
Zelo's Roomie



Here is a view of what I imagined his kitchen and living room to be like. They're connected and practically make a giant room.


the pictures kinda big, I'm sorry ^_^''


     Zelo shut the door closed like he usually does: kick it back with his foot like the lazy little BEEP he is. He slipped into his slippers and heard two sets of voices in the living room. He went to the kitchen to get water and saw Hyuk Min sitting comfortably with a girl, sharing popcorn as they watched a movie together. Hyuk Min saw Zelo and smiled and Zelo immediately turned down his welcome gesture by ignoring him, reaching into the fridge to get the glass pitcher of water, He grabbed a cup and filled it halfway, then putting the pitcher back into the fridge, closing it with a loud thud. He proceeded to his bedroom, chugging the water down before laying flat on his bed, staring at the ceiling.

     That girl looks and acts so much like her... Zelo rolled to his side and rested his head on his arm, hugging his pillow. Their voices are the same, their hands, their... lips... Zelo rubbed his thumb across his bottom lip. If I didn't kiss her, would she still have run away? He shook the thought out of his head and began thinking about Hye Mi again. The only difference is the way they dressed. And, if it was Hani, wouldn't she have told me? He shook his head again. I'm an idiot. She can't be Hani. Hani wouldn't have lied to me. Plus their names are different. Even if she did change her appearance, why the hell would she change her name, too? Zelo rolled over once again and lay face down into his pillows. He grunted and then sat up.

     "God damn it, Hani! Why do I always think about you??" He furrowed his eyebrows and his jaw was clenched. Why does it hurt knowing you're gone? He grabbed his chest and let out a heavy sigh through his teeth. His eyes were watering up and he sniffled, wiping angrily at his eyes. He got off the bed and grabbed the nearest hing he could take and threw it against the wall.

     "Damn it all!! !!!!" He cupped his face and sat back down on the bed.

     "Hani..." He whispered, his breathed ragged. "I love you."


     "Uwah~! Can't believe the senior field trip's tomorrow!!" Jongup jumped in place while fist pumping. "Oh, man, I can't wait!! The past seniors said that it's the best thing that could happen to a high schooler life!" Jongup excitedly hugged himself, wiggling his body and sighing in content.

     "You know they'r letting you choose you're own roommate?? Regardless the gender!!!!!! ASA!!!" He continued. "It doesn't matter 'cause we're all practically adults now!!"

     Daehyun chuckled. "No wonder everyone's excited. They all want to lose their ity without their parents finding out."

     "Yes, yes... and I think I'll be picking that cutie Bora as my playmate." Youngjae joined in, fist pumping with Jongup.

     "Nice, man, nice!! I'd rather ask my Suzy though!! Oh~~ She's so cute!!" Jongup pinched the air. "But, if she's not ready, oppa will be willing to wait," he nodded, referring to himself. His friends laughed.

     "You guys have only been dating three weeks, yet you're acting like you're gonna marry her." Himchan chuckled.

     "Aish... I'm just happy I'm finally dating the girl I've been crushing on since freshman year." Daehyun blushed. "Seohyun said she'd be ok with sharing a room with me."

     "Aigoo~!" B. A. P. roared.

     "You both are so shy with each other," Himchan commented. "Sheesh."

     "At least I have a girlfriend, Mr. Forever Alone guy," Daehyun fired back.

     "Aish! Chinja-o! I'm just... not sure if I should ask this... certain girl..." Himchan frowned, scratching the back of his head. "Anyway, Zelo who" He paused and then slapped himself. ! Himchan thought I forgot Zelo's single and in a foul mood!! Jeez, he's probably gonna sulk or whatever single guys do...

     "I'm still thinking." He muttered. Every one's eyes slowly diverted to him. Dear Lord, is this reality?? Did Zelo just TALK?! His friends circled him.

     "Y-yah!! You just talked!!" Daehyun said, pointing his finger at him like he saw a ghost. Their shocked faces suddenly turned serious, and they came closer.

     "Talk again, huh?" Jongup poked him.

     "Say another word! ANOTHER WORD!!" Himchan shook his shoulders.

     "He talked! Oh Gosh, he talked—!" Even Yongguk, the most mature, was joining them. It was a complete mad house. Jongup poking him with the most serious face ever; Himchan shaking his friend violently; Yongguk asking if he was dreaming; Youngjae running around flailing his arms still shocked as to Zelo's sudden talk and Daehyun sputtering absolute nonsense.

     "Annoying," He mumbled, giving everyone a dirty look before pushing them and walking away. He took long strides, trying to get out the crazy place everyone calls school and saw Hye Mi at the bus stop rubbing the heat pack he gave her yesterday in her hands. He walked over to her, making a grunting noise as he sat down- something an old man would do -__-ll. Hye Mi looked at him and rubbed the heat pack he gave her.

     "Are you hear because you're curious again?" She asked.


     She smiled hearing him say this.

     "Just kidinggg——" He continued. She scrunched up her nose and scowled. Stupid mood ruiner, she thought. "I have to go to the grocery store today."

     "But, don't you have a car-" Hye Mi stopped herself from talking any further and shut . Hye Mi was a stranger in his eyes, how would she have known about him owning a car? Oh, God, he probably thinks I'm a freaking stalker!! She bit her cheeks and whined in her mind. Idiot! I'm an idiot!!!!

     "I don't feel like driving today." He said. She sighed, glad he didn't seem to think much of it.

     Zelo cleared his throat before speaking any further. "So, are you going to the senior field trip thing tomorrow?"

     "Yeah. Everyone says it'll be fun." She smiled. "I'm looking forward to it! I have been on a field trip since freshman year." Hye Mi puffed up her cheeks and dropped the heat pack on her lap. She's been wanting to know the truth as to why he's been so mean to people and acting like a total loner. He never had done this when she was Hani. He was acting friendly towards her, but the old Zelo would have been more loud, smiled more and would constantly annoy her when she was feeling down. "Uhm... why do you act so cruel around people?" Hey Mi saw the way Zelo hung his head and she stopped herself from talking about it any further. "Er... sorry... it's not my business to know..."

     Zelo chuckled. "It really isn't. You're noisy, but I guess I'll tell you anyway," Zelo rested his elbow on his knee, then propped his head up with his palm, staring directly into Hani's eyes, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips.

     She blushed. Why does he look so cute right now??

     "There was this girl."

     Hye Mi's almost smile turned into a frown, her chest tightning and her shoulders slumped. A girl?

     "Hm... you could say I loved her."

     Stop it.


     Stop it, please...

     "And then, out of no where, when things were going great, she left me."

     Hye Mi's eyes began to water, but she tried her best not to cry.

     "Even after what she did, without saying goodbye and everything, I still love her."

     Jeez. Stupid bus, will you come already?? As if on cue, the bus rolled to a stop and Hye Mi sprang to her feet, jumping into teh over crowded bus. Zelo furrowed his eyebrows as he followed her in. She saw him come and she turned her back to him, covering her eyes so people didn't see her cry.

     "Holy... isn't that Kim Hye Mi??" A high school boy on the bus said.

     "!! It really is her!!"

     "She's so freaking beautiful..."

     "Hey, Min. Go ask her out, bro. I'll freaking pay you 100, 000 won if she says yes." The boy named Min smirked.

     "She'll say yes. If not, I can always force her." He chuckled, taking big steps towards Hye Mi, grinning with total confidence. But, before he could reach her, Zelo stepped in front of her, pulling her into a hug. He turned his head and glared at the boy.

     "Don't you think you're a little too unworthy for my girlfriend? Step away, little man." Zelo pushed Min's forehead with his pointer finger and he stumbled back, running back to his friends, who laughed at him.

     Hye Mi stood there, engulfed in his arms. She was so shocked that her tears stopped flowing. She became speechless. She was waiting for him to let go but he didn't.

     "I'm not going to keep holding you. So stop thinking about it." He whispered and his hands fell to his sides.

     What the- Did he just read my mind?? Hye Mi stepped back, feeling embarrasses and tripped, but Zelo caught her hand and pulled her forward.

     "Jeez, do you know how to stay put?!" He scowled, letting go of her hands.

     "Tch... of course not. I'm not a dog." She muttered. Zelo chuckled and sighed.

     "I heard that." He smiled down at her. "Mutt."





It took me a while to finish cuz i keep accidently pressing wrong buttons and it always directs me to the previous page without saving >.> So now i save like my freaking life depends on it!!!! it gets so irritating having to do the same thing over and over again, so to prevent that, i save at ever sentence lol

hmm... hope you enjoyed this chapter...

anyway, I'll most likely be updating again later this day, to make up for this short chappie ^^


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gaaaahhh, I'm so lazy!! No motivation... askdjfasdnvek I hope something great and big happens in my life to give me some ideas .__. I miss chu guys >.


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xsalmaax #2
how do u add books to ur library. im new and i really dont know how to add the books. can somebody plz help
Chapter 5: i am really enjoy this ! lots of feeellllzzzz!
Jennyskater #4
please update soon author-nim!! ^.^
Chapter 60: Awh! So cute! I love this Unnie! XD
Chapter 60: asdfghjkl;' the mom made things so awkward OTL
Chapter 61: Update please~! Your story is so interesting!! >U<
Chapter 61: happy birthday. my birthday is just around the corner and i feel so depressed because it will be like every year. noone will remember my birthday at school (not even my close friends) and then i feel even more depressed when i remember that i may not be allowed to have a small party for my sweet 16th! lol

anyway really good story and im hanging out to see what happens next!!!