Morning (JeTi)


I don’t feel like getting out of a warm bed, but the body itself is ready to rise, and there’s no sleep anymore. Previously, it could also have been lying under the covers, just looking at the ceiling or somewhere to the side, now such happiness remains little. Work and household chores take all the time, and there is absolutely nothing left for yourself.

The alarm clock, which once again reminded me that I need to get up, was lazy, but still got up. Crumpled the bones, moved her shoulders, twisted her head, took steps towards the bathroom. I went to her, I open the door, but she does not open, closed, not understanding what happened, I try to open it when I hear a voice from the inside:

“I'm finishing now, Jesse.” 5 minutes and the bathroom is free.

Honestly, these words led into a stupor. Is Tiffany here? But how? If memory serves me right, we did not meet yesterday.

“Good morning, sleepyhead,” the girl greeted me, leaving the bathroom, surrounded by steam with the aroma of a tea rose. Refreshed, clean and fragrant, Tiffany hugged me around the waist, leaned over and kissed me gently on the cheek. Then she walked away from me and began to dry her hair with a towel.

“How did you get here?” - watching her hands.

“You let me in this morning.” We agreed to go for a walk in the park - Tiffany, as if nothing had happened, began to go into the room, continuing to blow dry her hair along the way.

- Have you agreed? When? - I had no choice but to follow her. - You and I have not called up for a long time.

- Yesterday, I myself was surprised when I saw your message in my mail.

- Message? - oh my god, that ill-fated message that I tried to send to Krystal came up in my memory. It was a long and painful test. Something could not be forwarded. And when, at last, I sent it, I received two answers “well, we'll meet in the morning”. I was still surprised why Tiffany answered me if I wrote to my sister.

- From your facial expression, I see that my guess was correct, you were not going to write to me - Tiffany somehow immediately went down and the movement became somehow constrained. Her smiley eyes, shining with happiness a few minutes ago, became sad, and I wanted to immediately return her joy.

- Well, what can you do, you are already here, let me take a shower now, have breakfast and go for a walk.

- Really, let's go? But what about the person to whom you wrote, I will not interfere? - the girl asked uncertainly, laying aside a towel and now standing opposite me with wet wavy hair. She was so beautiful, my heart was beating in my chest, how long had I not seen her like that.

“Krystal won't mind.” There is a lot of edible stuff in the fridge, I'll be there in 15-20 minutes.

As usual, taking a bath took a little more than 20 minutes, but when I got out, breakfast was already waiting on the table, and a nice girl in an apron was spinning in my kitchen.

Tiffany, it’s hard to admit even to herself, but now watching her, how she moves, how she sings in an undertone, how she tilts her head slightly to the side, how a joyful smile shines on her face, all this was terribly lacking.

- Well, let's try what you have prepared, I hope I don’t get poisoned - clapping her hands, hiding all emotions, I went into the kitchen and sat down at the table.

- Jessi, I cook better than you! - the girl laughed, turning to her voice. - Krystal called, I answered for you, and said that we were waiting for her. You know, she was not so surprised at me, how are you, what does this mean? “If only you knew what that meant, Tiffany, but I would never tell you that.” Only my sister knows this secret.

“It's just Krystal,” she shrugged indifferently, pushing the food dish closer, taking the fork, and starting to eat. “Tasty,” she simply answered, without going into details and without raising her eyes to her friend, who was expecting praise.

“Of course, delicious, because I was cooking for my beloved - shyly closing my eyes with my hands, whispered Tiffany. After a little pause, she added - This morning is such a clear, good start to the day.

“Yes, good weather for a walk,” I confirmed, saying nothing more, we began to wait for my sister.

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Jeti48 #1
Chapter 44: Hello... thanks for this story, its hard to read any jeti fanfic, but i hope u'll still write about them someday...
Chapter 1: This is cute!
These shots are cute! But maybe you could do some proof reading first? I have noticed numerous errors from your entries. They're good actually, plot wise, but could be better without the grammatical errors and misplacements which unfortunately ruins the story. I still like them though, more power to you! ♡