Ch. 12

Stockholm Syndrome

Taehyung hooked up a DVD player to the television and showed me the options. 


"Most of these are English..." 


"They have Korean subs." 


"Black." I pointed to the korean show with a mysterious cover. I took it from his hands and placed it in the DVD player hr had set up. When I turned around, Taehyung was already in the bed. 


"What are you doing?" I asked squinting my eyes.


"I'm going to watch the movie with you." He smiled patting the empty space next to him. 




"Isn't that what couples do?" 


I shrugged. "I dont know you killed my girlfriend before I could find out." 


I could see Taehyung wince and then ignore the statement alltogether. He didn't look like he was ready to move anytime soon so I got under the covers praying our body didn't touch.


He turned off the overhead light before the show started. 


The characters Han Moogang and Ha Ram were introduced and the deeper the story went the more interested I was. 


I felt Taehyung shift and suddenly his arm was around me. 


I narrowed my eyes but didn't move, and then butterfly kisses were being felt on my neck. I scooted over and glared at him, though he probably couldn't see my expression in the dark.  


"Stop." I instructed. 


"I'm sorry, I couldn't help it." He let out a rich chuckle. We watched as the next episode started playing. Han Moogang had died and was replaced with 444 which was depressing on my end. 


"So you really dont want to kiss me." 


"No." I stated firmly planting my eyes on the screen. 


I hardly noticed him scoot over towards me. 


"Please. Just one?" At this point I laughed. Was he seriously begging me for a kiss? 


"What do I get out if it?" I smirked. 


"You get the best kiss if your life." 


Stupid arrogant son of a bi- 


"Fine. One kiss." 


Before I knew it my chin was in his hands and his lips connected with mine. A split second later I pulled back. "There." I said.  


"What? That's not a kiss!" Taehyung whined.


I shrugged. "Our lips touched dude, no homo." 


I heard shuffling and he was on me. His weight being held up by his arms on the bed. The flashing lights on the screen allowed me to see his face a little more clearly. 


His smooth sculpted face. I closed my eyes and didn't stop the inevitable. His lips touched mine yet again but it was soft and gentle. I found myself kissing back against my own moral will. 


Slowly he pushed his tongue in to meet mine and the kiss became rough and needy. I grinded against him and a beautiful low moan escaped his red lips. 


I could feel him grow hard under me and my eyes opened wide. I stopped moving and pulled away from the kiss breathing heavily. 


He rolled off of me probably understanding this was my limit. I didn't say anything, for the rest of the episode and nothing as the next episode came on. I glanced over to Taehyung wondering as to why he didn't have any snarky comeback to find out he was fast asleep. His head was laying limp on his arm and he looked peaceful. 


I touched my own lips in confusion. 


Next thing I knew, I had the television turned off and I snuggled under the covers next to his sleeping figure. 


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