A Happy ENDING!!!




Kaylynn, Kaiylynn, Rose, and Taeyeon are now enjoying their sweet moments will Ally and Kaiylynn's first daughter Eiylanne Maire Kim which she's is now 16yrs old and now that she's seen the pups running and her first cousin is totally perfect... Eiylanne asks " auntie Kay may I hold her?" Kaylynn nods as ahe says " come sit by me!" Eiylanne sits by her aunt as Kaylynn passes Ally to her while Kaiylynn asks " how do you feel holding your cousin for the first time?" Eiylanne giggles knowing that she's happy...

At the park...

X-Sehun and Sehun were too busy chasing X-Kai and Kai who teased them with the girls they saw as Suho said " hey behave you 4!" The 4 of them stopped when X-Chen and Chen came with ice cream cones as they handed them their favorites... X-Baekhyun was sulking on the swing while Baekhyun walks over and asks " do you want to go home already?" X-Baekhyun nods when Baekhyun said " but we just got here and you want to leave!" X-Baekhyun said " well I miss Kaylynn and my daughter so badly!" Baekhyun grabs X-Baekhyun's hand and walks to where the rest are...

At home...

Lay and X-Tao were busy redecorating the basement while X-Lay was cleaning a dusty old room that happened to be a guest room... X-Luhan and Luhan were reorganizing a room while X-Xiumin and Xiumin were helping... lots of things are happening while the sisters are filling picture frames of them when they lived in outskirts of Pennsylvania... Kaiylynn asked " hey why don't we visit the place where we first lived?" Kaylynn was thinking about it as she nods with Taeyeon and Rose agreeing...

Kaylynn open the garage door and saw a old sports car that needed repair so the girls quickly got work as Rose said " hey I need a screw driver!" Taeyeon handed her one and tighten a bolt so that it doesn't get loose... Kaylynn worked on getting a engine in place as she says " move guys I have the engine on the chains!" The girls moved and Kaylynn places the engine as the 4 of them tighten... Kaiylynn grabs the keys and tries to start when it went "vroom vroom" the girls have successfully fixed a car... but one thing... it needs to be clean and filled with gas pronto...

The girls drove off and went to a gas station and filled the car up and gave it a nice car wash after that the car looked sparkly clean and filled up and off they go to Pennsylvania... 

The girls arrived to where they lived and saw the house there still as Kaiylynn parked it right in front as she turned off the engine and gets out while the rest gets out... the sisters walked together and open the door and saw it completely empty as Kaiylynn cried along with Kaylynn... then the girls went to the backyard as they see a mansion where X-EXO used to live as they walk there... Kaiylynn said " hey the leaves are still stained with blue berries!" The rest chuckled...

The girls arrived to the mansion and went in the backdoor and opens it... the sisters walked down the corridor where Kaiylynn and Rose were captured in the beginning as they opened the door and walked inside as they see the hallway as Taeyeon said " wow so this is where X-EXO used to live this place is amazing!" Kaiylynn opens the door where she was in and opens a drawer seeing the wig as she remembers that she wore a red wig and the one in her hand over the red one which she smiles and shows it to her sisters...

Rose asked " what's that on your hands?" Kaiylynn said " this was the wig I wore when I had the red one underneath it!" Rose said " well your going to have to throw it away for who knows how long it had been there!" Kaiylynn nods and finds a trash bin and throws it away when her cellphone rang and looked at the screen "X-Baekhyun" as she answers it " Hello".... "get...out...of...t..h..e...r...e...n...o...w!" Kaiylynn can barely hear him when they heard a door open as the sisters ran together to hide...

The sisters hide together in a closet as she lowered the volume on her phone as she answers " X-Baekhyun can you hear me?" ... "yes we are on our way to save you that person saw your car parked knowing your in there!" Kaiylynn wanted to know who's after them... Kaiylynn opens the closet door gently and peeks through when that man appeared again and closes the door gently as she looks at her sisters which they were frighten...

The person that is looking for the sisters is GOT7's Jinyoung... Kaylynn's ex-boyfriend as Jinyoung says " Kaylynn darling I know your in this house somewhere!" Kaiylynn diverts her attention to Kaylynn and asks " where in the hell you've met GOT7 Jinyoung?" Kaylynn said " I've met him since he was the one that had me all the time!" Kaiylynn said " well Jinyoung isn't going to have you since you have X-Baekhyun!" Jinyoung heard some noises in a room as he walks into the room and listens to the noises...

Taeyeon sees his presence and says " shush Jinyoung is approaching this way!" Kaiylynn and Kaylynn shushed their mouths when Jinyoung opens the closet doors when Rose jumps on him as she gets up and runs with her sisters as Jinyoung yells " I'VE FOUND YOU AND YOUR NOT GETTING AWAY FROM ME THIS TIME!" The sisters made it to the front door while Kaylynn unlocks it and out they go as Taeyeon closes the door and runs to the car but Jinyoung throws a knife at the car window making them fall out of the car... 

