Lover's Lane

Lovelost Elegy

©Team AiMai

AmeDrops X KuronekoBurijio

Lovelost Elegy

Disclaimer: We do not own Hey! Say! JUMP or Johnny & Associates. All events are entirely fictional.

Lovelost Elegy Chapter 39: Lover’s Lane

Hikaru chuckled when he saw Noriko wiping her tears and runny nose.

“Hey, I didn’t confess to make you cry, Miss President!” Hikaru patted her hard on the back. Noriko shoved her arm on his abdomen and he winced silently with pain.

“Hmph! And even if I did confess to yah, I still won’t forgive you for trying to flatten my toes!” Hikaru glared at her and grabbed her by the waist. The girl blushed when Hikaru suddenly kissed her gently on the lips, but she found herself giving in.

 “So you’re my girlfriend starting today, right?” He asked while holding Noriko’s hands. Hikaru took out his handkerchief and wiped away the tears of joy, and trowelled eyeliners that were beginning to scratch Noriko’s face.

“So this is the reason why you always annoy me with your acrid humour? Sure. I’ll get back at you this time.” Noriko smirked as she and Hikaru waved their holding hands. The two suddenly retired on the nearby park bench.

“I want to see the different expressions of my new girlfriend.” Hikaru declared bluntly and tried not to laugh. Noriko shoved him hard on the chest and rested her head on his shoulder.

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“Remielle Mitsuko Edelwess Endou, Ich weiβ. Allas wird gun wenn sie nach Japan...”(Remielle Mitsuko Edelwess Endou, You’ll be fine when you get to Japan...)  A certain woman in the plane talked to her daughter, who was looking at the clouds gloomily.

“Aber Mama, ich weiβ nicht einmal wie man japanisch sprechen!” (But Mama, I don’t even know how to speak Japanese!) Mitsuko, the daughter, tried to protest to her Austrian mother.

“Ihres vaters japanischen.” (Your father’s Japanese.) The Mother declared to her, and with that, Mitsuko sat silently and continued to gloom.

 “... Werde ich wirklich gut auf mein eigene?” (I wonder if I’ll really be?) She thought to herself.

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Ryosuke got out for fresh air in the balcony. Plus, he needed time for him to think properly. The noises from the inside still blared up to the nearby garden, which annoyed him. From afar, he saw a familiar figure by the bench.

“It’s that Ishihara girl...” He muttered to himself and smiled. Hitomi was holding her thick framed glasses, but she wasn’t facing Ryosuke’s direction. The boy wasn’t able to see her mysterious eyes shielded by the grades of her glasses.

“Someday, I will see your eyes, Ishihara Hitomi.”

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Kei removed his mask when the clock struck midnight. He went out to the garden to see Saeko, but he saw Noriko and Hikaru instead. Kei smiled at the sight of the two resting underneath the nearby tree.

“Ah, I guess this is a success for the slack...” Kei kept on smiling and crossed his arms.

From afar, he could see Yuya with a bunch of girls, but he found no trace of Izanami, Reiko, or Fumiko. The boy could only blink.

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The next day...

“Everyone, we have a new classmate joining us.” Kurokawa-sensei announced to her students.

The students stared at the door and out came a pretty foreign-looking girl who was shaking with fear. The girl was wearing the same uniform as theirs, and she looked at the others with dread. The teacher tapped her shoulder, and the girl immediately stopped shaking as she was handed a small chalk and motioned to write her name on the board.

Remielle Mitsuko Edelweiss Endou

‘“Eh? Edelweiss? Where is she from?” One student whispered to another.

“Everyone, please be good to our new Austrian classmate, Mitsuko Endou. Help her with our language, as it seems that she has a problem understanding so.” Kurokawa-sensei smiled at all of them, and motioned Mitsuko to pick a seat.

The girl walked across the aisle, and started to shake again when the students stared at her. Keito stood up and offered the seat beside him.

“Please, take a seat.” Keito smiled gently and helped Mitsuko up. Problem is, Mitsuko even has problems understanding English.

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Fumiko entered the council room and saw Noriko and Hikaru holding each other. The modern day battlefield suddenly turned into a lover’s lane, and Kei was looking away. Noriko and Hikaru looked inseparable, and too sweet, it disturbed Kei. When the boy noticed Fumiko, he motioned her to walk away from the room, and Kei followed her.

It took Noriko and Hikaru five minutes to notice the two empty seats.

“Eh? Where’s Kei and Fumi?” Noriko glanced around. Hikaru didn’t answer, and instead grabbed Noriko from the waist.

“Nah, never mind that, dear. At least the room’s all ours” Hikaru patted her head. Noriko stamped on his foot in annoyance as she went back to work.

To be continued~

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Sorry for the late updates.... will be updating by the end of the week.


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Reia_Na #1
OMG,,it's so sad,,poor fumiko,she had lost her parent,, I hope Ryutaro still alive,,
ckossi #2
Wah~!!!! SOOOOOO SAD!!! I almost started crying. Inoo Kei was a jerk. His (ex)girlfriend was a nightmare. How did he even think he loved a girl like that when he saw her being horrid to his friends. That's disgusting. Poor Fumiko!!!
Reia_Na #3
Ganbatte Keito.. and author-san,, keep it up and update soon!!!!
Reia_Na #4
So funny that Burichan's sleeping at the inside of fridge's cooler,,hahaha XD
ckossi #5
Yay!!! Good Job Hikaru!!
Reia_Na #6
So sweeeeetttt!!!!!!!
ckossi #7
Aw! Good Luck Hikaru!
ckossi #8
Kei needs to dump her! How can he not see how evil she is or is he not willing to admit she is? Even though Kei is smart, he sure is being dumb.
janidra331 #9
i love reiko even if she is a spoiled brat she knows how to confront the
Reia_Na #10
Hahaha,, I can't imagine how's saeko's allergic face,, update soon please!!