Ch. 30

Stockholm Syndrome

School was uncomfortable... It was so weird to be back, and feel like a normal teenager when nothing was normal anymore. I'd limp to my classes, due to the gunshot wound hurting my upper half and Jimin would claim as my bodyguard scaring anyone who so as looked at me.


The stares I'd get and the way people would whisper behind my back. I knew it was mostly from curiosity, but I felt like a freak. 


I missed about four months and the end of the last semester was nearing. May was ending and June will soon start.


I didn't have to do much academically, since I had already finished important classes early. Though English, and extra curricular activities is what I needed to get into the different universities.


"Can you guys shut the up?" Jimin yelled on my behalf to two girls talking behind us in class.  


"Let it go." I whispered to him. I had heard what they were saying. The two weren't really discreet when saying my name, and I rolled my eyes. 


The girls stiffened and looked down looking at their classwork which I was having trouble catching up on. 


"They should have something better to talk about." He said loud enough for everyone to hear, forcing me to turn pink in embarrassment and slump down in my chair.


Shortly afterwards, the bell rang and I jumped out my seat not even waiting for Jimin. 


"Wait kookie!" Jimin ran after me catching up out of breath. 


"Why are you doing this?" I hissed, frustrated.


"Doing what." He ran his handa through his hair. 


"Babying me. Watching over me. Like I appreciate it bro, I really do but you're drawing way more attention to me than I want." 


He looked hurt and I softened. 


"Jimin I'm sorry. I- I'm just so uncomfortable. And I feel awkward." 


We walked to the lockers in silence. 


"Nothing will happen to me. I promise." I gave him a small smile and parted from him walking to my next class. 


By the end of the day I was in the office requesting to do school online at home. There was no way I'd be able to catch up on my own. My principal accepted my requestion confirming that by the end of next week I'd be able to do home school. 


He didn't bring up the situation, but I could tell he wanted to say something.

so I thanked him and left before he could. 




My parents were sitting on the couch arguing when I got home. 


"Let's not say anything." I heard my father demand. 


"He came for Jungkook, he'll obviously come for us."


The moment I heard my name I froze, and home didnt feel like home anymore. It felt like a prison. 


"Mom, Dad?" I said walking to where they were seated. 


They both shut up and plastered smiles on their faces. "You're home from school? We were just-." 


"Talking about Yoongi and Taehyung right? They told me everything." I said frowning. 


My father cursed. "We didn't want to say anything." 


I shrugged. "Well you're going to have to start." 


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