
I'm Related to MBLAQ???


Yuri’s POV

“Ahhh, the year is almost ending,” Minzy said as we walked down the path to our next class for our next exam. “Don’t you find it exciting?”

“Not really, no,” I replied, frowning.

“Why not?” Taemin asked, adjusting the straps of his bag. “Holidays are coming soon. More sleep.”

“More time for dates,” Chunji chimed in, sliding his hand into Minzy’s,

“More parties,” L.Joe agreed.

“More football,” Ricky and Changjo exclaimed and CAP high-fived with them.

“More singing,” Niel added.

Everyone looked at me, waiting for me to add at least one thing into the list.

I pondered about it. “Mir graduating,” I said at last, looking toward the field where Mir was sitting around the benches with his friends, doing some last-minute revisions before the bell sounded for us to go to our class for our next exam.

“Oh,” everyone said.

Mir graduating means next year he wouldn’t be in school anymore. And when he graduates, it means that I can’t spend a lot time with him, especially since Mir told me once he graduates, he will be spending more time training to become an idol, under Rain.

And training means hard work, which equals to almost no quality time.

I sighed. “What’s more, he’s going to spend his time training with Rain-sshi. And that means I won’t get to see much of my brother either.”

“It’s going to be tough, huh?” L.Joe mused, falling into steps with me. He put his arms around my shoulder and tugged me toward him. He ruffled my hair. “I’m sure you guys will be able to spend time no matter what happens,” he said.

The others nodded encouragingly.

“Do you really think so?” I asked.

They nodded again.

“Oh crud,” Ricky suddenly muttered. He looked up, his fingers one-by-one unraveling from his fist. “I forgot the formula. Damn, and I have math exams next.”

“Ha, I’ll help you,” Niel offered. “I have math too.”

We reached the hallway and we all separated, going to our own class respectively.

Minzy and Taemin headed off for music. L.Joe and Changjo went for history. CAP strolled to his class for his English exam and Niel and Ricky went for their math exam. Which left Chunji and I with science.

I looked at him. I realized that ever since I said that Mir was graduating and was going to spend his time traning. “Did Minzy tell you?” I asked him. I knew that he would understand how I felt, ever since Minzy got into the YG Entertainment for 2NE1.

He nodded. “She got in,” he said quietly.

“Hey, she’s living her dreams,” I said kindly. “And soon, so will the rest of us.”

He sighed, messing his hair up. “It’s annoying,” he muttered. “I mean, I hardly ever see her outside school anymore.”

“I know what you mean,” I said asw the both of us walked into our classroom. I took my seat at the right end of the room. Chunji sat in front of me. Since we still had a bit more time, he twisted his body to face me. We bent our heads together over our books to do some last minute revisions.

Ten minutes before the test started, I got a text from Mir: Good luck with science, Yuri! Hwaiting! <3

I smiled and replied: You too! You need it more than I do. Hwaiting, Oppa~ saranghaeyo.

I giggled, realizing that I probably distracted him with the last two words. It was, after all, the first time I have ever called him Oppa and to say ‘I love you’ to him.

When I looked up, Chunji was hanging up the phone with Minzy. We gave each other thumbs up and did the hwaiting sign as our teacher walked in with our tests in her hands.

We took our phones out and laid them on our table so when our teacher came to pass the test around, she would collect the phones and put them in the basket. The teacher explained the rules before she said, “You have an hour and a half to answer all the questions. You may now begin.”

The class was filled with sounds of papers turning and the scratching sound of pencil on papers. The whole class was silent as each and every single student concentrated on the test, wanting to score well in the end. It was a moment of madness as we tried to recall the lessons we’ve been taught.

Chunji was writing without any hesitation, being the smart he was.

Science wasn’t my worst subject, but it wasn’t my favorite either so I had quite a tough time.

By the time I finished my test, I looked up saw there was still at least ten minutes left on the clock. In front of me, Chunji was asleep. I figured he must have finished it earlier. Smart .

