
Heartless Machine


Lu Han and I just looked at each other.

I just heard the sound of the raindrops hitting the gravestones.

I could hear him breathing. Slowly. Controlled.


"Kim Sahee ... right?" 

I nodded. "Lu Han."

"Did you follow me?"




Lu Han looked at me and then to the rose.

It's redness gave a little color to this place.

Just a little, but enough.


"Did you know her?" he asked.

"Who do you mean?"

"You know who I mean."


My eyes moved to the gravestone.

Lee Chaeri.

I couldn't stop staring at it.


He made a step closer to me.

But he was still far away.


"Don't you want to put your flowers down?"



We didn't talk about our meeting at the graveyard.

We didn't even talk. We never met.

We never looked at each others.

We were just strangers.


Minah was at school again.

But her eyes still looked red and swollen.

Don't cry, Minah. It's enough.



In my very special room, a little room with a bed, 

a little desk and a chair, I bizarrely didn't feel uncomfortable.

I mean, I didn't feel anything.

Chaeri would think that this was the hell.

Or at least a jail cell.


After school I would spend about ten minutes on homework,

which was supposed to take two hours hard work.

I was a genuis, like already said.

After that I would spend walking around my room or watching

the doctor and the woman my parents.

Sometimes they tested me. They checked my skills and everything.

They checked my whole body. 


At the time they're working on my fitness. 

They say that I was supposed to run a lot faster than I do now.

I am currently running just a bit faster than humans. normal people.


I spent two days running on a treadmill. 

From Saturday morning to Sunday midnight.

I didn't sleep, because I don't need to.

I didn't eat, because I don't have to.

I didn't feel exhausted, because I'm not supposed to.

Because I am not human. I am a machine.

I ran 36 hours running with a speed of 28 km/h.

For the woman, it's fast and long enough.

For the doctor, it's too slow.




I am always on time in class.

Most of the time I am ten minutes earlier in class.

I am the only one there, because others spent this time sleeping.

This time I wasn't alone.


"Kim!" someone yelled right in front of me and I looked up.

It was one of those stupid people in class. Junseung.

"Leave me alone, kid," I said and continued reading.

"Yah, nobody ignores me," Junseung said and grabbed my hair.


I didn't wanted to do it.

Chaeri would have done the same. 


I slapped his hand away and he howled with pain.

He wrapped his fingers around his wrist, while painfully watching his friends.

When those gathered around him, he carefully removed his fingers.

His wrist was red and swollen.

"You broke my wrist!" he howled and ran away.



Soon everybody knew it.

I, Kim Sahee, broke Junseung's wrist.

There was the simple story: I broke it with my own hands.

another story: I made some kungfu-like moves and broke it.

the third version: I twisted it arm and nearly broke his shoulder.

and the last and weirdest one: I had a fight with him in the classroom and destroyed everything in it.

I don't know who came up with it. 

Junseung showed up two days later with a plastered arm.

Poor thing. 


It was almost autumn. 

It became rainy again, which reminded me of the day on the graveyard.

I went back to my jail cell room and took the light-pink book out of my cupboard.

Minah's book. I let my fingers slide over it's front page.

I should give it back now.


Minah was every Monday and Tuesday in the school library.

She was there spending her time reading books about love stories.

About perfect love with a happy end.


Why do people write such books?

Nobody will ever have a life like the people in there.

And people still read them, even if they know.

Because they still believe in love.


She already read seven books since the day I took hers.

I hid it in my jacket, while waiting for her to leave the desk.

Minah always does, because she never borrows books.


When she left, I quietly went to the chair next to hers and put down the book.

Then, I disappeared behind a bookshelf. 


"Do you still need help in maths?" I asked, just by courtesy.

Minah looked up from her notes and blinked some times.

"Do you?"

She suddenly smiled and got up to hug me tightly.

"Thank you, Sahee-unnie. I don't know what to say."

I waited until she let me go. "On Thursday in the library after school."


Minah showed up, carrying all her maths stuff with her.

I explained everything until she got it. 

Of course not only on that day.

I think after six times she understood the first chapter.


Sometimes the doctor and the woman check my memories.

They make a copy through a cable and can convert it into a video or a story.

They can see what I see. They can read what I think.


"Did you make friends?" the woman asked me, while she checked my eyes.

"No," I answered, concentrating on the pictures in front of me.

"What's with this Minah? Isn't she your friend?"

"I have no friends."



"You have your body since three months now.

Is there something you want to change?"


Yes, of course. I want to be a real human. 

I want to live. I want to get ready for my life.

I want at least to smell something.

I want to taste the spiciness of food, the taste of it.

I don't want to hear everything what people say about me.

I want to have feelings.

I want to feel happy and I want to feel sad and hurt.

I want to cry and I want to laugh. I want to smile.

I want to love. I want someone to be with.

I want something to hold on.

I want things I never can have.


"I want to know..." I hesitated.

The doctor looked at me.

I was uncertain. 





Last one for today ~

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Chapter 45: ahh this is the second time I read this story, and I have to say that it's one of my all time favorites~ ^^ thank you so much for the beautiful plot and story!!
Chapter 46: Oh mayyyyy luhaaaaaaan ;(((( great story author!
Chapter 45: I started cried when Kai gone.. It just hurt here in my heart.. The pain.. It hurting more reading while listening to Sia - Angel By The Wings..
beastjunhyung89 #4
Chapter 45: One of the best. Thank you so much! :))
missgalaxxy99 #5
Chapter 46: What are these on my cheeks ?
Tears ...
I've read alot of sad FFs, but this one is very sad, tragedy...
I'm happy because i'm sad , i mean i'm sad because i'm happy, no i mean i'm sad because i'm sad
I dont know, i swear im crying
Im writing this comment, tears on my cheeks,..
I can't, i 'm ... I'm sad , luhan is really A very good man, its sad that she left him, its sad that he lost his chance to be with her because he Rejected her at the beginning
I'm sad , i hate this word ,damn
I'm gonna sleep, i hope i can calm my self :'(
boreddddd_xoxo #6
Chapter 45: this was good! the ending felt a bit unfinished for me, but i guess that's a matter of opinion. nevertheless, pretty good
Chapter 46: DAEBAK authornim i CRIED!!!!!!!
freakandheart #8
Chapter 45: I like it aha aha~
Chapter 45: i am crying a bit too much....
That was painfully beautiful :'( i soooo love this story ♡♡♡ but damn i cried a lot haha! definitely loved it!