Living in my own world Chapter 23

Living in my own world

Everyone met up in the cafeteria at lunch and everyone was seated down at their regular seat with their food, everyone except Arron. This is because the table they usually sat at only have 9 seats but with Arron it was 10 people.

Arron: (whispers to Hebe) Baby stand up for a second.

Hebe: (stands up) Why?

Arron quickly slipped himself into Hebe's seat then pulled Hebe down onto his lap.

Jiro: Ok.... disturbing much.....

Hebe: (blush) what are you doing??

Arron: I didn't have a spot.

Rainie: Omg! They are soo cute! (squeals)

Calvin smirked and leaned in closer to Rainie.

Calvin: We can be cute too

Rainie: (pushes Calvin's face away) get away from me.

Jiro: Rejected!

Calvin: (glares at Jiro) Well atleast me and Rainie are past the holding hand stage

Jiro glared at Calvin before throwing his grapes at Calvin.

Arron who was listening to their conversation smirked to himself.

Arron: (whispers to Hebe) And we already went through all the stages.

Hebe: (stuff's Arron's mouth) Here have some they're really really good!

Hebe continued to stuff food in Arron's mouth.

Selina: Hebe..... What are you doing?

Hebe: (looks at Selina) he said he was hungry

Selina: (nods her head) right.........

Chun: (stares at Hebe) So.... How far have you and Arron gone?

Hebe spitted her food out at Chun after hearing his question. Arron patted Hebe's back and fed her some water. Mike who sat beside Hebe stared at her wondering the same thing.

Arron: Baby you ok?

Hebe: (nods her head)

Ella: Well I guess we have our answer

Hebe: ME AND HIM HAVEN'T DONE ANYTHING! The question just..... surprised me.

Jiro: (pats his chest) Omg I thought our innocent Hebe wasn't so innocent anymore.

Selina: (whacks Jiro's head) Hebe's married it's normal for them to do things.

Charlene: awww and i was looking forward to seeing a little Hebe and Arron.

Suddenly Mike stood up slamming his hands onto the table surprising everyone.

Calvin: (pats his chest) Woah what the hell was that?!?! You scared the out of me!!

Mike: Sorry...... Ummmm I am going to go first (walks out)

Jiro: What's with him.....

Charlene: I am going to go after him (runs after Mike)

Ella: (stares at Arron) you do know there's extra seats now right?

Arron: Yea so?

Ella: Never mind......

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I thought gui gui and aaron will be together at the end i was like in chapter 8 then i told my self to read the FINAL when i knew gui gui and aaron will not be together I lost faith to read dis <br />
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SORRY!! becuz i only like guilun 4ever!<br />
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I'm really sorry!!
HaeSica4ever #2
I love the ending, it's so sweet! I just curious about the baby is a boy or a girl<br />