
1% Possibility


Dae: Sweetieeeee (daesung wine)

Yoona: Yes Sweetie?.. whats wrong?... (Yoona knows that he is still sleep talking but still softly responded to Dae..)

Dae: hug… me…..tighter….


“Dae hugs her closer and Yoona hugs Dae tighter,  after a while, Yoona fell as sleep too”



Dae House

“Dae is the first one to wake up. He feels great this morning and he doesn’t know why, maybe because he had the best sleep for the past 5 years. He moves his head and saw a beautiful sleeping face he always dreams of.”

Dae: Sweetie..

“He is still half asleep and went back to his position but the moment that he realized that the girl he is embracing now is none other done Yoona! His eyes were open in an instant and tried to remember what happen. But before he could do that, Yoona moves and he decided to act like he still sleeping.”

“Yoona woke up and saw that dae is still in his position as last night. She moves slowly and thank goodness that Dae released her easily when she tried to take his hand off her waist. She quietly took her coat and took a moment to look at Dae sleeping face. She lean forward and caress his face.”

Yoona: Your still cute as ever… I miss you sweetie… I really miss you… (she whisper and went to bathroom and hurriedly put her cloths.)

“Dae heard all the things that Yoona whispered because he is just pretending to be sleeping. He can’t help but to smile and feel Happy. But his brain reminds him that Yoona is a Player. She might be playing with him again.”

Dae: Liar.. (Dae whisper)

“ Yoona cook something before she left. She prepares breakfast for Dae.”

Dae: She still cooks very well.. (He smiles)


O Company




Dae: Good Morning! (Smiles)

Tae: Good Morning Bro..

Dae: Good Morning!

Tae: Whats with you bro?..

Dae: What?

Tae: Why you’re so Happy.. You look really happy..

Dae: Im always happy..

Tae: Really?...

Dae: Yeah.. Really! (Tae keeps teasing Dae until they reach his office)


Dae Office


Yoona: Good Morning Sir.. (Yoona Bow)

Dae: Morning (Smile fades on his face)

Tae: So I heard you went on a club last night.. (Tae still tease Dae. He knows that Yoona was with him last night)

Dae: Yeah! I had a great time with Uee.. She even cooked breakfast for me before she left (Dae pretends that he doesn’t remember anything)


“I knew it! He thinks he is with UEE! How dare him to think that UEE cooked for him? That’s ME you IDIOT!!!-Yoona thought”


“Dae just observe Yoona’s reaction and he can’t help but smile whenever he sees Yoona frown when she hears Uee’s name”


Tae: Who the hell is Uee?

Dae: She works in the club..

Tae: You went out with a girl on the club?!!!

Dae: Yeah why?!

Tae: That’s now You!

Dae: That me Now! That me after I was played..


“Yoona can hear clearly what Dae said. And it broke her heart.. its her fault why Dae is player right now-Yoona Thought”


“Tae just shook his head. He knows that Dae just want Yoona to hear it. He knows that Dae never plays any woman. He is always cautious with women’s feelings.”


Soo: Yeah!!!

Tae: Why are you shouting?!

Soo: Why won’t I? I was standing here for a couple of minutes now but none of you notice it! What the hell are all of you thinking?!

Tae and Dae: Nothing..

Soo: Anyway would like to join us for lunch?

Dae: Same Place?

Soo: Yup!

Dae and Tae: Okay! See Yah! (smiles)

Soo: Okay bye.. (Soo stills ignore Yoona)


Lunch Time


Dae: Let go. (Dae said but Yoona did not move and continue to do her work) Hey!

Yoona: Sir?

Dae: I said lets go.

Yoona: Where Sir?

Dae: You heard us a while ago right? Where going to have lunch with Seunghyun.

Yoona: But Sir, Im not included,.. and I don’t think Ma'am Sooyoung will be happy to see me there.

Dae: I don’t care.. your coming..

Yoona: But Sir.. (Yoona is actually scared of Soo, that’s why she doesn’t want to go)

Dae: What?! (Dae look at Yoona)

Yoona: Im…. Im…

Dae: Im What?!


