"Baby, Don't Cry" Chapter 41: Homesick

My Rants on ShiningLucifer's Stories

 Um... Um... I totally lost what I was going to say when I was reading over the date with Jonghyun, because, well, you know... Oh gosh. Um... eeto... crap. For once I really don't think... I think this will actually be short? We'll see... um...
I know! Let's start with the whole making-out-having--with-clothes-on scence? deh? Okay! That was so hot and steamy and oh gosh Seungmi, why the hell can it not click in that little mind of yours that you still love him?! I mean, C-MON!!! Aigoo. The way he moves you with a single touch. The way you so badly want him too and the obvious display he did this time of the need for him to BE with you. And how he feels. Yeah, you're a little cheater, but so is Key and he's 10x worse than you. I mean, he has actually underage girls! How could you stand being with someone who is constantly doing things he knows he should do anymore. When he knows he's well capable of stopping willingly and be strong, but he decides to be weak. So how can he be strong for you? Look at Minho. See the diamond necklace he gave you long ago and has kept still. Why would you ask why him "why didn't you come after me?" when it obviously matters to you. When you wish he had chased after you. The only reason you decide to not listen to his pleas that are so evident, is because you are so scared of what Key will do to you and Minho and Jaewon. You know he's sick in the head and you go on defending him when he's causing you more harm than good. Minho only wants to take care of you. He loves you and is suffering in silence because of that. You've placed Minho in a tight situation.
Key, going so far as to stealing Jonghyun's pills, again, really? You are violent and cruel to Seungmi and a danger to Jaewon and not a good influence. You don't think only feel. You willingly let yourself weak when you succumb to the withdrawals and the anger. You went so far as to your own FIANCE! She didn't want to do it. You need to learn you can't have your way every single time. You're supposed to be an adult, so act like one! Grow up a little. You're going to die because of drug abuse. If you think about it, that makes Minho killing you so easy. He could find a way to give you and over dose and it'll seem like you were too stupid and stepped over the line and finally did yourself in. That would be the best way for him to get rid of you, you know? And he's super smart with all the chem and stuff, he could easily figure out how much to use. I know, why should I give him any ideas? Well, maybe because it's the only way you'd ever learn. You snorted sleeping pills to get high. Think about how stupid that is of you! And you forced Seungmi. You made sure she BLED. You're not right with her. At this point, tis hard to see you getting better by the end of all this. That's really upsetting, honestly. As much as I despise the way you are here, I don't want you to die. Not at all. It really does make me sad to think that may be the best way to get you out of your suffering.
I was gonna say something else about Seungmi, but every time I start remembering, it slips my mind.... damn. It was really good too.
Jonghyun, my dear sweet Puppysaurus. Oh jeez, you're so cute, but your feelings are becoming more and more evident and it really pisses me off. The fact that you were so driven to find Seungmi kind of breaks my heart and I also burn with jealousy. I love you and you can't... can't... aish! You got insomnia because of her! That really breaks my heart! Anyways, to now get to how cute you are and romatically silly. I want to go on a date with you like that! And also, the fact that you are a star wars nerd just made me love you even more. I love star wars and I would love to see it in 3D too with you! That's just freaking amazing.
Oh jeez, now I know what to kinda expect in the next chapter. Unnie, you can't do this to him! I will definitely want Key dead afterwards! That's a promise. Yukari made the mistake of making me her enemy, and Key you don't want me to become your enemy. Not at all. So watch it. I mean it really. If you think about it, I already I don't want you to die, but if anything happens, and you know what, you wont live to see another story update! Or just one more, where you die. MUAHAHAHAAHAHA!!!
I really want to know what went on in Minho's head after the whole making out with Seungmi thing. And Taemin needs to push Seungmi to tell Minho the truth. And kudos for Seungmi thinking it's best to tell S.M. who she really is with. But everyone needs to know soon about who is the real father of Jaewon.
Honestly, I feel ashamed I didn't write as much this time, and for that, I am sorry Unnie. If you can imagine, I have so much going on that my brain doesn't even want to think too much about writing a lot. I've had like three essays in one week. Spanish and English. I feel really bad because this was also an update for your 1 year anniversity and I really wanted to read it then and comment then and give you a good comment. I really feel like I let you down. I'm sorry. You can now beat ME and not get in trouble for child abuse. *hides her face in hands in shame* I'm so terrible sorry. I promise, I will do better next time. Maybe I'll just make sure I fill up the whole comment page with my long and possible annoying comments. You did really good! Don't you doubt that! I love you Unnie! And thanks again for the Birthday wishes!


I so remember this.

I found where I was again, lol

But yeah, I really do think it's a lot better when it's Seungmi and Minho together

Not even gonna LIE

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super cute!