DaeYoon: Falling in love?

1% Possibility


Daesung and Yoona becomes closer and closer everyday… They spend a lot of times together. They do things lovers do, but none of them dare to say anything about who they are to each other.


 Yoona’s House


Seohyun: Hi Unnie.. What are you thinking?


“Seohyun is Yoona’s younger sister.”


Yoona: Seo, I think I like him…

Seo: Huh?.. What are you saying Unnie?

Yoona: Seo.. I think I like Daesung (Look at Seo)

Seo:Huh? Whos Daesung?

Yoona: He is my classmate… and he is the…….. (Yoona wants to say something but she did not continue because Seo already know it…)

Seo: Oh.. he is the guy?.. But.. are you sure?..  

Yoona: Yeah… I think im falling in love with him but I don’t know if he feels the same way…

Seo: Unnie.. what if he loves you too? What will happen?

Yoona: I don’t know Seo… I don’t want to think of that thing for now…

Seo: Unnie… (looks concern)

Yoona: I just want to love him without thinking of anything Seo…


“Im falling inlove with him, but I don’t know if he feels the same way.. and if he does… will he still love me after?...”


Daesung House


Soo: Hey Dae, can I borrow your notes. (Dae is looking at his ceiling).. KANG DAESUNG!!!

Dae: yeah?

Soo: What the hell are you thinking?

Dae: Soo… I think I like her…

Soo: You like who?.. Yoona?..

Dae: Yeah… no.. no… I think I Love her..

Soo: What?... Dae.. you know you cant right?

Dae: why Soo?.. because we are different?.. Because she is beautiful and im Ugly?

Soo: Hey! I did not say your Ugly! Where the Ugly thing came from?! (Sooyoung raise her voice)

Dae: Im sorry Soo.. (Daesung lowered his head)

Soo: What’s happening to you?..

Dae: Soo what am I going to do? (Look at Soo)

Soo: I wish I know what will you do Dae… but I don’t.

Dae: I think I need to stay away from her for a while. (wish I can:Daesung though)


Soshibang University


“Daesung start to avoid yoona. He doesn’t talk to her at school and when Yoona join his group, he always says that he needs to do something and he leaves the group.”

Yoona: Whats wrong with Daesung? Is he mad at me? What did I do?

Yuri: I don’t think so.. maybe he just doing something important Yoona. Don’t think too much.


“But Yoona needs to talk to Daesung..its been a week that he doesn’t talk to her, She needs to hear his voice, she needs to see his smiles, she needs to feel his presence. Her heart is hurting right now. She misses him.”


Daesung walks home alone again.. then..


Yoona: Daesung!!

Dae: Oh Yoona (Daesung knows whos the owner of the voice even he doesnt look at her)

Yoona: Can we talk?..

Dae: yeah.. but not now Yoona.. I need to go home early.. have to go (He attempt to leave until he felt a pair of hands around his waist. Yoona back hug Daesung. He also felt something wet on his back. Is she crying?.. oh please.. Don’t cry.. I can’t bare to see you crying..)

Yoona: Why are you avoiding me? (Crying) Tell me.. if I did something wrong.. Im sorry.. Please forgive me… but don’t do this to me…

Dae: Yoona… (Daesung doesn’t have the courage to face her..)

Yoona: Daesung please.. (she hugs him tighter)


“Daesung finally turn around, he cupped Yoona’s face with his hands and looks at Yoona’s eyes, and his heart was broken when he saw tears on Yoona’s beautiful eyes. He doesn’t know what got in Him but he leaned in and captures Yoona’s Lips. ”


“He kiss her gently and waiting for Yoona to resist and push him, but got surprised when Yoona kisses him back. They kiss gently for a while. When suddenly Daesung pull off the kiss and looks at Yoonas eyes again. And says…”


Dae: Yoona, stop me now.. Because if you let me kiss you again.. I won’t let you go anymore. (Whispers but enough for Yoona to hear everything he says)


“Daesung lean again but his eyes did not leave Yoona’s eyes. Finally their lips meet again. Yoona did not resist to the kiss, instead she kisses him back again and rest her hands to dae shoulders. The kiss is gentle at first but becomes deeper and passionate after a while. Their lips parted but still close that they can still hear and feel their hot breath”


Yoona: Daesung… I… Love… You… (She finally said it even she still catches her breath because of the kiss)


“Daesung was shock with Yoonas confession but he smiles after realizes what she had just said”


Daesung: I love you too princess… (Then he kiss her again… over and over again… finally he can kiss the lips that he always dreamt of kissing, Yoona let Daesung kiss her nonstop..)

Yoona: Dae Dae… I love you.. (she said in between kisses while she responds to Daesung )

Daesung: Say it again

Yoona: I Love You.. I love You.. I love You.. I love You.. (Yoona pecks Daesung lips in every I love you that she says)


“ They stayed like that until they felt that their legs are hurting because they stayed in that position (standing) for a long time now.”


Yoona: Sweet.. my legs hurts.. (She said shyly, she call him sweet… her sweet boy..)

Dae: But i still want to hug you like this. (Daesung hugs her tighter and swing her a little)

Yoona: But Sweet.. Aren’t your legs hurts?..

Dae: They hurts but I want to hug you more (Pout.. Daesung is showing his aigoo shamelessly right now)

Yoona: You can hug me but can we seat first?

Dae:Hmpf… (pout) You just don’t like to hug me anymore (He is acting like Taeyang right now! He hates Taeyang when he does that to Yuri but he is doing it now to Yoona!)

Yoona: No Sweetie… Come on.. Don’t say that.. (Yoona cupped Daesung Face with her small hands and showers Daesung face with little kisses.)

Dae: Okay lets go to the O Place.. (O stands for Outcast)

Yoona: Lets Go… (Yoona smiled when he felt Daesung hugs her from behind) Sweet… How can we go to O place with this Position?..

Dae: Okay.. Okay.. (Daesung let go and intertwined their fingers.)




DaeYoon Together!!


“Yoona have a secret.. but I wont write about it yet,… i want to see Yoona and Daesung be a sweet couple first then I break the secret..:)”

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Taichihaya #1
Chapter 52: I like it.
karunate #2
ahaha is this your story now? im sorry , im someone who used to start your inspiration i will apprecatiate that if you remember me :D!!!~
lil3200 #3
omg i really love this story and your second one is fantastic also
yonayuppi #4
Chapter 52: waaa.... I just typed Daeyoon fanfic randomly then I found this!!! I finished read this in one night too.... and now I'm your loyal second daeyoon fanfic.^^ really like your stories authornim~~~
kirara201135 #5
i read in just one night. happy ending... i <3 it so much ^_^
thk you
purpledeer #6
Chapter 52: am i the first to know this good news?
Evil_Kitten #7
Chapter 51: i read this whole story in just one night... keke, nice ending, i think im gonna cry... oh happy endings :'(... lol, well done
macholibre #8
Chapter 51: Wow ur qwriting improved
yoonda #9
Chapter 49: eunhae XDXD daeyoon^^ i love your story thanks~