
I'm Related to MBLAQ???



Yuri’s POV

My math teacher was absent for the day so our substitute teacher allowed us students to do whatever we wanted to do since she didn’t know where our teacher had stopped with her lessons. While everyone around me turned their tables to chat with their friends, since I was sitting next to the window, I took the chance to gaze out of it and reflect on things.

It’s been a year since Umma died. I’m now on my last year on high school. I can’t believe how fast time flew. I barely had time to take in everything. But I guess that’s life. A lot of things changed.

Joon, Appa and I became closer. Not long after our mother’s death, Joon and I decided to move back in with our father to get closer to him and also to make sure he doesn’t feel lonely. Mir decided to move back in with his parents as well. Seungho, Cheon Doong and G.O stayed in the apartment. During weekends, Joon, Mir and I would return.

MBLAQ is working their way to becoming idols. Their debut is nearing so they have been training even harder these months. At first I thought it would yet again be a challenge for Mir and I, but we managed to pull through so it’s fine.

Minzy and Chunji, sadly, broke up after realizing it was better if they remained just as good friends. Their spark was gone. It was kind of sad because we really thought they would end up getting married and having kids but both them was happier this way so none of us could object.

CAP graduated but we still hang out with him. Taemin got into SM Entertainment along with Key and Minho. That was nice. At least the three of them have one another.

It turned out that Minzy’s band member, Sandara Park, happened to be Cheon Doong’s big sister. We were all shocked when we found out but delighted with the connection. I even got to know Dara, Bom and CL better. They were so cool. Minzy is really lucky to have friends like them.

I looked away from the window and touched the necklace Umma had given me on my birthday . . . the day she passed away. I still have it. In fact, I wear her necklace around my neck all the time. Then I looked at the bracelet Mir had given me for our second-year anniversary. It made me smile as I played with it for a bit.

Mir and I were still going strong. To be honest, I fall deeper in love with him every time he smiles. He was still ever-so-sweet, compassionate, understanding. Oh, and jealous.


I shook my head. I doubt he will ever stop being jealous. But it’s cute, although annoying, but it also made me see how much he really cares about me. He’s so scared I’ll dump him for other guys.

Silly. I’d never do that.

“Penny for your thoughts?”

Someone snapped his fingers in front of me and I broke off from my thoughts.

“Huh? What?” I said blankly.

Next to me, L.Joe just shook his head. “I’ve been calling you for the past five minutes but you seemed to be somewhere else.”

I shrugged. “Well, no , Sherlock,” I shot back.

He made a face. “What the hell, Watson?”

I laughed. “What do you want? Why did you call me?” I asked curiously.

He shrugged. “I’m curious,” he replied. “I want to know what you were thinking about.” He pouted. “I’m bored. Put me out of my misery by entertaining me with your many wondrous and many thoughts.” He gave me a lopsided grin.

I rolled my eyes. “That sounds so wrong.”

He sighed. “To the pure, all things are pure.”

I threw an eraser at him. “I don’t know,” I said to him. “I was just thinking about how much things have changed since last year.”

He nodded. “Yeah, a lot of things had, huh?” L.Joe mused thoughtfully.

Just then the school’s secretary came into the room with a note in her hands. She passed the note to our substitute teacher, whispered something and turned back around, walking out of the room.

Our substitute teacher read the note before looking up. She looked at me. “Lee Yuri, you may be excused for the rest of the day. Your father excused you from class. Your chauffer is waiting for you outside of the school’s premises.”

“Uh . . . okay,” I said stupidly. I shook my head. Why is Appa calling me out? I still have half a day left and I know for a fact that Appa thinks education is important. So why is he calling me out?

L.Joe tugged on my elbow. “Better pack. Wouldn’t want to keep your chauffer waiting,” he whispered to me and I nodded.

I shoved my stuff (which was really just my exercise book I’d taken out to do some doodling before I to let my mind wander), slung it over my shoulder and left.

I walked out of the school’s building and into my dad’s car where his chauffer drove me away. “What’s going on?” I asked him.

He shrugged. “Molla,” he answered and I blew a frustrated raspberry. “All Mr. Lee told me was to fetch you from school to his office.”


Now, I’m even more curious. His office at the Lee Incorporation? This can’t be good, this means that a big, important event is happening and he couldn’t wait until he gets back from work to tell me. Oh wells.

I slumped in the back seat of the car as the driver took me to my dad’s office, wondering why my dad wanted to see me now, in his office.

I guess I’ll have to wait and find out.

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Hurrrr. I keep telling myself "END THIS SO I CAN WRITE THE SEQUEL" and then I add more twist, therefore, making the story longer @@ sighss D:


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b2utygonnabastalker #1
Chapter 10: Lol ! Author-nim...^^
InYourHeart #2
I ENJOY YOUR STORY ! So you're Malaysian ? Do you know Brunei ? :b im from Brunei. And i think Brunei and Malaysia have the same slangg y'know :D hehehe. *thumbs up
KimKeyBummi #3
Its funny because i red the sequel first i failed hahahah
sofiaissocoollike #4

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3UggIMs8pdE&;feature=fvst :'( I . WANT. MIR. :'(
OMO THE SEQUEL IS ;O I just read the first chapter and I am in shock right now!!!
Hey! Sorry I haven't been commenting T____T
I just now finally caught up on these chapters lol I've been so busy with work!!
But my gosh! I can't believe it's been a year already!!!!
I'm glad Yuri and Mir is still going on strong!! <3
But I can't believe Minzy and Chunji broke up!!!! D=
Well I can't wait for the sequel!!! <3 I really do wonder what Yuri dad called her out for too! lol <3
fyekay918 #7
@PocketSize: Aniyo! Sorry I didnt mean I want them to break up *gasps* how could you say that!?
lolz, what I was trying was to just predict your sequel, how should I know if you were to make some twists to the story or such.. hehe sorry for the misunderstanding
pikwangnim - hahah. You go make it into a show lah :PP

ToDaeLove - lol. naah, they're not moving (:

akodawsileni - We'll see. Hahahaha. I'm not making you read my sequel. It's up to you if you wanna read it :PP

Eloraci - hahaha. Sorry :PP

Humii369 - I had to leave it there. I already had the sequel all planned out wayyy before I even started writing this. No joke.

Ashleyxkpop - HAHAHA. It's worth it okay!! :D

Mizuki1987 - haha, you're welcome ^^

fyekay918 - you want Mir and Yuri to break up is it? ._. LOOL.

iweenafails - You think too much. Anyone ever told you? Lol. Haha. I'm seriously not going to give hints to you, man. Let your imagination go overdrive :P

pandagirl753 - coming soon!!

ayakasakagami - haha, lol, happy ah? sequel is coming out soon (: