
Heartless Machine



“Why did you choose me?”

Silence filled the room and I could feel the tense atmosphere.

After a while the scientist began moving their heads slowly.

They quickly exchanged looks, it was like they were speaking.

My eyes followed every move they made. Everything.

“JI-002,” one scientist said finally, “why do you ask this?”
I hesitated and looked at each of them. “I died, right?”

“You're a machine, don't forget this,” another one said quickly.

“But I-”

“JI-002,” the first one cut me off, “stay quiet and don't move.”

I furrowed my eyebrows, but I had to obey his order.

The scientists stood up, one by one, and came towards me.

“Don't move,” one of them repeated.



What should I do?

Kai's story was in my head the whole weekend.

I couldn't think of something else and even Lu Han,

my only one, Lu Han, couldn't make me feel better.

Actually, since he knew what I was, he didn't ask about it anymore.

Lu Han didn't ask about how I became a machine.

I hadn't even told him about Chaeri yet.


On my way to school I met Lu Han, like always.

“Sahee, you look so tired,” he said and patted my shoulder.

I shook my head and smiled. “Don't worry.”

“Ah, you say that all the time,” Lu Han laughed.


Teacher Do already gave us the tasks as I looked to the empty seat next to me.

Baekhyun looked at me, sitting two seats away.

“Wanna sit next to me?” he smiled and pointed on Kai's seat.


I could only think of Kai during the whole lesson.

Where was he? Was he grieving about his past life as human?

Maybe something horrible happened. Shouldn't I be at his side?

I sighed and tried to concentrate on my tasks again.


“Did you see Kai?” I asked Lu Han during lunch.

He just shook his head and looked at me. “Why?”

I lowered my eyes on the food in front of me. “I don't know.”

“What do you think?” Lu Han asked and put his hand on top of mine.

I sighed again. “I have a bad feeling. Like something has happened.”

Lu Han's eyes widened. “Maybe we-” He didn't end his sentence.

“Maybe we?” I repeated as I understood. “Maybe we should-”
“No,” he interrupted me. “We can't. You can't.”

“Of course I can,” I insisted and stood up. “I have to know what happened.”

“You don't understand,” Lu Han said and grabbed my hand.

I do more than you do. I bit my lip until it hurt. “I have to.”

I already made a step as Lu Han pulled me back, right into his arms.

His breath brushed my cheek lightly. “Sahee...”

I wanted to pull away from him, but Lu Han was too strong.


“It's just that I don't want to lose you again.”


I blinked several times and buried my face into his chest.

“But I have to save him,” I said silently.


“He's my brother.”






hello my lovelies ~~ i just want to update before i leave for the camping trip of our grade.
yeah, it's like a before-vacation-class-trip. absolutely boring and also really cold and rainy.
i hate the weather here T^T usually i like rainy weather, but not when we're camping.
ugh ~ so annoying !! hope you enjoyed reading ^^
please comment -- it encourages me ~ and subscribe if you haven't already!
i love you, all my readers! you're awesome! ♥ komapsimnida~~ saranghamnida ^^

can't wait for exo's new album. keke~
you can ask me questions, if you want ! i would love to answer them (:
i think an author needs a bond with his/her readers :D

c o m m e n t   :   s u b s c r i b e   :   a s k ♥

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Chapter 45: ahh this is the second time I read this story, and I have to say that it's one of my all time favorites~ ^^ thank you so much for the beautiful plot and story!!
Chapter 46: Oh mayyyyy luhaaaaaaan ;(((( great story author!
Chapter 45: I started cried when Kai gone.. It just hurt here in my heart.. The pain.. It hurting more reading while listening to Sia - Angel By The Wings..
beastjunhyung89 #4
Chapter 45: One of the best. Thank you so much! :))
missgalaxxy99 #5
Chapter 46: What are these on my cheeks ?
Tears ...
I've read alot of sad FFs, but this one is very sad, tragedy...
I'm happy because i'm sad , i mean i'm sad because i'm happy, no i mean i'm sad because i'm sad
I dont know, i swear im crying
Im writing this comment, tears on my cheeks,..
I can't, i 'm ... I'm sad , luhan is really A very good man, its sad that she left him, its sad that he lost his chance to be with her because he Rejected her at the beginning
I'm sad , i hate this word ,damn
I'm gonna sleep, i hope i can calm my self :'(
boreddddd_xoxo #6
Chapter 45: this was good! the ending felt a bit unfinished for me, but i guess that's a matter of opinion. nevertheless, pretty good
Chapter 46: DAEBAK authornim i CRIED!!!!!!!
freakandheart #8
Chapter 45: I like it aha aha~
Chapter 45: i am crying a bit too much....
That was painfully beautiful :'( i soooo love this story ♡♡♡ but damn i cried a lot haha! definitely loved it!