I do like Minhyo! Pt.2 (Jaejoong's side of the story)

Wishing on not one, but two stars.

Jaejoong woke up with the sun shining in his eyes. He smiled remembering the kiss with Minhyo and bit his lip. He wondered if he should call her but decided to call after he had his walk at the Han River. He put his hands in his pockets as he walked to his destination.

The air smelled fresh and the autumn breeze ruffled his hair. Everything was just too relaxing. Soon he was developed in the smell of salt water. He looked over his surroundings while standing under a tree. He always wanted to bring a girl he really liked on a date at a river and the Han River seemed like the perfect one. He made a mental note to bring Minhyo the next time he came. He leaned against the tree enveloping the silence and the breeze. He began to close his eyes until an unwanted visitor called out to him.

“Jaejoong oppa! Annyeong!” he sighed, it was Rin. He turned to face the bleached blonde girl, who was also Minhyo’s cousin. Actual name, Go Hye Rin. She had gotten rid of ‘Hye’ because she didn’t want to express her Korean culture, which is also why she had bleached her dark brown hair.

“I saw you walking out of your house and I followed you here” she told him. He raised an eyebrow at her but wasn’t surprised, this wasn’t the first time she had followed him. Rin’s obsession started back when Jaejoong was a player back in high school. He admits that he flirted with her though he did with most of the girls at the high school. He stopped immediately after he had found out she was Minhyo’s cousin, but she didn’t give up.

“I’ll be leaving now” Jaejoong told her stepping to the side. She stopped him by throwing her arms around his neck. He was taken by surprise and attempted to pull her off but failed.

“Oppa don’t go yet, we haven’t done this” she said crushing their lips together. Jaejoong winced at the clashing of teeth. Again he attempted pulling her off, not kissing back. He finally pushed her off with force when he heard a sudden gasp. He turned around immediately to find Minhyo, tears streaming down her face. Oh my god! No, he was about to run to her but stopped when he saw her embracing Yunho. Yunho? His heart ached and he felt his blood start to boil. He rushed to the two and grabbed Yunho’s right arm, pulling it away from Minhyo. His heart pounded in his ears, he couldn’t control the jealousy that took over him.

(A/N re-read the last chapter for the argument)


Poor Joongie :(

Merry Christmas everyone!

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ink0765 #1
Chapter 40: new reader here...it's interesting :)
exomania #2
Chapter 25: half way more
new reader here. love it so far.
marikrismas #4
Oh. What does Rin have planned? And I feel like she's using Kikwang =/
awwww jae no matter whats going to happen, you should of hold her by your side.<br />
update soon please
awwww they're fighting over her!! in the ice rink!! XD<br />
awwwwww she was lost in Jae's words! soo cute!!<br />
update soon please
Emerald_Lee #7
Lols jaejoong u pabo your gonna loose her like thar hmm i wonder which of b2st is gon capture her heart
she soo nice!!<br />
he's going to get more time with his gf!<br />
XD<br />
update soon please
awwwwwwww......<br />
at least she's having fun!!<br />
update soon please
Awwwww...at leat Kikwang made her laugh<br />
Jaejoong better have a good enough reason to make her happy again!<br />
update soon please