Kaiylynn sees a familiar van as she waves in front of it but Jinyoung sees her and Kaiylynn looks and dodges his stabs as the van pulled to a stop revealing X-EXO and EXO as they all got out and closes the door and run to the backyard where Jinyoung and the girls were... Jinyoung stabs Kaiylynn on the arm and moves the knife down her arm creating a long deep wound as she yells in pain...

X-EXO Kai said " HYUNGS GET KAIYLYNN, KAYLYNN, ROSE, AND TAEYEON OUT OF HERE ME AND MY HYUNGS WILL TAKE CARE OF HIM!!" EXO nods as they saw Kaiylynn holding her arm as blood oozes out... the sisters made past X-EXO who have Jinyoung held as captive....X-Baekhyun asked " anything to say before we end your life?" Jinyoung said " go to hell!" X-Baekhyun got out his pocket knife and grabs him by the hair and pulls the head back and slit his throat making the blood squirt on X-Sehun's face... 

The sisters opens the door to the van and they got inside but before Kaiylynn gets on she was pulled back by GOT7's Jackson as he says " look what you've done to Jinyoung!" Jackson grabs her and Kaiylynn sees Mark with a axe ready to chop her head off when she screams loudly making X-EXO and EXO run...

Jackson held her head down as Mark got ready when Mark looked and stopped dropping the axe to the ground as Jackson asked " why did you stop?" Mark pointed some people behind Jackson as he brings Kaiylynn up on her feet as he held her tightly with a pocket knife on her neck as he says " come any closer and she dies!" Kaiylynn looks at Chen and Chen gives her a nod as she understood when she bit Jackson's hand letting her go as Jackson dropped the pocket knife when Kaiylynn dove right in and grabs it pointing it to Jackson and Mark...

EXO and X-EXO stood behind her as she turned around having her back face them when Jackson said " give me my pocket knife back you !!" Jackson lunged at her as she turned around and Jackson made contact with his knife as she had her back against X-Chen who had his hands on her shoulders when she said " there's your knife back!" Jackson pulled away from her and looked down and saw his pocket knife pierced into his stomach as he pulled it out seeing his blood on it and there is only one thing to do...

Kaiylynn walks to the axe on the floor and picks it up and slowly walks to his right side while X-Baekhyun and Baekhyun held him down as Baekhyun lowered his head down when Kaiylynn aimed behind the back area of the neck and chops his head off making the blood squirt as X-EXO and EXO clap for her... Mark had some knives and threw one right towards Kaiylynn and pierced her back when X-Kai ran to her and Kai pulled the knife out while Suho and X-Suho took care of Mark...

12 years later...

Yes it has been 12 years and the growth of the children are amazing now Ally and Eiylanne are the ages of 18 and 23 which now they go to the same university together and as for the sisters and X-EXO and EXO well they all had their happy ending as they are looking at their beloved children now ready to face the world on their own... Eiylanne saw her mother as she runs to her and said " thank you for taking care of me!" Ally also saw her parents as she walks to them and says " well I'm happy that your finally are going to leave us!" Kaylynn said " hey don't forget we love you!" Ally smiles and hugs them both...

Kaiylynn said " behave your barely in your 20s and you need to focus on your life and school got it!" Eiylanne asks " when will we see you again?" Kaiylynn said " very soon!" Kaylynn pats Kaiylynn's shoulders meaning its time for them to leave... X-EXO and EXO had their stuff ready as they waved one last time to their kids and blowed kiss them as they get in the van...

Eiylanne and Ally were crying knowing that they might not see their parents but time will tell as they run to the van as they see it drive off the streets as it was getting smaller and smaller as they hugged each other and cried so hard...

Kaiylynn and Kaylynn were crying so hard as Taeyeon said " hey we can come and visit!" Kaiylynn nods when the van stops by the airport and the sisters got off but not for X-EXO and EXO as the sisters got their stuff off when Kaylynn asked " will we ever see you again?" X-Baekhyun nods and kissed her one last time as the sisters walk off as they waved goodbye knowing they are heading home...

The 4 sisters head inside as they got their tickets and aboard the plane which Taeyeon and Kaylynn got the seats behind Kaiylynn and Rose while Taeyeon asked " will dad let us visit or maybe live with them forever?" Kaiylynn said " I don't know will see when we get there!" Kaylynn nods while Rose held a picture frame of all of them together one last time...

The plane finally moved and went to the starting point and soon it took off and in the air it goes while Kaiylynn sees the van that X-EXO and EXO are as it got smaller and the sisters looked at each other and tears started to flow...


EXO and X-EXO saw the plane and then Suho started the van up and headed home... when the guys arrived at home, it felt empty without the sisters or their children around as for X-Baekhyun and Xiumin they were getting teary not having their presence around...

At Phoenix, AZ

The sisters arrived at the airport and saw someone familiar and it was none other than their precious father Yoochun Park as the sisters ran to him... Yoochun is proud having the quadruplets together as they walk together... Yoochun can't be any happier having his daughters back...

At the house...

