Living in my own world Chapter 19

Living in my own world

Xiao Xun: But you can't do it right away he'll suspect

Gui Gui: How long do I have to wait! I might lose him to her if I wait any longer!!

Xiao Xun: But for this to work without any suspisions you have to wait

Gui Gui: Fine! I'll let her have her own fun with my man for a little.......(stomps away)
Hebe woke up early the next day feeling much better than the day before, walking to the washroom Hebe got ready for school. She was about to slip out the door until someone grabbed hold of her wrist.

Arron: Where do you think you're going?

Hebe: o.O school?

Arron: I am not letting you go to school in this condition

Hebe: But I am feeling alot better, besides I can't miss school we're graduating this year if I fail any courses I won't get to graduate

Arron: You're not allowed to go

Hebe: Can't stop me

Hebe pulled her wrist away from Arron and reached for the door knob. Hebe let out a little squel when Arron picked her up bridal style and carried her away from the door back to her bedroom.


Arron: yes Mrs. Yan?

Hebe: YAH Arron! I need to get to school!

Arron: nope, Mike already told the school you weren't going to school for a while, Selina's going to bring you your homework everyday and whatever you don't know I'll teach you.

Hebe: What am I suppose to do at home?!?!

Arron placed Hebe on her bed and climbed on top of her and smirked.

Arron: How about finishing what we started during our honeymoon??

Hebe: ARRON!!! (blushes)

Arron: hahahaha I am just joking

Hebe: (pushes Arron away) Just leave, you have school

Arron: I know but I am going to stay home with you until can go back to school

Hebe: so I am stuck with you??

Arron: I guess so

Hebe: Ughhhh I hate my life!!! (hides under the blanket)

Arron: (chuckles) well while you hide under the blanket I'll go make us some breakfast (walks out)

A few minutes later Hebe walked downstairs to see Arron already finish with their breakfast and was setting up the table. Hebe sat down infront of the plate with toast, eggs, sausages, and baccon but the plate right infront of her was switched to a bowl of congee. Hebe looked up and saw Arron placing the plate away from Hebe and sitting down eating it.

Hebe: That's not fair! Why do you get the good food!

Arron: That's because you're still sick and sick people needs to eat congee.

Hebe: But I don't want to eat this! I've been eating this for 2 days straight! For breakfast, lunch and dinner (pouts)

Arron: (picks up the porriage) come on Hebe you have to eat or else I am calling Wang Zi, now say Ah

Hebe: (opens ) I am going to make sure to feed you porriage 8 times a day when you get sick

Arron: Hahahahaha that's if I do get sick
After eating Hebe offered to wash the dishes but Arron wouldn't let, being stubborn Hebe ignored Arron and started washing them.

Arron: Go outside and sit

Hebe: No i want to do something

Arron: Than go watch t.v

Hebe: Make me (sticks out her tongue)

Arron smirked he wetted his hands under the running water and flicked his hands towards Hebe making her face wet with water.

Hebe: ARRON!!!

Arron: Sorry, you're all wet now you should go change

Hebe: two can play this game

Hebe cupped her hands together and filled it with water and splashed it all over Arron.

Arron: You wanna play? You're on!

Hebe grabbed the small hose by the sink and pointed it towards Arron.

Arron: You wouldn't....

Without a second thought Hebe pressed the hose and water started spraying out at Arron. Hebe laughed at Arron struggling to fight back  while water sprayed his face, but her laugher died when Arron splashed her with water using a bowl. In no time the whole kitchen was wet with water but Arron and Hebe didn't stop their water fight, that was until Arron looked at Hebe. 

Hebe was all wet and her hair was dripping wet, water was running down her face, not only did that catch Arron's attention but there was also another thing that caught his full attention. Hebe's white shorts and white t-shirt was all wet making it transparent showing her black undergarments, the wet clothes stuck to her body showing her curves. Arron gulped and stopped splashing Hebe, Hebe too stopped when she didn't feel anyone splashing her with water.

Hebe: I am all wet and it's your fault!

Hebe looked down and saw her clothes all wet, her eyes widden open when she noticed her undergarments showing underneath her wet clothes.

Hebe: (blush) I am going to go change

Hebe's outfit!! Click here!! (With no vest)

(LMFAO! Well I am sure most of you guys remember Mblaq Lover right?? Well from this part on MBlaq Lover will be writing so please enjoy the rest of the story! I wanted to give you guys something good to read for a while since I haven't been updating as much and I am really sorry!!!)

Hebe was about to run away but was pulled back by Arron, he trapped her between the counter and his arms and stared at her. Hebe too stared back at Arron, slowly Arron leaned in and captured Hebe's soft lips with his. Caught in the moment Hebe kissed Arron back, her arms now wrapped around Arron's neck while Arron's arms wrapped tightly around Hebe's waist pulling her closer to him. Arron's right hand made it's way up Hebe's bra unclasping it than made it way to the front and and slowly ing the shirt Hebe is wearing. Once the shirt was unbottoned Arron slipped it off of Hebe leaving her with her bra but he quickly pulled it away from Hebe as well. Hebe knew exactly what she and Arron was doing but she couldn't stop it, it's as if Arron has taken away her strength away making her weak in his arms.

Arron's kisses slowly went down to Hebe's jaw than her neck, he left a red mark there claiming Hebe as his. He lowered his head taking Hebe's  in his mouth; Hebe winced at the feeling of his warm mouth on her . He in circler motion making her s hard. Goosebumps form around the area he was breathing upon, and heat buildup within Hebe, while he cupped the other one with his other hand, massaging it softly, playing with the with his index finger and thumb, after a while he switched and did the same to the opposite , his soft lips and tongue played around Hebe's . During the process Hebe had arched her back giving Arron more entrance to her . Her hands were fondling with Arron's hair, she have never felt such a sensation ever, she bit onto the inside of from all the pleasure she was recieving from Arron. Although their clothes were wet and cold, both their bodies felt nothing but warmth filling up their insides. During all this Hebe couldn't control herself anymore. The feeling of wanting more of this was filling up her body. Hebe couldn't help but moan whenever Arron's tongue flicked her s, or when he squeezes her with his hands.

Unconciously Hebe's hands started tugging at the hem of Arron shirt. Getting the idea Arron hurriedly pulled his shirt off and got back to Hebe. Both Hebe and Arron are now both half . Arron's hands reached to the buttons of Hebe's pants, he ed of the button's on her shorts. Gently and slowly Arron slipped his hands into Hebe's pants. He touched her sensative part, Hebe closed her eyes in pleasure but immediatly opened them again when she felt Arron's bare hand go into her underwear.

Hebe woke up from her trance, she shouldn't be doing this........ Snapping back to reality Hebe tried to pull Arron's hand out of her pants but he insisted on leaving it. Panting Hebe cupper her hands around Arron's face and brought it up to her face, he was breathing heavily his face an inche away from hers.

Hebe: Let's stop......

Arron: Why?

Hebe: This isn't right.....You're still dating Gui Gui, it's wrong.

Arron: (stares at Hebe) Baby, forget about her, I only want you and I want you right now.

Arron lifted Hebe off the counter and wrapped her legs around his waist. He started walking towards his room still carrying Hebe in his arms.

Hebe: Arron...... we should-

Hebe stopped talking when Arron suddenly dropped her down onto his bed, without wasting another second Arron climbed onto of her. He stared deeply into her eyes.

Arron: Are you going to say we shouldn't?

Hebe: (nods her head)

Arron: Why because I am dating Gui Gui?

Hebe: (nods)

Arron: (whispers in Hebe's ears) What if I told you I would break up with her for you?

Hebe's eyes widden open, her head turning to look at Arron. She wasn't believeing what she was hearing. How could this be right?? Arron deeply loves Gui Gui, he even declared to school that he'll love her for the rest of his life. She must be dreaming, there's no way this could be true.....

Arron: (whispers) Hebe you're all i want

Arron leaned down and captured Hebe's lip with his, this time he kissed her gently and lovingly. Just like that Hebe melted into Arron's arm, She closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around Arron and kissed him back with just as much love. And so they spent their whole night together on Arron's bed, confessing their needs for each other.

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I thought gui gui and aaron will be together at the end i was like in chapter 8 then i told my self to read the FINAL when i knew gui gui and aaron will not be together I lost faith to read dis <br />
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SORRY!! becuz i only like guilun 4ever!<br />
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I'm really sorry!!
HaeSica4ever #2
I love the ending, it's so sweet! I just curious about the baby is a boy or a girl<br />