
Heartless Machine


His cold hand burnt into the skin at my scapula.


„I'm not going to turn you off,“ Kai said in with a calm voice. „Not yet.“


I looked at him, my eyes widened, still shocked because of the whole situation.

He put his hand back on the table, my eyes were blankly following it.


„Why?“ I asked quietly. „Why didn't you switch me off?“


Kai's eyes pierced into mine. „Because I don't have the order yet.

But I will, if they want it.“


If they want it.

If the scientists want it, of course.




I knew, which mission Kai was given.

His order was to observe me, to watch me if I could survive.

If I could survive without them.


Mrs Kim always checked my body, if there were any malfunctions,

but I knew, that she was not one of the scientists who built me,

but one of the scientists who developed my emotional thoughts.


She couldn't help me if there was a serious problem coming up.



„You've got some icecream on your lip.“

I looked at Lu Han who was sitting next to me on the bench.

He came closer, while his hand hold onto mine. „Let me do this for you.“

His lips carefully brushed against my upper lip.

I wondered if I could blush, but the feeling in my stomach said yes.


„Don't you want to let him sleep here one time?“

Mom's face was calm, while I looked definitely confused and shocked.

„I mean, you two. You're a couple now since...“ She looked at me.

„Since the beginning of October,“ I added.

Mom nodded. „So that's quite a long time. I mean... it's almost Christmas now.“

Right. It was getting colder, while the rain came down as snow.

„But, that's only two months.“ I said, pulling a weird face.

She laughed happily. „No no, I mean you two don't have to have s-“

„Yes, I understand!“ I quickly interrupted and smiled.

Mom came over to the kitchen table and took my hand.

„I mean, he could stay here one night and you two just spend a nice night together.

I won't be there, of course. And you can also stay at his house too.

By the way, I have a surprise for you.“


I bend down to touch the cold white snow.

It has only been one night, but the whole ground was covered in white.

„It's so pretty,“ I said like a newborn kid.

Lu Han pulled me closer towards him and smiled. „I know.“


„Mom! I'm home!“ I called her.

She happily came out of the living room and just pointed to my room.

„Just go upstairs. I already made the dinner, but I have something to say.

I'll have something to do this evening, so you two have to stay alone.“

I nodded and lead Lu Han into my room.

Mom just re-decorated it for me.

It was now white and neat, like all the other rooms in this house.

The bed was new, also like the desk and the chair.

It was also a balcony next to it and had a separate bathroom.

„It's nice,“ Lu Han said and put his bag down.

I smiled and jumped to the TV to switch it on. „We also have this.“

„So we can watch movies tonight?“ he asked, his eyes sparkling.

I nodded happily and hugged him. We both knew, that we liked to watch movies.


We were sitting comfortably on my bed while watching one movie after the other.

A weird feeling became me, while I felt how my eyelids were getting heavier.

„Are you tired?“ Lu Han asked.

I shook my head, but suddenly yawned.


What is this? Am I really tired?

        By the way, I have a surprise for you.


Mom's words echoed in my head, when I remembered how she implanted a new chip.

Getting sleepy and sleep. A new function.


Lu Han let me lean against his chest, while I listened to his heartbeat.

„You're beautiful, when you're sleepy,“ he whispered and gently touched my cheek.

I smiled and looked into his eyes. „Lu Han-oppa is very handsome too.“


We were lying on the bed, next to each other.

His arm was wrapped around my waist, while my head rested on the other.

His breath and heartbeat, I could realize everything, but I felt too tired to do something.


I was just happy to have him here.




today a longer one!

i wrote it in the boarding school ^^

going to write my spanish exam on tuesday~~~

and don't forget to leave a comment, please !!


fyi: now i finally got my story reviewed and because of that,

i re-wrote chapter 2 a little ^^ hope you enjoy ~~

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Chapter 45: ahh this is the second time I read this story, and I have to say that it's one of my all time favorites~ ^^ thank you so much for the beautiful plot and story!!
Chapter 46: Oh mayyyyy luhaaaaaaan ;(((( great story author!
Chapter 45: I started cried when Kai gone.. It just hurt here in my heart.. The pain.. It hurting more reading while listening to Sia - Angel By The Wings..
beastjunhyung89 #4
Chapter 45: One of the best. Thank you so much! :))
missgalaxxy99 #5
Chapter 46: What are these on my cheeks ?
Tears ...
I've read alot of sad FFs, but this one is very sad, tragedy...
I'm happy because i'm sad , i mean i'm sad because i'm happy, no i mean i'm sad because i'm sad
I dont know, i swear im crying
Im writing this comment, tears on my cheeks,..
I can't, i 'm ... I'm sad , luhan is really A very good man, its sad that she left him, its sad that he lost his chance to be with her because he Rejected her at the beginning
I'm sad , i hate this word ,damn
I'm gonna sleep, i hope i can calm my self :'(
boreddddd_xoxo #6
Chapter 45: this was good! the ending felt a bit unfinished for me, but i guess that's a matter of opinion. nevertheless, pretty good
Chapter 46: DAEBAK authornim i CRIED!!!!!!!
freakandheart #8
Chapter 45: I like it aha aha~
Chapter 45: i am crying a bit too much....
That was painfully beautiful :'( i soooo love this story ♡♡♡ but damn i cried a lot haha! definitely loved it!