"Baby, Don't Cry" Chapter 48&49;: Sin/Save Me

My Rants on ShiningLucifer's Stories

Anyways, yeah, I will comment briefly on this chapter, since my mind is all muddled up and well, I haven't eaten yet... still... hehehe, unnie, feed me!!! *O*
Um, yeah, anyways....
What am I going to do with you for crying out loud? Aish... I just, I can't, I don't even KNOW. Let's start with your reaction to when you wake up... though.. this might be a little awkward for me to say..... But um... let's just say.... yeah, you sure feel for temptations now didn't ya? *shakes head* *frowns* So, unnie, if you look at chapter "Sin", the very end, and then how this chapter starts... Um... yeah? Did he pass out from shock or something? Yeah... I'll just stop there
Minho, Minho, Minho... you terrible boy. But hey! Moment of brilliance when you escaped the hideout. Though, I have no idea why it didn't even cross your mind to kill her while she was weak? And Vulnerable? I mean, that's what /I/ would have done. Just saying, ya know? But yeah... I guess I'm thankful since that still leaves me to kill her ^^ *le trolls again* Anyways, uh... yeah, chu is sho shtupid. But I can't help but think it was a really good part of the story. It was very relevant to the story. It was well written. Unnie, your imagery is just AMAZING I should say. It totally brings to life Minho's suffering and thoughts (and can you tell I've been in English AP Lit & Com. for too damn long now XD) that makes me want to go over to him and hold him and tell him everything's going to be okay and that I won't let Yukari torture him anymore because I'll take care of her so he never has to worry about her again. And I'm so relieved, that if you hadn't called so desperately to Seungmi, and hadn't heard her voice, you'd be gone. I hate how stupid you act  sometimes (well a lot of the times) but it's because I hate to see you suffer. You know? Because what you're going through is just unfair and uncool and you deserve to be happy. You work so hard and you want to take care of Seungmi, even if it means putting yourself in the danger that you have. You're willing to go so far for how much you love her and Jaewon. Even when you believe he's Key's son, you love him.
Maybe you have pushed yourself to far to the point where you're hurting so much you want to kill yourself. Maybe you have pushed yourself to much, but it's admirable from my standpoint. Seungmi needs someone like you, who's willing to do pretty much anything for you. I think if you were the drug addicted one, you would have STOPPED for her, no matter how hard it was right from the start. You're not like Key. You're not blinded. You're truly in love with her. Your love for Seungmi is just simply admirable. If I had someone who loved me that way, I would be stupid for letting you go. For not seeing your pain. And that's exactly Seungmi.
Which, let's get started on my angry rant on Seungmi, shall we? Cause I just LOVE trolling on her like all the time. I don't exactly like you, but that's because I don't like you when you're with Key. To me it just seems so superficial, the way you and Key are around each other. Marriage? Does he even know what he's going to do to support you and Jaewon? I don't think he's gotten that through his head. There's no more SHINee, and ultimately, Key needs to figure out what he's gonna do. Needs to say right out that he's going to stop drugs, and actually put words into action (oh my gosh, it's supposed to be about Seungmi and I went to troll Key).
Seungmi, I am SO DAMN HAPPY that you finally realized you needed to stop running away from your true feelings. Because honestly, I told you you were hurting yourself, Key, Minho, Jenna and pretty much everyone around you. I can't believe though, that it took Minho's crying, broken voice to get through to you. That's just sad. You saw it as plain as day. It was so painstakingly obviously THERE, but because you let yourself be so blinded by Key, AGAIN, you hid from it. You ran from it. You're a mother, act more responsible for your actions. You stupid, stupid girl. Trying to save your friendship with Jenna? Can you call it a friendship when you keep lying to her? You seriously should have just ADMITTED it to her, not trying to cover it up. Your own son, who is not even six months old is smarter than you I swear! He knows who he should be with. He knows who his real father is, so, I hope you finally realized who you really do belong with now.
It's so damn frustrating to see Minho break like that. Because, it's not LIKE him at ALL. Key fell right back to his old self. KEY. But the one who changed after you left? It was MINHO. MINHO. He was the one that was left so affected by it (unfortunately Jonghyun, but you'll fix that soon, so I won't worry too much about it...). The one who came out broken was Minho. Key just bounced back to his old self. What is there to say about that unnie? It's just more to Minho's favor right there.
So when they held each other again, embracing each other 'like puzzle pieces', does that not mean anything? I really, just can't do it. It's Minho. It's always been him. Minho and Seungmi suit each other so well. Has it been healthy for Seungmi to be in a relationship with Key from the beginning? Oh hell no it wasn't!
Now it's up to Seungmi to make her choice, and I hope she chooses wisely. That she chooses correctly. That Minho can finally hold Jaewon as his actual son, and not as "Key's son".
But than again, I don't know if you've revealed it yet. I guess I'll just have to see soon enough.
But yeah, that's my comment for this...
Oh! Yukari troll for a little bit. Bahaha, she's so damn attached to Minho. Blackmail her Minho, do it. Bring her down. Destroy her. (not completely, and we all know why *winkwinknudgenudge* ehheheheh)

But yeah, I don't know what else has happened since I'm still catching up, but I'm going to eat and buy my bus tickets for L.A. and do homework and work hard and I'll catch up soon. But I just had to go ahead and read on. Kekeke, unnie, I LOVE YOU


Forever catching up -_-

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super cute!