Ch. 7

Stockholm Syndrome

I had set up the Xbox and everything by myself. He had WiFi, but I couldn't connect it because I needed a password, which because I could've somehow used it to get help. That was my plan after all.

It was unhealthy. The way I was living. He'd come down and give me food, whether it was Chinese food, or McDonald's or fried chicken and then I'd waste my days on the Xbox.

The door above the stairway opened one day and Taehyung walked down with a toolbox box in hand.

"I'm here to fix the stove so you can cook sometime."

I paused the game I was playing and sighed. When was he going to release me... Or kill me. It was torture being stuck here and not being able to be free. I felt like a prisoner.

"You said you liked to cook, right?" He moved over to the rusty stove that was directly underneath the single window I couldn't reach. "I'll be back later with some pots and ingredients that you can use tomorrow."

He moved swiftly to the stove and sat on the ground in the Indian position. He had this small smile on his face that made me smile myself. Taehyung seemed like such a quiet independent person. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"W- why do you love me?" I asked nervously. I've never had someone confidently talk to me so blatantly about love before. My girlfriend never even uttered those words to me, however, I didn't say them to her either.

Taehyung turned around to face me.

I stood up consciously rubbing the back of my head. "Well, you said you love me. Why me? What makes me so special?"

He walked to me and I backed up. "Please," I whispered hoping he'd stay where he was, a foot ahead of me. The moment my foot hit the wall I knew I was backed into a corner and Taehyung was standing in front of me.

I shut my eyes and prepared for the worst and I felt the smallest tug barely touching the end of my hair. I still kept my eyes shut tight even though I felt his breath ghost over my neck. "You're special to me." Was his answer.

I felt a finger run down my arm to my sides and the smallest pecks from soft lips on my neck to collarbone. Taehyung shuffled away from me grabbing my hand and pulling me to the bed and I panicked.

"STOP!" I screamed pushing him away. "STOP PLEASE." Tears welled up clouding my vision. I pulled myself to the headboard afraid of him. "Don't."

"Jungkook I won't ever touch you." He called loud enough for me to stop blubbering. He his lips. "Until you love me, I won't touch you."

I sniffed, looking at him with disgust. "I'll never love you."

Taehyung looked down but didn't comment.

"The day I met you..." He began after a while.

I wiped my eyes quickly.

"The day I met you, something bad happened. I was on the verge of breaking, I wanted to die for real this time. I walked in the store and you spilled your drink on me." He laughed a little small yet depressing laugh.

"I thought the day couldn't get any worse, but then I saw your face. It was a weird feeling like... Like everything was gonna be okay."

I felt a sudden sense of guilt rush through me and I wanted to apologize, but didn't.

"I stalked you afterward." He admitted, proving what I thought were coincidences, weren't. "Every time I saw you, I'd get a sense of pride and happiness. I'm sorry I took you from your life."

I held on to the pillow beside me and watched him get up to the stove to finish his mission. I really wanted to apologize, but I still didn't.

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Chapter 41: IT'S SO GOOD< OMG
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