Finally exam ended and the day was over. It was time to go home. We packed our stuff, got our phones back and he turned to me with a big smile. “How was the test?”

I grimaced. “It was okay, I guess,” I replied as we walked out. “How about you?”

“It was easy!” he exclaimed.

“Hi,” Niel said, coming up to us. “How was your test? Mine was terrible.”

“Easy,” Chunji said confidently. “I think I can get an A for this.”

“, please,” I laughed. “We all know that you’re smart. Don’t have to brag.”

Niel laughed as well. “Yeah, hyung.”

Chunji just shrugged. “I come from the land called Genie and my name is Us. I’m a genius.”

I scoffed, stopping in my tracks and turned to look at him incredulously. I whacked him with my bag and he burst out laughing, shielding himself from me. “You crazy?! I don’t get how that makes sense. I’m from China and my name is Yuri but people don’t call me China Yuri.”

He made a face. “Yah, whatever.”

“My family’s name is Awesome,” Niel spoke up, “And my name is I’m.”

“Is your middle name Not?” I retorted.

“Nope.” He beamed at us. “It’s Frickin.”

Chunji facepalmed and I slammed my forehead on the nearest locker. “What the . . .” The three of us joked about as we walked to the school gates, where the rest of our friends were already there.

“Annyeong! How was the test?” Minzy asked once we reached them.

Chunji burst out laughing again and I glared at him. “Don’t you dare!”

“What’s up?” Taemin piped up.

I felt a soft tap on my shoulder and turned to see Mir behind me. I smiled and tiptoed to give him a light kiss on the lips. I broke away and turned to my grinning friends. “I’ll see you guys tomorrow.” I followed Mir to his motorcycle. Just then, I remembered my text to him earlier.


As I wrapped my arms around him, I rested my head on his back. He had a familiar, husky scent and I realized it was the cologne I’d given for his birthday. I smiled, hugging him tighter. When we got to my house, I got off and slung my bag over my shoulder. “You wanna come in?” I asked.

He smiled sadly. “I wish I could but I have to go for a study group with my friends,” he said regretfully, messing his hair up like he always did whenever he felt guilty. “You know, with the finals and all. Sorry.”

My face fell but I tried to hide my disappointment. “Oh.” I tried to smile. “Well then, have fun. I hope you spend more time studying than talking.” I faked a laugh and turned to walk in my house.

But Mir grabbed me back and pulled me in for a deep kiss. “I’m sorry,” he sincerely apologized, kissing my jaw line, making me to temporarily forget my name. “I want to be with you.”

I kissed him back. “It’s fine,” I murmured. “I really understand.”

He hugged me. “I’ll swing by tonight,” he promised.

I nodded. “Okay. Bye!”

“Yuri . . .”

I looked at him. “Yeah?”

“I want to hear what you said today.”

I smiled, knowing what he meant. I reached over to kiss him lightly. “Oppa,” I breathed.

He broke into a wide smile.

“I’ll see you tonight.” I walked inside, shaking my head. I know he was expecting me to say ‘I love you’. But I wasn’t ready to say it to his face just yet.

Not yet, but soon.


Mir’s POV

Aish, this girl ah . . . always messes with my heart, I thought as I drove to Minho’s house.

Sometimes I wonder why I’m in love with that girl. I shook my head.

But then I remembered her sweet voice when she said, “Oppa,” and smiled again.

Are we, perhaps, getting closer?


Yuri’s POV

He drove off as I entered my house. I walked up to my room. I looked at the clock. It was three in the hot afternoon. I still have until seven before I go down for dinner. I decided to kill some time with revisions.

It was math exams tomorrow. Oh, the joy. Someone kill me now.

Around five-thirty, I decided I had enough of math. My mind was literally swarming with numbers. They were even dancing in front of my eyes. I went out for a jog at a park near my house. When six rolled by, I went back home, tired but pleased with the workout.

