The Secret....

1% Possibility


Soshibang University


“The Outcast are walking to the hallway with Yoona when they bump in with one of the famous and influential girl in the campus. Ms.Jessica.”


Jessica: Hi Yoona (Smirks)

Yoona: Hi.. (bows)


“Jessica and her group just look at Yoona and Daesung for a while and smiles after.”


Jessica: Bye Yoona.. (Wave) Hope you will succeed.. (She turn around and walked away)


“Yoona became uneasy and Daesung noticed it.”


Dae: Succeed?

Yoona: That’s Nothing.. Forget it…(Force a smile)

Dae: You Look nervious..

Yoona: No.. im not.. lets go…

Dae: Are you sure? (Yoona just smiled)

Soo: How come Ms.Jessica “The Pretty Jessica Jung” did not make fun of us today?

Tae: Maybe she is tired. Lets expect it tomorrow then.. (Yuri and Soo laugh)


“When they reach the canteen, another bad vibes is comes their way.”


Taecyeon: Hey… weirdo’s.. whats up..? (Smiles and stare on Yoona)

Soo: Why are you staring at Yoona?

Taec: Because she is Beautiful… I wonder why is she hanging out with all of you weirdo’s?

Dae: Please Taec, we don’t want to fight..

Taec: But I want it.

Yoona: Will you please stop it.

Taec: Wow! The Little Boy daesung got a protector. (Laughs)

Yoona: Lets go… its nonsense to talk to Him.


“Yoona drag daesung away from them but Yoona Looked back at Taec and Taec smiled at her and she smiled back! Without anyone of the 4 noticing it”


Tae: Today is a weird Day… Its the first time that Jessica did not made fun of us and Taecyeon let us go that easy… I smell something fishy with all of this…

Soo: Do you think they are planning something?

Dae: What else would they do to us… They already did everything!..

Yuri: Lets just be careful..


“Soo notice that Yoona is uneasy..”


Soo: Hey Yoona, are you okay?

Yoona: Huh? Yeah im okay…

Yuri: Sure?

Yoona: Yeah (Smiles)

Tae: Yoona, those are the People who are in your level. Do want to be with them?

Yoona: Huh? (Dae cuts Tae)

Dae: Hey.. what kind of question is that?

Tae: Sorry.. just wondering…  

Yoona: Guys.. I forgot something in the classroom.

Dae: I get it for you.

Yoona: No, Its okay… I will get it.

Dae: You Sure?

Yoona: Yeah… just wait for me here okay? (smiles)

Dae: Okay (Give Yoona a peck on the lips)


“Far from the canteen”


Jessica: Finally! What took you so long?!

Yoona: So Sorry.. Its hard to escape from them… (Smiles and give Jessica a hug)

Sunny: Daesung look really in love with you girl.. (Laugh)

Yoona: Who wouldnt be?!! (Smirks)

Hyoyeon: You really like an Angel there Yoona..

Yoona: Im really an Angel Hyo..

Hyoyeon: In your dreams!!! ( Everyone laughs)


“Someone hugs Yoona from behind..”


Taec: Hey Baby..

Yoona: Hey! (She face him and give a peck on the lips)

Taec: You protected that guy… (pout)

Yoona: Sorry baby… I need to do it…

Taec: You kiss that Guy..

Yoona: I have to.. sorry baby…

Taec: Do you like his kisses?.. (Yoona did not answer. Because the truth is Daesung is a Good kisser.. Much better than Taecyeon)

Jessica: Come on Taec, Yoona will not like that weirdo’s kisses. It’s like kissing a monkey… (All laugh!) They are really falling to the trap..

Seo: What did those people do to you guys? (Sister of Yoona)

Jessica: Nothing.. (Smiles to Seo)

Seo: Then why are you doing this?

Sunny: Honey,, they are made to make fun with.. so let go and just enjoy okay?...

“Yoona smiles and looked at Seo who is obviously don’t agree on what is happening right now.”


Hyoyeon: So how long will you keep this act?

Taec: End it Soon… I want my Girlfriend Back… (Lean in gave Yoona a full kiss)

Jessica: It seems like you two misses each other.. (Laugh)

Yoona: I need to get back to them.. (Yoona ended the kiss)

Taec: No..

Yoona: Baby.. (whine…)

Taec: Fine.. But one more kiss.. (Yoona fulfill his Boyfriend wish)


Back to where the Outcast


Dae: Hey.. your Back..

Yoona: Sorry..

Soo: Its okay..

Tae: Lets go?

Yuri: Yeah.. before Jessica and Taecyeon Group will see us again..



@VIP4YoonA, wanXerz:This chapter answers why they became a couple that fast. :)


So sorry for using monkey (I Love Dae.. its just I need to make it cruel..)


Many thanks to the new subscribers

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Taichihaya #1
Chapter 52: I like it.
karunate #2
ahaha is this your story now? im sorry , im someone who used to start your inspiration i will apprecatiate that if you remember me :D!!!~
lil3200 #3
omg i really love this story and your second one is fantastic also
yonayuppi #4
Chapter 52: waaa.... I just typed Daeyoon fanfic randomly then I found this!!! I finished read this in one night too.... and now I'm your loyal second daeyoon fanfic.^^ really like your stories authornim~~~
kirara201135 #5
i read in just one night. happy ending... i <3 it so much ^_^
thk you
purpledeer #6
Chapter 52: am i the first to know this good news?
Evil_Kitten #7
Chapter 51: i read this whole story in just one night... keke, nice ending, i think im gonna cry... oh happy endings :'(... lol, well done
macholibre #8
Chapter 51: Wow ur qwriting improved
yoonda #9
Chapter 49: eunhae XDXD daeyoon^^ i love your story thanks~