The Loss


As each EXO and X-EXO fought it out the past members had to make their final sacrifice as X-EXO Tao came to the girls but was caught off by his own and EXO's Tao used his power and reversed time in order for EXO and the girls to escape but that didn't last long enough when Tao was cut off guard and X-EXO Baekhyun cut his arm off as Tao splattered his blood on him and turned to face the rest and horror in their faces when Kaiylynn broke free from EXO's Luhan and ran to Tao...

Luhan yells " KAIYLYNN NO!!!" Kaiylynn reaches for Tao and soon Kaiylynn reached Tao and covers his wound but blood was spilling out when Lay came and said " Kaiylynn I'll heal him... Tao don't die on us please I'll heal you I know I can!" Tao says in a faint voice " h..y..u..n..g.. I'm s..o..r..r..y!!"  Tao closed his eyes and dies right in Kaiylynn's arms... Kaiylynn cries hard knowing she had lost someone very important in her life...

Huang Zitao or just simply Tao... had died... now EXO are having a funeral in honor of him for his sacrificial life... EXO knows that he's in a better place... EXO Suho was getting angry for what X-EXO did to their kungfu panda (remember he's the one that has dark circles around his eyes making him look like a panda)... Suho knows that X-EXO Tao has to die... 

Suho can't anymore as he gets up and leaves when Rose asked " Suho oppa where are you going?" Suho said " to kill X-EXO Tao!" Rose stops him from going further and says " you know they'll kill you first and you'll be outnumbered if you go alone!" Suho knows that Rose is right... he can't go without s and being the leader means that he has to be there for them and the death of Tao... 

Kaiylynn sees Rose and Suho outside as she walks to where they are... Kaiylynn sees Suho walks by her and walks inside angered when Kaiylynn asked her sister " what's the commotion?" Rose says " Suho wants revenge for killing Tao!" Kaiylynn said " you know that won't be possible... the members are tired and if they go like that 11 coffins will be placed and what's left... just me and you alone facing X-EXO which we can't!" Rose places her arm on her shoulder when Kaiylynn screams in pain...

Kaiylynn never told anyone that X-EXO Baekhyun placed a micro chip in her shoulder blade as Rose asked " did X-EXO Baekhyun placed something?" Kaiylynn nods as she shows her sister the fresh cut and a wire connecting to a radio... Rose reaches for the radio and lucky them... the radio was turned off which means that Suho probably knew that something wasn't right...

Rose grabs her sister and walks inside and closes the door behind her... Rose and Kaiylynn walk into the living room and all the members turn to face Rose as she asks " did anyone of you see if X-EXO Baekhyun placed this crap on my sister?" Baekhyun rose his hand and said " X-EXO Baekhyun was planning to use Kaiylynn as bait so that they can get information and our plan to destroy us once and for all like how they did with Tao!" Kaiylynn heard static noise as Rose sees that it's trying to turn itself back on...

Baekhyun takes it out and soon the light flashed red meaning it's on and X-EXO are listening... Baekhyun quietly ordered Luhan to take out the chip from her shoulder while Kris and Suho held her down as Kai grabs a towel and whispers " don't muffle scream or else they'll hear you so try not to scream ok!" Kaiylynn nods... Kai places the towel between her white porcelain teeth while Lay comes with a knife (like the one that Michael Myers uses) and ever so gently he pierces through her shoulder blade as Kaiylynn closes her eyes...

Lay takes it out and places it on the table while Kris says " don't scream lady!" Kaiylynn glared at Kris when he grabs the towel and she let's go but didn't make a sound as he applies pressure while Lay heals her... Kai scans it and soon he finds a button which reveals a camera that's recording but all that X-EXO can get is Baekhyun's face as X-EXO Baekhyun said " well look who we have on camera!" Baekhyun looks and says " well if it isn't my twin!" X-EXO Baekhyun scoffed as the camera went to Kaiylynn showing his evil side the cut where they took off the chip...

X-EXO were angered as they see the chip on the table with the radio when Suho said " I'll have X-EXO Tao's head placed right next to this chip!!" Suho just made a threatened message to X-EXO when X-EXO Sehun bursted the front door as he makes his way... Sehun finds him and alerts everyone...

Suho grabs the knife quickly and gets in position... Baekhyun knows that X-EXO Sehun's life is played... EXO's Sehun said " hyung let me do it!" Suho nods and hands him the knife when X-EXO Sehun reaches to Kaiylynn who's sleeping on the couch he puts his gun away and carrys Kaiylynn but as soon he turns around Sehun slices through X-EXO Sehun losing his head as blood squirted everywhere... 

Now X-EXO are equal... 11 vs 11 who will be the sacrificial members?

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Update soon
Sounds interesting. I want to see where it goes. The concept is very intriguing.
It would be nice to see their two sides clashing