I did some warming down until six-thirty. I still have half an hour before dinner. I could already smell Umma cooking. I went to bathe to wash myself up. When I was done, it was time for dinner.

I walked downstairs to see Joon putting a jacket on. “Going out?” I asked.

He nodded. “Neh, got a call from Bi-sunbae, asking to go over for training.”

“Training?” For the second time that day, my face fell. If they’re out for training, Mir won’t be able to stop by tonight. “Until?”

He shrugged. “Ah, molla,” he replied. He saw the sad look on my face. “Wae?”

I shook my head. “It’s nothing,” I mumbled darkly. “Forget it.”

“Mir was supposed to come over tonight, right?” he guessed.

I nodded.

My brother gave me a warm hug and a reassuring smile. “You’ll see him tomorrow when he comes to pick you up.”

“It’s not the same,” I muttered.

He ruffled my hair. “I’ll tell him you miss him,” Joon offered.

“Don’t!” I blurted out. “I don’t want you to tell him! He’ll feel bad.”

“All right, all right, I won’t!” He held his hands up. “Calm down.”

I hugged him. “Have fun, all right?” I added softly.

He waved goodbye and I watched as he got into his car and drove off before turning back to the dining room for dinner.



HAI. :D I'M BACK! :D Did you miss me? Prolly not. D: You prolly only missed seeing this fic being updated :P hehe. I had a fun time sleeping over at my friend's house. Her cousin is crazy =/ just like me and my friend. Lol (:

Anyway, ngaaawww, they don't get to spend time with each other anymore? T.T who thought this was the final chapter when they read the title of this chapter? :P

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Hurrrr. I keep telling myself "END THIS SO I CAN WRITE THE SEQUEL" and then I add more twist, therefore, making the story longer @@ sighss D:


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b2utygonnabastalker #1
Chapter 10: Lol ! Author-nim...^^
InYourHeart #2
I ENJOY YOUR STORY ! So you're Malaysian ? Do you know Brunei ? :b im from Brunei. And i think Brunei and Malaysia have the same slangg y'know :D hehehe. *thumbs up
KimKeyBummi #3
Its funny because i red the sequel first i failed hahahah
sofiaissocoollike #4;feature=fvst :'( I . WANT. MIR. :'(
OMO THE SEQUEL IS ;O I just read the first chapter and I am in shock right now!!!
Hey! Sorry I haven't been commenting T____T
I just now finally caught up on these chapters lol I've been so busy with work!!
But my gosh! I can't believe it's been a year already!!!!
I'm glad Yuri and Mir is still going on strong!! <3
But I can't believe Minzy and Chunji broke up!!!! D=
Well I can't wait for the sequel!!! <3 I really do wonder what Yuri dad called her out for too! lol <3
fyekay918 #7
@PocketSize: Aniyo! Sorry I didnt mean I want them to break up *gasps* how could you say that!?
lolz, what I was trying was to just predict your sequel, how should I know if you were to make some twists to the story or such.. hehe sorry for the misunderstanding
pikwangnim - hahah. You go make it into a show lah :PP

ToDaeLove - lol. naah, they're not moving (:

akodawsileni - We'll see. Hahahaha. I'm not making you read my sequel. It's up to you if you wanna read it :PP

Eloraci - hahaha. Sorry :PP

Humii369 - I had to leave it there. I already had the sequel all planned out wayyy before I even started writing this. No joke.

Ashleyxkpop - HAHAHA. It's worth it okay!! :D

Mizuki1987 - haha, you're welcome ^^

fyekay918 - you want Mir and Yuri to break up is it? ._. LOOL.

iweenafails - You think too much. Anyone ever told you? Lol. Haha. I'm seriously not going to give hints to you, man. Let your imagination go overdrive :P

pandagirl753 - coming soon!!

ayakasakagami - haha, lol, happy ah? sequel is coming out soon (: