
I'm Related to MBLAQ???


Yuri’s POV

One Saturday night around ten, I came back home after a date with Mir to find Minzy and Taemin in my room. Aish, I didn’t tell them I was on a date yet they seemed to know. They are either really good at stalking or . . . really good at stalking.

"I don't remember inviting you guys for a sleepover," I said as I put my bag down.

Minzy lightly punched me, pretending to be offended. "I can't believe you didn't tell us about your date. Chunji told me about it. You're supposed to be my best friend!" she said with a pout.

"Our best friend," Taemin corrected.


I laughed. "All right, all right, you intruders. Lemme bathe and prepare myself, aites?"


After I took my bath and we all settled around in my room, they began to ask me about the date with Mir. I told them how it was and they were all smiling like idiots. It was as if they were happier than I was that Mir and I were together, I swear.

“Hey, have you guys done it yet?” Taemin wanted to know.

“Anniyo! It’s too soon!” I replied, turning a bright shade of red.

“But you have discussed it with him, right?” Minzy urged.

I blushed again. “Well, yeah, but we both agreed we’re going to wait. I’m only sixteen and we’ve only been together for —”

“Almost five months,” Taemin cut in, grinning.

“But, Yuri, he’s eighteen years old. Wouldn’t he have the urge to do it? He is stronger than you,” Minzy pointed out.

I shrugged. “He’s not like that. He’s different. Besides, have you and Chunji done it yet?”

She blushed. "No, of course not."

Taemin shook his head. "Forever alone," he complained, earning a smack on the pillow from me. "Yah, that hurts!" he whined.

"Baby," I commented and he threw the pillow back at me. I laughed, catching it beofre it hit me on my face. "Mehrong!" I poked my tongue out and he threatened to cut it off.

"Kyaaaah, let's watch Boys Over Flowers!" Minzy suggested.

"No," Taemin immediately rejected.

I shrugged, pointing to my computer. "There's always online games for you to play with if you don't want to watch with us," I told him and he made a dash toward the computer as Minzy and I watched the latest episode of BOF.


L.Joe’s POV

We walked to class on Monday morning. Math was our first class, which Yuri complained about as usual. “Why must our Monday start off with such a boring subject?” she grumbled as we walked through the door.

I laughed, ruffling her hair. “Get used to it,” I told her. “Besides, I thought you had algebra down?”

She shrugged. “I do. But just because I understand it doesn’t mean I like it,” she replied, sitting down.

I shrugged. It was her loss. I looked around. Our class was still empty. Well, it was still about half an hour before school started. Most of the students do not come in until, like, five minutes before the bell is supposed to ring.

She sat down and took her story book out and began reading. I rummage through my back and frowned, realizing I left my math book in the locker and stood up. “Crap it. I’ll be back,” I told her. “I left my book in the locker.”

“Mmm,” she said, not bothering to look up from the story book she was now engrossed into.

I left. I walked down the hall and skidded to a halt when I saw Mir was with a girl. It can’t be Yuri because she’s inside the classroom and last I check, she was too into her story book to come out and talk to him.

Curiously, I walked a bit closer, hiding behind the lockers. I gasped. Sohyun was the girl in the lead. And she was flirting with Mir.

“Mir Oppa,” she was saying in a falsely sweet voice, “you look really good today. Did you do something new to your hair?” She flipped her own hair, batting her eyelashes.

I cringed. So . . . desperate.

Mir frowned. “Er, no, I didn’t do anything with my hair,” he slowly replied, trying to move away from her but she kept coming close to him.

“Anyway,” she went on, oblivious to his discomfort, “I was wondering if you’d like to have dinner with me on Friday night?”

Talk about bold, asking him out. But no way will he say yes. He’ll probably be with Yuri on Friday. Wait . . . she told me that she has family dinner on Friday night so he won’t be with her.

What if he says yes to Sohyun? What if he cheats on Yuri with Sohyun?

“Sorry, Sohyun,” Mir started to say and I pumped my fist in the air, “but I already have a girlfriend. And although I know for a fact she won’t be free on Friday night and I can just go dinner with you, I’m not going to cheat on her. And frankly, I think you deserve better than me. There are still lots of guys to choose from.”

What a nice way to let a girl down. Yeah right, she deserves better than him. He just doesn’t want to tell her in her face that he’s not bloody interested! I shook my head. He is too nice.

Sohyun pouted. “Oh, come on. I can show you what you’re missing out.” She smirked coyly, which I had to look away in disgust. Seriously, who the hell does that b*tch think she is?

But he shook his head firmly. “No. I’m sorry.”

“It’s that Yuri girl, isn’t it?”

Mir just shrugged. “Honestly, she’s a lot better than you. Any girl is.”


Sohyun’s jaw dropped, stunned.

“Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to get to my class.” He walked away, leaving her gaping at him with wide opened in shock.

I walked away to get my book. On my way back to class after retrieving my math book, I found Ricky and Changho huddled up together by the bench near the field. I sauntered up to them. “Hey, what’s up?” I said.

They looked up from their conversation. “Oh, hey hyung,” they said.

The three of us began to chat comfortably until I felt a hand slapping my back and looked up to see Niel standing behind me. “Wassup,” he said lazily, giving us the big smile. “Where’s Yuri?”

“In class.”

“Let’s go,” he said, checking the time. “It’s already ten minutes to.”

The four of us hurried to class to see that people had started to arrive. Yuri was where I left her except she was no longer reading her book. In fact, she was trying to mend her book.

I frowned. It was in perfect condition earlier. Why is it torn now? I sat down next to her. She looked down, her hair covering her face. I made her turn to me and tucked her hair behind her ear. Her eyes looked like she was crying.

“Why are you crying?”

She hesitated before answering. “My friend Tony called, but it was Woo Chul who spoke to me,” she muttered. “We got into a fight.”

“What happened to your book?”

“I was too frustrated so I tore it apart.”

I wasn’t really surprised. She does tend to do things like this when she was angry. “Wow . . .”


Yuri’s POV

“What did he say? Why did you guys argue?” he asked me.

“He was mad at me for not telling, for not calling him.”

“Tony told him?”

I nodded. “It slipped out,” I replied.

“I don’t get it though,” he said, still frowning. “I mean, he’s the one who forgot about you. He found a new girl within a week after your disappearance. I don’t see any reason for him to be mad. In fact if I were him, I’d thank you. Don’t take it the wrong way,” he hastily added.

I shrugged, looking away. “I don’t get it either,” I said, looking back down at my torn book as our teacher entered the class and it was time to begin our lesson.


L.Joe’s POV

Yuri seemed to be really quiet today. Could it be because of the phone call? I hope not. I don’t like seeing her upset. I tried to cheer her up but I ended up failing all the time. I tried using aegyo, making funny faces, telling lame jokes or tickling her. But no avail. She looked like she wanted to cry.

I hugged her when we had to go to our separate class. “Smile, okay?” I told her. “Don’t let whatever he said get to you. He’s not worth it.”

She nodded.

I looked worriedly at her. So I texted Chunji, who will be in her next class, to keep an eye on her since I won’t be able to.

He said he would. I hope that he would succeed. He isn’t exactly the world’s greatest liar. In fact, he should be the worst.


Yuri’s POV

Chunji kept asking me if I’m okay all day. I had a feeling L.Joe asked him to keep an eye on me. When I asked him, since he was bad at lying, he admitted the truth. “I’m fine,” I lied.


“Coming?” Niel asked me in English class, gesturing to the door once the bell rang for recess.

I nodded. “Wait. I need to meet Mir first.”

“All right. You know where we are.” Niel packed his books and walked ahead of me, toward the direction of the canteen.

I walked around the school compound, wondering where Mir could be. I found him with his friends at the bench near the field. With each step closer to him, I was nearing to tears.

His friend nudged him when he noticed that I was coming their way and he looked up. He beamed when he saw me.

“Can we talk in private?” I asked nervously once I approached him.

He looked surprised but nodded. He got up and the two of us went a distance away from his friends. They were looking at us curiously, wondering what this was all about.

