"Baby, Don't Cry" Chapter 46&47;: Celebrity/ Claustrophobic

My Rants on ShiningLucifer's Stories

*le using her RP account*
I will leave a long comment.
Pardon my whateverlanguageyouwannausethatIdon'tspeakorwanttolearn.

I was totally going to wait until I finished catching up, but Oh MY GOSH I can't WAIT!!!
Okay, so seriously, my opinion on the whole scene?
Your other readers are going to be like, this is so slow and totally is so behind and she's barely commenting on it? WTF?
Well, in my defense, I'm commenting at least and also I promised my unnie and I know some like reading my random, ranted comments, so we can all just chill bill, right?
Well, if you got a problem, go ahead and let me know on my o/c account Unmei474... I'll eventually log in there again XD
But anyways, back on topic, right?
Soooooooo, I already knew it was gonna happen, it was just a matter of when you posted it and what the circumstances were.
I can't be too mad at Minho, I'm not even gonna lie kekeke.
I mean, I had already told you some of my reasoning before you even posted the chapter, and I still stand by it, so I'm pretty much awesome for predicting, right? Oh my gosh, it's been so long commenting, I'm kinda excited and ranting and oh my gosh I should get back on subject BHAHAHA < Where was I?
Oh! I guess I should semi start from the last chapter?
Cuz I read the other one and I don't honestly remember if I commented on it or not, but oh well, we can all deal, right? Gosh, someone stop me from ranting about things unimportant to the main topic of my comment >.>
ANYWAYS for like the bizillionth time? kekeke
Okay, so when Minho magically disappeared, he was so damn ninja. Did anyone notice that unnie didn't mention a door shutting. Like the front door when Taemin went looking for Seungmi to confront her? And that he passed right by Minho going to his room?
Did he like, leap out the window or something O>O
I must seriously not remember that far behind O Oh gosh, making new faces is sooooo fun!
Okay, back to topic. So.... umm... Oh! The Seiji dude person mobobber. That was a total  totally something I did NOT see coming. Tut tut for my fail.
But her attitude change... did they have ????????????
I know, random, but she has slept with a lot of people, so I can't help but think that... and she has a soft spot for him,
And I can't help but think that he has feelings for her.
I DON'T EVEN KNOW! That's just a vibe there, but her love has no hope because I'm going to kill her, huhuhuh, and besides, she's going to fall WAY too hard for Minho, like I've felt for like AGES. Cuz yeah.... muahahahaha!
I will kill you Yukari, I will Kwiiill you!
Okay, done being a weirdo... bahaha, who we kidding? lololol
Okay... AH! the boss, you totally should have made him look really weird.
Like a really short Japanese man that looks like he cant hurt a fly until you look into his deep eyes that could kill with just a single look. Oh my gosh, why am I such a freak?
But ANYWAYS, I think Minho should have been challenging?
I mean, not on the whole Seungmi comment thing because that would have ended badly,
But I think Minho, if he had told the boss with the anger he was feeling about Seungmi, that he hadn't even seen what Minho could do. Or challenged him, saying that he should try testing him or something, I don't even know!
Bahahaha, Yukari got pissed. Oh my gosh, that was so damn funny! I can't help but feel happy that she was powerless pretty much in that situation. Made me so damn happy. on that Yukari. You little stink bomb . Oh my gosh, where did that even come from? Unnie, what are you doing to me to make me hate Yukari so much? Huh? At least it gives me some amusement XP
But she FAILED. It made me smile. Cuz she was all confident and all that her mob boss would agree and then it was like, "you crazy , he won't do and you be failing your assignments so stop playing ninja" I just feel so weird >.<
Bahaha, I just don't even know! But that made me so HAPPY!!!!! I mean, have I mentioned how HAPPY it made me to see her get shot down? So much for your confidence! BAhaha, I troll on Yukari so hard right now, I just can't even.. I just... Oh my gosh, it's the funnies thing in the world. I didn't see people's comments on that, but I wonder if anyone felt the same? Or am the only one trolling on her so much? Because I think it's so FUNNY! Please, someone find me on Unmei474 and tell me you thought it was funny seeing her get flunked out. And her fails, bahaha, she got reprimanded like a little child. Oh how I snickered at that scene!
Okay, I should shut up not about that particular scene.... >___________>
Okay, okay, I'm done with that, I promise. I promise.
Sorry, sorry.....
Um.... so what happened after the scene she got trolled on? *le scrolls up to remember*
Oh! Right!
Yeah... Minho.... alone with his thoughts... Um, isn't he alone enough already to be with his thoughts? They're like the only thing that keeps him company XD Oh, Minho mini troll time? Pffft. Okay, anyways....
Now for the BIG moment we've all been waiting for!
Okay, yeah, not really... maybe you unnie, but um, yeah... took me long enough to get to this part of the story... and to comment on it *le looks down* Holy crap! I trolled on Yukari so much.... like, two whole things... I never thought... okay, back on the scene, right?
Cuz I'm betting all ya'll want to hear my comment and input and blah blah blah.
Just kidding, no one cares about my comments cept maybe unnie. I don't see what's so fun about reading my long rants, but here goes.
Surprise surprise... My thoughts on the scene at hand. What were people's reaction? I don't want to go back to see what other's wrote... I'm so lazy right now XP But um.... So, when she got really close to him, I was like, Ohhhhh, Yukari is feeling NEEDY. Bahaha, trolling again on Yukari. She's always wanted Minho's body, we so all know it. Before the aquarium? Yeah, that's right. Always keeping  (funny that when I start talking about the scene I get cut off lolol)
Where was I? Oh, right, always keeping an eye on him huh? Hmmmmm... no surprise there Yukari. Hehehe, Yukari is feeling needy and ! Her boss is right, she's starstruck, whether she admits it or not. She's the one that initiated the kiss at the beginning. And here's a little thing I'd like to point out. She is SO jealous of Seungmi! I mean, think about it. She's ALWAYS asking about how Minho really feels when it comes to her. And she's asking him how he feels? I mean, and wants to talk to him about it? I honestly believe that saying "You have to be close to your master and blah blah blah" is kinda BS because she just wants to feel close to him in general. Even if it's "no" strings attached , for her, deep inside, whether she's aware of it or not (because she's a heartless that really needs to be murdered by me already), she does feel something for Minho. She's actually let her feelings run away from her. She, the one always locking up her emotions and not letting anything get to her, is breaking down for Minho. I mean, think of this as well as they had (which you wrote quite beautifully by the way), she completely melted at his touch. My vision of Yukari having casual is of her dominating the male and kind of really doing it for pleasure, but here she actually was feeling it. She had emotion. She wouldn't have had that feeling if it was someone else. She's totally taken by Minho, and that will be part of her downfall. Okay, I just thought of how we can get her guard down and I can kill her later on. I shall text it to you later!
The way you described how she seemed to feel? yeah, yeah, that's what I mean.
As for Minho? And how he felt? And his perspective on Key's reason for doing drugs. Um... mistake. But Key was doing that sort of thing WAY before Seungmi was around. Yes, he kinda kit that stuff harder after Seungmi came along (which once again brings me to point out that ifKey and Seungmi don't belong together. I mean, think about it this way, if Key loved Seungmi, he would get better, not worse. He somehow managed not to kill himself when it came to doing drugs (which is still quite stupid of him to begin with), but he somehow managed to get worse. I mean, REALLY now. No, just now to that. It needs to end. Seungmi will be the death of Key for crying out loud (I can't believe I'm trying to save Key after all he's done to her, but eh) and Seungmi needs to be with Minho. No more discussion about it, so back to the normal part of the comment (is it even considered a normal comment?) and what I have to say about it!) And I meant to say, he did that kind of stuff before, so Minho, your memory is screwed. You may have to do surgery on yourself >.> But yeah, just thought I'd throw that out there you know.
And you know WHY he felt on top of the world and like no one could touch him as well? Because he was powering over Yukari, the evil y wench, you know? And the only reason he needed to have with her, you pretty much covered. You hardly left me room to talk about that uhuh uhuh uhuh *pouts* But that's actually a good thing, now? I can totally see your improvement, which is pretty amazing cuz you're already such an amazing author!
Okay, the stealing cookie parts? I couldn't help but laugh. It reminded me of when we skyped last time and you went to get a cookie and I had finished eating a cookie. Um nom nom ^^
