
Heartless Machine




What is time compared to love?

Isn't love immortal reaching to infinity and beyond?

The red string of fate which connects two lifes,

regardless time and space and leads them together?

Meeting the person who you are destined for,

a decision made in the heavens?

But can love really last?

Even when the other person is gone?

Was there something Sahee wanted to tell me?

Did something separate us since the day she told

me about Chaeri? Was there even more?


The days were slowly beginning to last longer

as the buds of the cherry trees started to bloom.

Their light pink blossoms lit up Seoul and let it's

residents forget about the cold, long winter.


I warmed her hand in mine while we walked along

the Han River. It was still cold, but the sun shone

and the surface of the river softly reflected the sun rays.

I felt how her grip was slightly loosened which left

me suspicious. Usually, her hands were tightly clasps

around mine, but this time – it was different.


“Remember the promise you gave me?” she asked quietly.

I looked at her for a moment and nodded. “Of course.”

Her eyes were fixed on the river, clearly avoiding mine.

“The promise to never let you go,” I added.

“Forget about it.” She pursed her lips after she said it.

I furrowed my eyebrows and slightly pulled her closer.

I took a deep breath, “what do you mean?”

“I won't let you go.”

“You have to.”

“Why?” I asked confused, “Sahee...”

Her eyes eventually met mine and I could see the

tears slowly filling them. “Let me go.”

How does it feel when one precious life slips through your hands?

Would you let it go, simply forgetting about all the memories?

How could I possibly forget about the most precious person in my life?


I'm sorry, Sahee.

I won't be able to keep this promise.

She would leave me.

She refused to tell me more.

I didn't know when she would leave me.

I wasn't ready yet.

How could I possibly let her go?

I couldn't lose her a second time.

I didn't love her when it happened the first time.

But I do now.

I can't lose her.

Not now.

“Promise me to let me go.”

Tears already started dripping down on her cheeks.

I lifted my hand to wipe them, but she simply slapped it away.

“Promise me that you will let me go,” she demanded, her

eyes never leaving mine. “Promise me!”

It broke my heart. Seeing her like this.

I bit my lower lip before saying, “I promise.”

“I don't believe you.” Her eyes started piercing mine,

staring me down. “Lu Han, I don't believe you.”

I grabbed her hand.


“How could I possibly let the person go

who I love more than anything on this world?

How could I let the most precious person go?

I could let the world go to spend my entire

life with this person, but I just can't live on this planet

without her! The person who changed my life for the

better, the person who taught me to care about others,

the person who made me the one I am today,” I paused

for a second, “I am not able to let this person go.”

My voice suddenly trembled and I felt something wet

flowing down my cheeks, then a salty taste on my lips.

“I can't do it! No matter what you want me to do,

I can promise it. But I can't keep that promise.”

My voice had faded away and my sight was already

blurred. I felt lost. Cold. Incredibly sad.

“I love you, Kim Sahee. I love you and I will always

love you. It doesn't matter what will separate us.”


I made a step forward and cupped her face.

Her lips were still pursed and she looked at me.

Her eyes filled with pain, staring into mine.

“How could I ever let you go?”


“It will hurt much more if you won't.”




please subscribe to the upcoming sidestory of heartless machine: 

the vicious syndrome

please leave many comments! much love ~

can't write much atm it's midnight and my sister is rushing me.

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( heartless machine ) we passed 300 subscribers! thank you guys so much ♡


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Chapter 45: ahh this is the second time I read this story, and I have to say that it's one of my all time favorites~ ^^ thank you so much for the beautiful plot and story!!
Chapter 46: Oh mayyyyy luhaaaaaaan ;(((( great story author!
Chapter 45: I started cried when Kai gone.. It just hurt here in my heart.. The pain.. It hurting more reading while listening to Sia - Angel By The Wings..
beastjunhyung89 #4
Chapter 45: One of the best. Thank you so much! :))
missgalaxxy99 #5
Chapter 46: What are these on my cheeks ?
Tears ...
I've read alot of sad FFs, but this one is very sad, tragedy...
I'm happy because i'm sad , i mean i'm sad because i'm happy, no i mean i'm sad because i'm sad
I dont know, i swear im crying
Im writing this comment, tears on my cheeks,..
I can't, i 'm ... I'm sad , luhan is really A very good man, its sad that she left him, its sad that he lost his chance to be with her because he Rejected her at the beginning
I'm sad , i hate this word ,damn
I'm gonna sleep, i hope i can calm my self :'(
boreddddd_xoxo #6
Chapter 45: this was good! the ending felt a bit unfinished for me, but i guess that's a matter of opinion. nevertheless, pretty good
Chapter 46: DAEBAK authornim i CRIED!!!!!!!
freakandheart #8
Chapter 45: I like it aha aha~
Chapter 45: i am crying a bit too much....
That was painfully beautiful :'( i soooo love this story ♡♡♡ but damn i cried a lot haha! definitely loved it!