares at Seunghyun, reading his eyes. With a glum sigh, Daesung steps back. His hyung is right. Maybe he should step back for a while. He needs to think things through anyway. Without a goodbye, Daesung walks out the front door.

Just for you, Mi Sun, I’ll step back. No matter how much I don’t want to, I think I need to. Just for you, Mi Sun, I’ll try as much as I can to take away the pain. I hope you know that I love you, Daesung silently says.

He drives back to his work with a saddened heart.

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teddiebears #1
just popping in to older fics to say hi .u.
loloipop #2
Chapter 50: This was really cute <3
miahxx #4
Chapter 17: wahhh.. what about jiyoung?
i mean idc about her, lol
but daesung should at least be honest.
tsk tskk
miahxx #5
Chapter 1: definitely a good start!
this is the first time im reading a daesung fic and im already excited for the upcoming chapters!
im usually reading gd and top ones xD
nhichole18 #6
Wah! I read it in one go. Couldn't stop!
At first I thought Daesung didn't give enough effort but reading him still loving her until the end made it up for me. Glad that things turn out good for the both of them ^^
thank you for sharing this! Hope you'll write more daesung fics. He needs more love. Kekeke! ^^
LeapFrog #7
I loved this fanfic so much, I re-read it like.....5 times! <br />
At first I was like, DaeSung! You gotta visit her more than once a month! You gotta help her get out of the coma~! XD<br />
AHHH. You had me feeling SO many emotions in this fanfic! <br />
But I'm glad they got back together in the end. ^_^ And glad Jiyoung moved on. C:<br />
Okay~ I'm done with the long comment now c: <3
maeriyaki #8
I just Uniates reading this oh how I missed reading your stories it's so Amazing imiss DAESUNG so muchsksk<br />
<br />
Oh and @crazy4aaronyan jiyoung from Kara is in this story
Nicasmine #9
I really liked this story, I couldn't stop reading until I really had too. Thumbs up! ^_____^)b
Heyy! Could you change your tag from JiyoUng to JiyOng? Because Jiyoung is from Kara and people will get confused on the people. Thank you.