Ch. 34

Stockholm Syndrome

The day I got my own apartment was the last day I had at school. 


I walked to school on my own though I knew Officer Namjoon and Seokjin were somewhere close. They promised not to show up at school so that the attention would be on me. Jimin ran up to me before school while I was getting my books for the first block. "Kookie are you okay?" He said eyeing me. I gave him a small smile. "I'm fine. Why?"


He lowered his head. "People were saying you had gotten arrested I was so worried." 


I rolled my eyes. Rumors spread so fast. "They were asking me questions about a case." 


Jimin sighed in relief pulling me into a hug. ". I was scared." 


I laughed. "Don't believe that people say. I'm fine." 


He stared at me. "Its weird, you know? Not seeing you for about four months and have you appear out of nowhere." 


I swallowed. "Nothing happened." I promised. "Though, I'm not coming to school anymore." 


We walked side by side. 


"What, why?" 


"My grades. I need to get them up before graduation. So I'm doing them online." 


He pouted. 


"Plus, Everyone here keeps giving me weird looks, like I returned from the dead." I added. 


"Is there anything I can do?" He asked. 


I shook my head, and then bell rang. "Wait!" 


Jimin turned around. 


"After school, I'm going to move into my new apartment but afterwards can you take me to the hospital?" 


He squinted his eyes in confusion. "Sure." He agreed anyways. 




My parents had given me a whole house to live in. It was pretty big for just me but I unpacked anyways. 


There wasn't much to put away except for some clothes in the closet and a new bedspread. Little things that made me feel like myself...


After a while I got a message from Jimin asking where my new address was. I texted it to him and waited... 




"This isn't an apartment." He looked around the house in awe. 


"Its only temporary but feel free to come whenever you want." I sighed. 


My parents gave me a house just one complex beside theirs so that way I'm not too far away. Though, the house was big, I don't have much use for it yet. Jimin's eyes raked the already set up furniture and devices. 


"Where's the kitchen?" He asked immediately and I chuckled. 


"There's no food in there." 


He frowned and I grabbed his wrist. "Let's just go to the hospital before visiting hours are up." 


On the ride to the hospital, I realized I haven't seen Jin or Namjoon all day. It made me feel a bit uneasy, and I gulped. Would they be pissed if they knew where I was going? Officer Namjoon probably would've. 


Jimin walked in with me weaving past distraught people in the waiting room. It wasn't entirely packed but it was still annoying to push past others. I got up to the front desk and the lady gave a big yet stressed smile. 


"How may I help you?" Her voice was sweet. 


I gulped nervously and grabbed Jimin's hand for moral support feeling the strength surge within me. "Taehyung... I'm here to a Kim Taehyung." 


She typed something on her computer. "3rd floor, room 308." 


I thanked her silently and kept on to Jimin's hand as I took the elevator up to the third floor. 


I should've been alarmed by the unusual amount of officers in the hallway, but I just wanted to see Taehyung. 


Nearing his room door, I saw my two least favorite officers talking in hushed tones. 


"Guys?" I asked rushing up to them. 


Jin took notice of Jimin behind me to which my friend just bowed nervously. 


"Whats going on?" I said not seeing a doctor in sight. 


My question was soon answered when two officers held Tae with his hands behind his back with handcuffs. 


"Why is he getting arrested?" I asked desperately trying to get to him. Namjoon stepped in my way and I saw Tae's head lift up from the sound of my voice. 


"He admitted to kindnapping you Jungkook its okay." Jin said soothingly. 


"No!" I yelled as they took him away in the opposite direction. I grabbed Jimin's arm. "He didn't kidnap me." 


Namjoon sighed. 


"You don't understand. I love him." I whispered gripping onto Jimin tightly. "One of you better get him the out of there because he did nothing wrong."


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