The sisters awed at the place as they gathered their stuff and headed inside while Yoochun turns the light on and the girls were running around and missing their home and Yoochun said " hey no running around your not little kids... hey Kaiylynn Kaylynn Rose Taeyeon stop!" The sisters stop and diverted their attention to their father... Yoochun said " i shouldn't be chasing you anymore you 4 are adults so behave!" Taeyeon nudges Kaiylynn's shoulder as the 3 push her when Yoochun asks " Kaiylynn what's wrong?" Kaiylynn says " dad we want to speak with you!" Yoochun stops and walks to the living room as the rest follows...

Kaiylynn said " dad we love coming home but there is a part-" Kaiylynn was cut off when the power went out (remember in the beginning where it happened at the mall)... Yoochun went to go get some candles from the room as he came back he lit one up and Kaiylynn saw some candles and walks to the dining room and grabs the candle holder and Yoochun lit them up when Kaiylynn continues " ok so there's a part of us that wanted to live with the boys for the rest of our lives!" Yoochun asks " but you all don't want to spend time with me before you actually leave to live with them?" The sisters looked at each other...

Kaiylynn said " dad we will spend time with you... you're our father and that never changes!" Yoochun hugs Kaiylynn as the rest joined the hug... of course the girls wanted to spend some quality time with their father before leaving...

It was now the time that the sisters reunite with X-EXO and EXO and be with them for the rest of their lives as the sisters waved goodbye forever to their father as they came to the airport and quickly got their tickets and got on the plane and sat where they sat before and the plane soon took off...

The sisters arrived at their destination but it was empty so the girls were confused and they even tried calling their numbers but it seemed that they are disconnected so they got off from the taxi and paid for it and walked down the street from where they used to live and Kaiylynn made a stop and saw Baekhyun with a new girl holding hands and kissing in public while Kaylynn said " it looks like they've changed!" Kaiylynn nods as the sisters walked down with their suitcases as they passed Baekhyun with his new girlfriend...

Baekhyun saw and rubbed his eyes to see if he's hallucinating but no he wasn't... Baekhyun just seen the sisters go by but didn't pay attention as he now was grinding and with his girlfriend... the sisters stopped by a nearby house and called the number and the owner came and asked " so you like the house?" The sisters nod and the owner made them sign the papers and gave them the keys to the house and left...

The sisters lives are about to start since the world is changing and no their children haven't forgotten them as they came to the house that the sisters live in and when they knocked on the door revealing Kaiylynn as Eiylanne hugs her mother and tears flowed out like a river...

Ally runs to her mother and Kaylynn got shocked and hugged her daughter... Eiylanne asked " what made you come back?" Kaiylynn said " well our father which is your grandpa let us live on for the rest of our lives and you may know or not that the boys lives are changed!" Eiylanne nods as Ally said " oh Elly we have to get to class so we will see you later mom!" Kaiylynn and Kaylynn waves goodbyes to their daughters...

The sisters thought of walking down to the lake as they head out then they saw X-EXO and EXO with their new girlfriends as they walked without paying them attention...

The sisters arrived at the lake and the 4 of them sat on the bench holding their hands tightly as Kaylynn said " well its a fresh start for us!" They all nod as one muscular man approached them and offered his hand to Kaiylynn which not far from where they are EXO and X-EXO were watching since they broke up with the girls they have and now their hawk eyes are monitoring the sisters...

The man asked " will you become mine?" Kaiylynn looks to her sisters and nods when she gave him permission and the man kissed her while X-EXO and EXO had their blood boiling inside as they made way to them... Kaiylynn and the man were about to kiss again when X-Baekhyun placed his hand between and shooed the man away...

Kaiylynn said " what the heck are you doing?" Baekhyun comes and said " we hate it!" Kaiylynn sees Baekhyun and smiles while she runs to him and hugs him when Baekhyun picks her up and swirls her around while saying " I missed you!" Baekhyun says " I miss you too!" Xiumin comes and kisses Kaiylynn's lips... now the sisters and the boys are reunited and this time they won't separate ever again...

Few years have passed...

The sisters and the boys had one crazy adventure now that the sisters are now married to them... their lives are no longer shall be apart for they shall be creating another adventure but this time in the outskirts of Southern California where mysterious things have happened where X-EXO took their leave and become evil once more and now my friends the story shall repeat itself to where the girls shall once repeat before X-EXO and EXO fought for them into what this story was called......................


THE END..............


Whew I'm officially done my peeps and don't forget to comment to see if this story needs to be updated or not? Let me know in the comment section!!! Now where is Baekhyun... Baekhyun " you called me?" ​​​Yes I've called and what the heck your wearing? Baekhyun " oh this...um... I don't know!" ​​​better have it off cause this kitten is about to rock your world Mr. Byun! Baekhyun " OHHH YESSSS!!!" SO LONG MY FRIENDS HOPE YOU LIKE THE STORY!!! BYE BYE

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Update soon
Sounds interesting. I want to see where it goes. The concept is very intriguing.
It would be nice to see their two sides clashing