
Heartless Machine



"What did I miss?" Lu Han asked and looked at me and mom. 
I bit my lip and glanced towards mom, but she was also looking at me.
"Sahee? Mrs Kim?" Lu Han's voice raised in confusion. 
I sent him a smile and shook my head. "Nothing."
His eyes were still fixed on me. "Nothing?" 
I nodded. "There wasn't anything special. The scientists must have deleted it."
I gulped and immediately regretted lying at Lu Han. 
But it is just for his best, isn't it? Forgive me.

"What do we do with him?" I asked mom and looked at Kai's lifeless body.
"I don't know," she answered, "maybe bury him."
"The neighbors will know." I glanced at both of them and they nodded.
"I can store him here in the laboratoy," mom said in a serious tone.

His skin was cold like ice when I helped mom to put him into a metal tube,
which was stored upright afterwards, fixed against the wall, right next to a cabinet.

My fingers slid over the cold metal as I stood there. 
"I wished I could turn time back, Kai." I gulped and tried to hold back my burning tears.
I felt a warm, slender hand on my shoulder as I bit my lip until it hurt.
"My brother."

"Where is Kai?" teacher Do asked the class and looked at me. "Sahee?"
I tried to say something, feeling the tears stinging in the corners of my eyes again.
"He moved to Busan," Lu Han answered for me and I looked at him thankfully.
"Busan?" I heard how the whole class started to mumble things about him.

"He was a nice guy." "Kai? Jongin?" "Busan. That's far." "He could have said
something before he left." "I never liked him." 

I went to the library to do my homework. It was competely empty, which was strange.
My eyes stopped at the table, where I had to help Kai with English. 
A weak smile curled up the corners of my lips. 

The moment when he wanted to let me know, that he knew about my weaknesses.
I remembered his hand and how his fingers slightly touched the power button on my shoulder blade.
I remembered his perfect eyes, his perfect proportions, his artificial intelligence, his cold gaze.

"Do you miss Kai?" a strangely familiar voice asked behind me.
Minah slightly pushed me aside and sat down on the chair where Kai once sat.
I bit my lip, but nodded. "Yes."
She opened her little notepad and shot me a knowing look. "Good to know."
"You liked him, right?" I said. 

How she followed him around. She liked him. Obviously.

"Why do you care? I thought you were blinded by your own love," Minah shot back.
"You knew about us." My voice was low.
She looked up. "You? Do you mean Lu Han and you or Kai and you?"
I just looked at her and she continued, "Kai and you."

I nodded. I didn't want to hear it from . She knew it.


"You are machines, right?" 


How could I deny it? "Yes. But how did you know?"
Minah rolled her eyes. "Your conversations were audible for the whole school."
I gulped. "Does anyone else-"
"No," she interrupted me and wrote something into her notepad.

I went over to her. "I'm sorry and... thank you, Minah."
I bent down to her and hugged her tightly. 
"What the..? What the heck are you doing?" she said and pushed me away.
I just smiled at her brightly. "Thank you, Minah."

She just shook her head as I left the library. "Weird girl."


When I leave forever, I want at least that I leave as a better person.
A better person than Chaeri. This is my second chance, isn't it?




sorry guys. really bad writer's block lately.

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Chapter 45: ahh this is the second time I read this story, and I have to say that it's one of my all time favorites~ ^^ thank you so much for the beautiful plot and story!!
Chapter 46: Oh mayyyyy luhaaaaaaan ;(((( great story author!
Chapter 45: I started cried when Kai gone.. It just hurt here in my heart.. The pain.. It hurting more reading while listening to Sia - Angel By The Wings..
beastjunhyung89 #4
Chapter 45: One of the best. Thank you so much! :))
missgalaxxy99 #5
Chapter 46: What are these on my cheeks ?
Tears ...
I've read alot of sad FFs, but this one is very sad, tragedy...
I'm happy because i'm sad , i mean i'm sad because i'm happy, no i mean i'm sad because i'm sad
I dont know, i swear im crying
Im writing this comment, tears on my cheeks,..
I can't, i 'm ... I'm sad , luhan is really A very good man, its sad that she left him, its sad that he lost his chance to be with her because he Rejected her at the beginning
I'm sad , i hate this word ,damn
I'm gonna sleep, i hope i can calm my self :'(
boreddddd_xoxo #6
Chapter 45: this was good! the ending felt a bit unfinished for me, but i guess that's a matter of opinion. nevertheless, pretty good
Chapter 46: DAEBAK authornim i CRIED!!!!!!!
freakandheart #8
Chapter 45: I like it aha aha~
Chapter 45: i am crying a bit too much....
That was painfully beautiful :'( i soooo love this story ♡♡♡ but damn i cried a lot haha! definitely loved it!