Jenna showing up in the middle of the night? Wow, but I knew it was her as soon someone rung the bell (how creepy, I wrote that and someone rang the bell at my house >.>) Poor girl, scared out of her mind. And if I was Seungmi, I feel like I would have instantly thought of Yukari being involved. LIKE SERIOUSLY. That's something EVERYONE (except Jenna of course) should have thought about considering their situation. Are we in agreement with that? yes? All of them had a bit of stupidity, I will admit (btw, I was totally not happy that the mob boss was calling SHINee stupid. And the only real diva is stupid Key. Yes, trolling on him again kekeke)(can I kill the mob boss too? lololol)(but now, seriously >.>) but yeah, SHINee isn't stupid, I just hate that they keep forgetting Yukari. It's like, do they EVER learn? They have to be wary of her for crying out loud. But yeah.... I'm surprised no one caught the awkward atmosphere between Jenna and Seungmi. I mean, it was there, even amongst the anxiety and what not, you following my drift?
Okay, so back to the "My past was like this and blah blah blah" crap. Wow, I have no mercy when it comes to Yukari. But honestly, I would have understood her, but, she, out of all of them, snapped. Something's been wrong with her from the beginning pretty much. I wonder how you're going to put me in? And oh! Oh!, so like, not killing Seiji? Okay... that's just weird. Okay, yeah, he was nice to her. What if others were? I think, once again, there's more feelings she holds towards him than she has really said there. I don't know that's just me. I can see him getting all pissy when I kill her and coming after me, but I can take care of it kekeke. But yeah, and also the fact that Yukari opened up to him. She's is soooooooooo vulnerable. If she really does train him that well... (Yukari's once again fail).... doesn't she think he'll be able to hold his own against her if she wanted to kill him if he decided to expose her? And that she would be so attached to him (because I already explained to you the whole , hormone, attachment thing) that even she would have a hard time killing him? She hasn't killed him yet, so that's got to mean something, no? Think about it. And if she didn't kill Seiji, there we go again. She HAS a weakness. And they're only growing. That's where my idea on how to kill her comes up. I mean, yes, I'm giving her some props as if she actually seems human, but she's so far gone and twisted, someone needs to take her out of her misery. It's done. Not only would I be killing her because it would make me happy and because I really, REALLY don't like her, but I also feel a bit pitiful towards her. I would be doing her a FAVOR. Okay?
And now, for the last bit. Minho... he's so desperate, so hurt, it just makes me want to slap Seungmi for being so stupid. If only she realized that Key would be better off without her, and that Minho would be so much better off WITH her, things wouldn't be so twisted. And Minho wouldn't be in so much pain. Minho deserves to be happy. And that's another thing about why I'm team Minho. It's all backwards. Key is better without Seungmi, and Minho is better off with Seungmi, and Jaewon is better off with his real father who isn't a drug addict like Key.
I don't know, but that's my view point on that.
I just realized I got really serious all of a sudden as I continued to comment O_o What is this dark magic?
Oh, wait no, I'm back. Kinda.
But yeah, of course Minho is going to feel guilty. And I feel so bad for him too. I bet Yukari is on birth control >.>
Or had the surgery so she can never have a child.... <.<
Back to Minho. At least he realizes that he has some leverage. So I think he needs to get off his little depressed world (I'm sorry I sound so hard >.<), and start thinking of what he can do. I don't know, but I feel like for being really smart, once again, he's being really stupid. think about it, if he's so smart, he should be thinking of ways he can use the information to fix everything. Something like that.
But I'll give you some time Minho to think of your actions carefully. You're smart, you'll figure it out I'm sure.
Okay unnie! That's what I have for the last two chapters? Or one? Mostly the chapter "Sin" I guess.
I hope it did make you smile.
I shall go on to try reading the rest.
I'm just worried about my comments, I mean, looks at your wall.... I've totally covered it pretty much. And I still have to catch up and comment on the rest. Bahaha, you should go to the subsc to the subscriber fee and mention how your wall has been spammed by someone who's so behind lolol jkjk
Anyways, great chapter, I can't wait to read the rest!
Oh! I almost forgot! Seungmi calling Minho. Yeah, that's what I thought woman. You know you love him. Stop lying to yourself and Minho. And also, you're just prolonging Jenna's pain right now. You call yourself her best friend? Please, let her go and be with Taemin lolol
Okay, yeah, I'm done now. Well, great job unnie!
Saranghae! And I hope my ranting brought a smile to your pretty face ^^


I just can't get over how awesome it is to troll Yukari.

I just, it's just, I LOVE IT.

But I still can't wait to kill her!

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super cute!