Chapter 26: Pretending… Again?!

1% Possibility


Daesung: Follow me.. we need to talk



“Yoona followed Daesung in the living room.”


Daesung: You already knows whats the meaning of all of this right?..

Yoona: Sir, we cant pretend to be together…

Daesung: We need too… I don’t want to disappoint my Mom.

Yoona: Sir… she will be more disappointed if she found out that we were lying..

Daesung: Did you saw her reaction when I told her that we were together?

Yoona: But…

Daesung: Will you ruin her happiness?

Yoona: I don’t understand… why is she happy about us being together? Didn’t you told her what happen years ago?

Daesung: She knows everything… I never hide anything from my mom… but she believes that you have reasons… Even me I cant understand her… What Stupid Reasons she is talking about… but knowing my mom… she will still believe in it..

Yoona: Im sorry.. (Tears start to fall right now..)

Daesung: Too late for that… just do your job… when my mom is around.. act like you are my girlfriend.. but when she is not around.. you will be back to be my secretary… JUST MY SECRETARY.. and nothing else… understood?

Yoona: Yes Sir..

Daesung: Don’t worry, I will pay you for your extra job.. Being my fake girlfriend is not easy.. But remember this.. Your Just my FAKE GIRLFRIEND… did you get it?

Yoona: Yes Sir…




Soo and Tae: Hello!

Daesung: What are you two doing here?

Soo: Auntie called us and told us to come here as soon as we can.

Dae: What?!

Tae: And don’t worry about explaining why Yoona is here with you… she also told us about it.. (Smiles)

Soo: You did it in the couch? (laugh)


“Yoona is so embarrassed and did not mind her bosses and run to Daesung room. Her Fake BF just look at her.”


Soo: Dae.. (while looking at Dae’s room door which was closed by Yoona.)

Dae: What? (Look at Dae)

Soo: Arent you going to go after her?

Dae: Huh? Why would I do that?!

Soo: Maybe she wants to do it in the right place that’s why she run to your room..

“Tae hit Soo head”


Soo: Aw!! Whats that for?

Tae: Shut up Soo. (Tae is serious and Soo notice it, so she kept shut)

Dae: Please Tae.. don’t start…

Tae: You lied to Auntie? Right?

Dae: I don’t want to disappoint her Tae…

Tae: Did Yoona agreed to this setting?

Soo: Im sure.. (Tae gave death glare to Soo.. so she stops again)

Dae: Yes…

Tae: Dae.. your playing a dangerous game here…

Dae: Don’t worry I can handle myself…

Soo: I don’t think so..

Dae: Believed me..

Tae: Just answer this last question.. Is there still any percentage that this can be real?

Soo: dae?

Dae: No.. this is all an act.. Just like she did to me before… the difference is… she is aware of the act and im not at that time.. (Look at his room)


“Soo and Tae did not say anything else… and decided to support Dae.”




Soo: Oh! Hi Auntie.. its nice to see you…

Tae: Hi Auntie.. (Tae and Soo hug DaeMom)

DaeMom: Wait, where is my daughter in law?


“3 Outcast just look at each other on how DaeMom called Yoona. They know that DaeMom is a kind person but she is too nice and understanding with Yoona… Why?”


Dae: She's in my room.. maybe she sleeping..

DaeMom: Go to her… and comfort your girlfriend honey.. while me, Soo and Tae will going to cook.

Dae: Yes MOM… (Dae went to his room when he heard her Mom..)

DaeMom: Baby… be nice to her… (Smiles). If not.. your in trouble!..


“Daesung went to his room and saw Yoona is sitting at the corner of his Bed. He lays on the other corner and rest his head on the headboard”


Dae: Come next to me..

Yoona: Sir?

Dae: Lay next to me… my mom would just come any second. Shes crazy..

Yoona: Sir..

Dae: Just come closer Yoona.. im so tired to argue.. (He close his eyes)


“Yoona climb into bed slowly and lay beside him.. its awkward but she was shock when she felt Daesung pulling her more closer to him”


Dae: Don’t say anything… just lets stay like this while my Mom is in Crazy mood…

“Yoona could feel Dae’s heart beat.. it makes hers heart beats fast too… then suddenly the door open so both of look at the door.. its DaeMom.. Shes Waiting for Daesung to release her but he just pull her more closer and even kiss her forehead while asking his mom”


Dae: what Mom?

DaeMom: Im just making sure that your treating her well…

Dae: Why would I treat her bad? Shes my girlfriend.. (smiles at Yoona and give her a peck on her lips..)


“Yoona is just listening and accepting all the things that is happening. She needs to processed everything. Yes she wants to be with Daesung like this but she never imagine that it could happen!”


Dae: Mom, can we take a nap just for minutes?

DaeMom: Sure I will wake you up when the food is ready.. (Closed the door)

Dae: Hug me and sleep.. she will open it again.. (Yoona just hug him.. and he is right! The door opens again..)

DaeMom: Just call me when you need something okay Yoona?

Yoona: Yes, Thank you very much… (She still hugging Daesung because he don’t want to released her)

Dae: Sweetie.. hug me tigher…. Im your baby.. not my mom… don’t mind her… I want to sleep! Make me sleep…. (He whine and that makes Yoona smiles, Dae intentionnaly said it loud to make his mom go..)

DaeMom: Fine.. I leave you two…


“Yoona, watch the door closed, and when it did, she thought Daesung will let her go but Dae is sleeping soundly with his hands around her waist and his face is so closed to her neck. She just let him be that way… maybe he is really tired… He loves his mom so much, even if he hates her.. he is willing to be beside her just to make her smile and happy.. she just wish that DaeMom will always be around like this for her to be this close with Daesung”

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Taichihaya #1
Chapter 52: I like it.
karunate #2
ahaha is this your story now? im sorry , im someone who used to start your inspiration i will apprecatiate that if you remember me :D!!!~
lil3200 #3
omg i really love this story and your second one is fantastic also
yonayuppi #4
Chapter 52: waaa.... I just typed Daeyoon fanfic randomly then I found this!!! I finished read this in one night too.... and now I'm your loyal second daeyoon fanfic.^^ really like your stories authornim~~~
kirara201135 #5
i read in just one night. happy ending... i <3 it so much ^_^
thk you
purpledeer #6
Chapter 52: am i the first to know this good news?
Evil_Kitten #7
Chapter 51: i read this whole story in just one night... keke, nice ending, i think im gonna cry... oh happy endings :'(... lol, well done
macholibre #8
Chapter 51: Wow ur qwriting improved
yoonda #9
Chapter 49: eunhae XDXD daeyoon^^ i love your story thanks~