Dae: What? (He heard her but he just want to about being scared with Soo)

Yoona: I said.. Im scared with Ma'am Sooyoung, she wont be happy to see me there Sir. I’ll just wait here sir.

Dae: Your scared with Soo? (Dae Laugh)

Yoona: Yes Sir (Look down)

Dae: I don’t care… im hungy.. hurry up..


“Yoona cant do anything but to follow Dae. She got in the car and silently pray that Soo wont kill her”


Top Restaurant


Yoona: Heelo Ma'am (Bow)

Soo: What the?!

Dae: Soo.. shes with me..

Soo: I know im not blind! Why she still with you?

Dae: She is my secretary Soo.

Soo: Exactly! She is just your secretary! Why does she have to be here?

Seunghyun: Baby.. Calm down..

Soo: How can i….. (Seunghyun kiss Soo for her to stop talking)

Seunghyun: Come on, just help me with our food.

Soo: I don’t want to.. just ask the waiters to do that (Soo is not in the mod but she was drag by seunghyun in the kitchen)


“ When Soo was already gone”


Yoona: Sir, I think I will just go back to the office.

Dae: No stay. 

Tae: Hey!

Dae: Hey! Oh.. Hi Yuri how are you?


“Yuri knows everything about Yoona, Tae already told her, that’s why she is not surprise anymore”


Yoona: Hello Ma'am (Bow)

Yuri: Hi.. (Yuri replied)

Tae: Wheres Soo?

Dae: Kitchen?

Tae: Don’t say it anymore we already know. (Tae Smiles)

“Tae and Yuri knows that Soo is not happy to see Yoona, that’s why she is in the kitchen with Seunghyun to calm her down”


Kitchen (SOOTOP)


Seunghyun: Baby.. don’t be like that…

Soo: So your taking her side now?

Seunghyun: NO! Baby.. im just saying that Dae knows what he is doing..

Soo: Im just worried Baby.. he is my brother and being around with that girl is risky. She might hurt him again.

Seunghyun: MIGHT hurt him again… but what if… 

Soo: No what if!

Seunghyun: Okay.. okay.. just let Dae handl this Baby, He is old enough to know what to do.

Soo: Maybe your right.. but I still don’t like her to be here.. (Seunghyun just shook his head because of her fiancé attitude. Although he finds it CUTE..)

Yuri: Hi.. (Yuri went to the kitchen)

Soo: Yuri!! How are you?

Yuri: Im fine, Thank you… (Smile) How about you?

Soo: Im not.

Yuri: Why?

Soo: Didn’t you see her?

Yuri.. Ahhh… i did.

Soo: Arent you mad at her?

Yuri: I was surprise but I can let negative thing affect me right now Soo.. I don’t want my baby to feel anything negative. (Smile)

Seunghyun: Everything ready. Come on..Lets eat!




Thank you so much to the new subscribers. Your all Jjang! Kekeke..

Please drop some comments. :)


I would like to Thank Sweetdelight for the Wonderful Poster! 

Thank You Sweetdelight !!!

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Taichihaya #1
Chapter 52: I like it.
karunate #2
ahaha is this your story now? im sorry , im someone who used to start your inspiration i will apprecatiate that if you remember me :D!!!~
lil3200 #3
omg i really love this story and your second one is fantastic also
yonayuppi #4
Chapter 52: waaa.... I just typed Daeyoon fanfic randomly then I found this!!! I finished read this in one night too.... and now I'm your loyal second daeyoon fanfic.^^ really like your stories authornim~~~
kirara201135 #5
i read in just one night. happy ending... i <3 it so much ^_^
thk you
purpledeer #6
Chapter 52: am i the first to know this good news?
Evil_Kitten #7
Chapter 51: i read this whole story in just one night... keke, nice ending, i think im gonna cry... oh happy endings :'(... lol, well done
macholibre #8
Chapter 51: Wow ur qwriting improved
yoonda #9
Chapter 49: eunhae XDXD daeyoon^^ i love your story thanks~