“What’s up?” he asked. “Are you okay, babe?” Mir frowned in concern.

My throat ran dry, the words getting stuck there.


Mir’s POV

Why does she look so scared? Like she’s about to cry? And why is she nervous? I hope she’s okay.

I put my arms around her but she shrugged it away. That hurt. I grasped her chin and made her look up to me. I was shock to see tears welling up in her eyes. “Hey, Yuri, what’s wrong? What happened?” I asked softly. I’m really worried now.

“I want to break up.”

I dropped my hands and she automatically looked down. What? Did I hear her right? I felt my chest tighten as pain gripped my heart.

I can’t move.

“What?” I asked in a whisper.

She took a step back. “I want to break up,” she repeated, avoiding eye-contact at all cause.

“Why?” I demanded to know.

She turned around, looking down at her feet. “I’m sorry.” She started to move but I grabbed her and turned her back around.

“Why?” I asked again, this time with more urgency. I don’t understand. Why is this happening? These past five months were good!

She shook her head, not saying anything. She tried to break free from my grip but obviously I was too strong for her. “Please,” she begged, tears streaming down her face.

“Is it because you don’t like me anymore?” I asked her, hoping it’s a no.

“No! How could you say that?” she burst out. “I lo — I really like you!”

“Were you about to say love? You love me?”

She just kept quiet. “Please,” she said finally.

“Not until you give me a reason — and it better be good,” I replied.

Yuri looked down, tugging on the hem of her shirt. “I can’t,” she said flatly.

“Can’t what?”

Suddenly she pulled and I realized I’d loosened my grip on her without knowing. Before I could grab her back, she ran away. I was too dumbfounded to chase after her.

Yuri-yah . . . why are you taking away my only source of happiness?



Oh no, they broke up. D:

kekeke, cliffy >.<

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Hurrrr. I keep telling myself "END THIS SO I CAN WRITE THE SEQUEL" and then I add more twist, therefore, making the story longer @@ sighss D:


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b2utygonnabastalker #1
Chapter 10: Lol ! Author-nim...^^
InYourHeart #2
I ENJOY YOUR STORY ! So you're Malaysian ? Do you know Brunei ? :b im from Brunei. And i think Brunei and Malaysia have the same slangg y'know :D hehehe. *thumbs up
KimKeyBummi #3
Its funny because i red the sequel first i failed hahahah
sofiaissocoollike #4

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3UggIMs8pdE&;feature=fvst :'( I . WANT. MIR. :'(
OMO THE SEQUEL IS ;O I just read the first chapter and I am in shock right now!!!
Hey! Sorry I haven't been commenting T____T
I just now finally caught up on these chapters lol I've been so busy with work!!
But my gosh! I can't believe it's been a year already!!!!
I'm glad Yuri and Mir is still going on strong!! <3
But I can't believe Minzy and Chunji broke up!!!! D=
Well I can't wait for the sequel!!! <3 I really do wonder what Yuri dad called her out for too! lol <3
fyekay918 #7
@PocketSize: Aniyo! Sorry I didnt mean I want them to break up *gasps* how could you say that!?
lolz, what I was trying was to just predict your sequel, how should I know if you were to make some twists to the story or such.. hehe sorry for the misunderstanding
pikwangnim - hahah. You go make it into a show lah :PP

ToDaeLove - lol. naah, they're not moving (:

akodawsileni - We'll see. Hahahaha. I'm not making you read my sequel. It's up to you if you wanna read it :PP

Eloraci - hahaha. Sorry :PP

Humii369 - I had to leave it there. I already had the sequel all planned out wayyy before I even started writing this. No joke.

Ashleyxkpop - HAHAHA. It's worth it okay!! :D

Mizuki1987 - haha, you're welcome ^^

fyekay918 - you want Mir and Yuri to break up is it? ._. LOOL.

iweenafails - You think too much. Anyone ever told you? Lol. Haha. I'm seriously not going to give hints to you, man. Let your imagination go overdrive :P

pandagirl753 - coming soon!!

ayakasakagami - haha, lol, happy ah? sequel is coming out soon (: