Chapter 35: Don’t take away my son..

1% Possibility


Daesung: Its too late for that..


Its been a week since the last time Yoona saw her son. Daesung did not allowed her to be near his son. He planned on taking away Kyungsan forever. This makes Yoona cry every single day. She tried to wait for Daesung and Kyungsan outside the apartment but he cant even get near them because of the bodyguards that is surrounding Kyungsan and Daesung.


Daesung House


Daesung: Hey baby.. whats wrong?..

Kyungsan: Where is my mama?.. (His eyes are filled with tears)

Daesung: I told you, she has a lot of work..

Kyungsan: I miss my mama… bring me my mama.. (he cried louder)

Daesung: Okay.. when mama is free.. I will bring her here okay? Just stop crying baby.. your hurting papa whenever you cry (Kyungsan stop crying but still, you can see in his eyes that he is sad)




Yoona: Daesung.. bring me back my son.. please let me see my son.. (Yoona is banging daesung door)


“Kyungsan heard his mama and immediately run to the door and open it. He saw her mama being drag away from the door.”


Kyungsan: Let go of my mama.. your all bad person.. let go.. mama!!.. Mama!!!

Yoona: baby.. baby…

Kyungsan: Let my mama go!!!.. papa! Let them go away.. papa please!.. ( he holds daesung hands who is standing infront of the door.)

Daesung: Take her away.. and don’t let her get near my Son!.. (And he carry Kyungsan who is hysterically crying and calling his mama’s name)


Daesung: Stop crying baby..

Kyungsan: NO!!! Your bad papa! Your Bad!..

Daesung: Baby im sorry.. I need to do that..

Kyungsan: NO!!! I hate you!

Daesung: Baby don’t say that to papa.. it hurts.. (he cried)

Kyungsan: My mama is hurting too.. they drag my mama away!.. she is crying..  YOUR BAD PAPA!! I HATE YOU!!! YOU HURT MY MAMA!! ( Her run to the guest room who is now his room)


“Daesung just cant help but cry and whispers..”


Daesung: If only you know what happen baby.. if only you know everything.. will you say those words to me? Will you hate me like this?.. I just want to be a father.. I just want to be with you.. (He cried..)


“ 2 days had pass but Kyungsan doesn’t want to eat anything.. He is continuously crying and calling his mama’s name. Daesung tried everything but he cant convince him to eat, he is becoming desperate now…”




Daesung: Yes?

Man: Im sorry to disturb you Sir but Ms.Im have been standing outside for the last two days… and she is really weak…we tried to convince her to go home but she said she is not going without her son.

Daesung: For this last 2 days?

Man: Yes Sir..

Daesung: But its Raining hard since yesterday!.. Why did you not tell me?! (his becomes worried)

Man: Im sorry Sir but we thought you don’t want to see her.. so we…

Daesung: STUPID!!! What are you thinking! Where is my WIFE?! (He unconsciously called Yoona his wife that makes the man shock and scared at the same time)

Man: She is still outside Sir.. im sorry.. (bow his head)


“ Daesung runs outside and saw Yoona who is still under the rain. She is sitting and hugging her knees. He walk towards Yoona and notice that she is shaking. He reach for her and touch her forehead and was shock when Yoona just fell in the ground unconscious! He carry her to his house and told the man to get the doctor fast..”


Daesung: Yoona.. sweetie… (he whisper to her while giving her peck on the forehead once in a while)


“Daesung put Yoona on his bed. Kyungsan doesn’t know that his mama is in the house because he is still sleeping because of crying endlessly. The doctor came and checks Yoona and told Daesung what she needs and will help her recover fast. The doctor left when Yoona’s fever became stable. Daesung stayed by her side and he attended to all her needs.”


Yoona: Kyungsan.. baby.. please Daesung don’t take my son.. please.. im begging you.. please.. (Yoona is talking while she is asleep)

Daesung: Shhhhh… I wont sweetie.. I wont.. (kiss her in the lips..that makes yoona open her eyes who are filled with tears)

Yoona: Daesung?.. where is my son?.. please im begging you.. let me see my son.. if you want to hurt me.. then fine.. but not my son.. im begging you.. (obviously she doesnt remember what she and daesung said while she is sleeping…)

Daesung: Stop crying..

Yoona: Please Daesung.. I’ll do anything you ask.. just don’t take my son away..

Daesung: Anything?.. (Daesung don’t have any plan of doing anything anymore but because of Yoona said that she’ll do anything then he got an idea..)


Yoona: Yes.. anything.. 



Sorry for the late update.. peace!..:)

----Daesung actions becomes more confusing every chapter right?.. its because he doesnt know what to do anymore.. will he continue with his revenge or will he let himself be happy with his Yoona and Kyungsan?.. Lets see what will happen to next chapters...----

Please drop some comments.. if i will have atleast 5 comments for this chapter.. i promise to update again!..:)

BTW.. this chapter is for 
abezface! Thank you for supporting 1% possibility...


Sorry for my bad english..:)


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Taichihaya #1
Chapter 52: I like it.
karunate #2
ahaha is this your story now? im sorry , im someone who used to start your inspiration i will apprecatiate that if you remember me :D!!!~
lil3200 #3
omg i really love this story and your second one is fantastic also
yonayuppi #4
Chapter 52: waaa.... I just typed Daeyoon fanfic randomly then I found this!!! I finished read this in one night too.... and now I'm your loyal second daeyoon fanfic.^^ really like your stories authornim~~~
kirara201135 #5
i read in just one night. happy ending... i <3 it so much ^_^
thk you
purpledeer #6
Chapter 52: am i the first to know this good news?
Evil_Kitten #7
Chapter 51: i read this whole story in just one night... keke, nice ending, i think im gonna cry... oh happy endings :'(... lol, well done
macholibre #8
Chapter 51: Wow ur qwriting improved
yoonda #9
Chapter 49: eunhae XDXD daeyoon^^ i love your story thanks~